Why has country music been destroyed, Jow Forums...

why has country music been destroyed, Jow Forums? i turned on CMT today and it was full of pop bullshit with meaningless lyrics and i even saw one video with some nigger singing about an "old town road" and wearing gucci cowboy hats. has one of the last bastions of white culture been officially pozzed?

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Who tf listens to country music?

>why has country music been destroyed, Jow Forums? i turned on CMT today and it was full of pop bullshit with meaningless lyrics and i even saw one video with some nigger singing about an "old town road" and wearing gucci cowboy hats. has one of the last bastions of white culture been officially pozzed?
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, dumbed-down, easily controlled subdued sheep. They make up 1.4% of the US population and .0025% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

“A celebration of the jewish people”:

Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why we are in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale: Anti-White Advertising

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

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why is blah blah blah

jews are 1.4% and 0.0025% of the US and world populations

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jews. at least you guys had decent country music that wasn't just making fun of accents.

welcome to the United Businesses of America™

>singing about an "old town road"
He’s taking his horse to the hotel room retard

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you guys always ask for Jow Forums approved music
well here you fucking go


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because white people are going extinct and money cant be made off them anymore because they are a minority now.

The thing I like most about that song is that it's less about communists and more about our own government's destruction of the futures of our children.

We're the United Slave States of Israel, and don't forget it you stupid ass goy.

Ultra normies.

slave? you mean an employee?

based and commiepilled

Country music died with George Jones. It is all garbage now.

country has always been garbage you are shit

bob wills, johnny cash, willie/woody/waylon, alan jackson.
what else do you want?
of course the contemporary shit is kiked.

There are errors in this infographic. I see a number of supposed Jew's who are not actually Jewish at all.

> Edwin Catmull of Pixar

Is just one of many examples. Raised as a member of the Letter Day Saints, ie. Mormon. He is not Jewish.

You’re about 20 years too late my man

My friend's older brother is a country music star one of the biggest right now
he wasn't winning any awards until he did a free concert to benefit the synagogue shooting in pittsburgh
after that a grammy, ACMs and all kinds of awards
he's mixed race too btw but is 75% white

>why has country music been destroyed, Jow Forums? i turned on CMT today and it was full of pop bullshit with meaningless lyrics and i even saw one video with some nigger singing about an "old town road" and wearing gucci cowboy hats. has one of the last bastions of white culture been officially pozzed?

White men are literally TOO STUPID to build mass media companies. I mean, seriously are you fucking kidding me? Building a mass media company is literally one of the easiest entrepreneurial things you can do because it's been done 10,000 times...and yet, white men can't build a single fucking one. Pathetic.

You deserve your culture to be shitted on for the reason I just explained. Go cry your bitch-made self somewhere else. I don't care.

turn this on, now.

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right. whats he called?

dan from dan and shay


Like rock, the only good stuff you're gonna hear ain't on the radio/tv

There's still good artists out there, you just have to look for them

I narrowed it down to dan+shay. There’s two members and one looks about 1/4 native which means Hispanic mix

he's actually 25% japanese

Did he think anything of the coincidence of him doing the benefits concert and all the awards start rolling in? Did he make the (((connection)))

I joke with my friend all the time, but I haven't hung with his brother in 2 years or so
he has a great management team they know the connections

This has been going on for years. Its why hardly anybody listens to modern day music. The zog infiltrated nashville and are pushing niggers, techno, pop, rap, and soon sand niggers into the music. Probably will soon have spic country singers and trans line dancing. Most gave up on modern music years ago.

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uncucked whites



wow, you're so cool, this is what tattooed roasties that share vice news articles on social media about weird sex listen to.

old town road is a good song fuck off

alright fair enough

>nigga nigga nigga
>fuck yo homie
>nigga nigga

>nigga nigga nigga nigga
>drop out of school nigga
>get dat EBT nigga nigga

t. goldstein labels™

>Jow Forums is a manipulation psyop website, leave it, let it collapse

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White people like me

These fucking Jew nigger cunts removed all of the Johnny Rebel's songs from YouTube. Wow. Fucking hell.

The four hundred pound woman I work with who goes to a country bar each weekend to line dance

Country went to shit thanks to electronics, looping music took away the soul. Same with most rock. Also, music has become programming instead of art. It's produced by the same (((bunch))) then a face is slapped on it and it's sold as music. It's not created by different artists, but by the same few programmers in each area that compose songs together for all the pop/country/rap shit that gets pumped out.

based and true

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>Country went to shit thanks to electronics
Country went to shit thanks to black culture appropriation

It started with the Dixie Chicks, OP.

Turn it off then.
Sturgill Simpson
Eric church
Feed them and country will be ok.

Driving down the highway with my drunk uncle in his pickup truck with the gun rack in the back window through the Tennessee hills, 8 years old, and this song was playing on the radio. Not an 8-track, cassette, CD, but the fucking radio. I miss old America. Gone but not forgotten niggas.


Who cares, country has been dead for a couple decades now. Anyone listening to "country music" that came after the 1990's has shit taste and should kill themselves pronto (I say the 90's because a lot of the greats were still putting out good stuff by then). I was flipping around sirius xm the other day and I landed on a 'country' channel, they were playing some Merle Haggard so I left it. Once Merle's song ended I shit you not the next song that came on started off with a rap beat that sounded straight off fl studios but it had an almost inaudible acoustic guitar throughout so I guess since it had that it classifies as country... It wasn't that new nigger meme shit everyone keeps spamming, it was some other guy singing. That shit literally made me physically ill.

Don't really like him. As far as new artists go, I'm more of a Cody Jinx or Shooter Jennings person myself

And this guy predicted it all

What white people actually listen to.


Well this is awful

I like nas X. :( good mix of country and hip hop. It's a song about red dead redemption 2.

It was basic. Sure nice beat and some nice singing and the beginning. But that fucking black dude "ryghming" was horrible and shitty.

I don't get you guys. You guys like country music and black metal. Which both are horrible. And you guys hate grunge? Fuck you guys.

Cute white girls who do crossfit.

shut the fuck up commie

Foreign women are made for old white men.


What the fuck.

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Saturday night Jow Forums theme song

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Today's country consists of nigger loving all around, from literal rap music mixed with country, and country singers trying to imitate nigger women singers. Chris Stapleton sure has been getting a lot of attention, on youtube every nigger on the platform just has to do reaction videos of him singing like a nigger women gospel singer. I wonder how much attention he'd still get if those reaction niggers realized that that 'Tennessee Whiskey' song he did was a cover of a song originally performed by a guy who says the word "nigger" in a few of his songs?

Look at all the lack of diversity. Is that a meeting of the clan or maybe some evil nazi thing?

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because all american music is jewish brainwash garbage

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Mamas, don't let ya babies grow up to be goyim...

Song about Amsterdam. Yeah, that the flag of Amsterdam looks like the logo of a porn site.


>all american music is jewish brainwash garbage
Sure about that?

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If you remove all jewish influences you get something like this


Shut the fuck up, hippie

Garth Brooks killed country

I like songs about cities.


I hate country music

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Ridin' on a tractor
Nigger I'm a real cracker
Shekels in my bank account
Crack pipe in my lap, sir

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me too! let's be friends

This song is unironically more country than 99% of the shit that plays on "country" stations.

But French speakers sing mean songs about us.


This MF'er gets it.

This guy is the best. Fuck man.

isn't it difficult to sing sincere country music with all this urbanisation?

Because it's boring and stupid and gives no vibes.Listen to some real music youtube.com/watch?v=FqILSoSvrpI

Prepare for real nazi music


american country music died a long time ago, and the new generation of singer and band mix the real country music with ((((suburban shit))).
unironically, canadians has some good country music actually.

>hehehe memes
stupid fucking zoomer. glad you're all going to die of aids.

CMT is controlled by (((Sumner Redstone)))

fuck off jew

Good country is still out there. You just gotta look for it.


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Not because of memes,because of good old childhood memories with such songs,I know them before to discover internet and before to become a thing worldwide because of memes,my countryside house is full with those cassette tape from Baja Mali Knidza,Lepi Mica,Roki Vulovic,Sveto Jovanovic and etc...

We all know the music of America is Mexican.


You know what the problem with American music is? The high barrier of entry. Only commercially approved music makes it.

"Makes it" to Europe maybe. There are great local bands in any American city and great bands that don't get major exposure because (((they))) see no way of using them for their subversion.


That band tours all over around here and are great live.

i fukken love this song....

Filthy normies

this is some pretty gay hipster faux-bluegrass. i bet they're from portland.

Jews. It is literally always the Jews.

>We all know the music of America is Mexican.
>lost street band
good taste lad

normalfags and friendly rednecks