What is the US going to do about climate change?

We could deport 11 million illegals and that would help our environment immensely. Imagine how much they fart.

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1 post by this ID , I'll wait patiently for you to answer the points raised in the video i posted even though I'm pretty certain you will remain silent. Climate science is flawed, prove me wrong.
Protip, you can't

Climate is constantly in fluctuation, my idiot friend. At no point in human history was there a stable climate that lasted more than a couple hundred years at the most, and even shorter than that on average. Cosmic microwave radiation, axial precession, and unpredictable effects of fluid dynamics are responsible for these changes, whether they be gradual or immediate. The main issue with fossil fuels IMHO is the energy monopoly which arrests our economic and scientific development, and pollution caused by their mining and refinement. A much more pressing issue than "climate change" is the quality of our air and water.

>cali sinks
>miami sinks
>new york sinks
>alaska gets more land
nigga we need to accelerate it not stop it

Why use discord at all? They are awful in every way and having to hide from them is pathetic. Self-host a Riot.im server. If organization is your goal you will never be able to do it on (((their))) platforms. You may as well organize an assassination with bulletin boards

Increase oil production and let the good times roll

Also we burn off enough natural gas to power the entire nation every day so fuck you hippie

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