Why has country music been destroyed, Jow Forums...

Good country is still out there. You just gotta look for it.


Attached: LostDog1.jpg (711x948, 48K)

Not because of memes,because of good old childhood memories with such songs,I know them before to discover internet and before to become a thing worldwide because of memes,my countryside house is full with those cassette tape from Baja Mali Knidza,Lepi Mica,Roki Vulovic,Sveto Jovanovic and etc...

We all know the music of America is Mexican.


You know what the problem with American music is? The high barrier of entry. Only commercially approved music makes it.

"Makes it" to Europe maybe. There are great local bands in any American city and great bands that don't get major exposure because (((they))) see no way of using them for their subversion.


That band tours all over around here and are great live.

i fukken love this song....

Filthy normies

this is some pretty gay hipster faux-bluegrass. i bet they're from portland.

Jews. It is literally always the Jews.

>We all know the music of America is Mexican.
>lost street band
good taste lad

normalfags and friendly rednecks