Where can I find girls that look like this? I find the Russian/Japanese mix to be one that is damn near perfect...

Where can I find girls that look like this? I find the Russian/Japanese mix to be one that is damn near perfect. I also posted this on Jow Forums. I am desperate last Ukrainian/Japanese girl I met on here ghosted me. Why can I not just settle for a Stacy? Why so specific?

Attached: b8378320ec6296ecd98ef6bf1df4059d.jpg (1280x851, 187K)

Siberian far east, that's the only real place that they intermix. Vladivostok might be a good place to start your search.

If you want to find any girls at all, it's simple. Just go outside of your house. Go to a coffee shop or even the store

Wish I had money to travel over there. I am currently in university.

Everyone where I'm from is either white or a minority.

probably kazakhstan

can I get some more photos of girls like this? asking for a friend.

I tell you user, East Slavic/Japanese women are perfect.

Attached: 06e.jpg (680x453, 25K)

The pic you posted is a minority, you mong.

She does not look ugly like one.. So what is not clicking?

>A half-japanese half-russian person isn't ugly therefore isn't a minority.
You need to get your head checked.

I know, but she does not look disgusting like the minorities I have seen is what I am saying.

I can't be the only one who thinks this looks really photoshopped?

Probably is, still do not care.

You're not after this specific type of girl, you're after girls who look photoshopped. They don't exist btw

I have met one of them that looks like that not photoshopped. Try again.

You're not far off actually; slav + japanese results in dark eyes, non-asian eyelids, soft white facial features and white skin. Basically the beauty ideal many many Asian women go to plastic surgeons for.

You may get lucky in the Czech Republic, at least in Prague. Japan has good political ties there, some Japanese dude even managed to make a career in politics here. But it's still going to be a rare mix, Czechs prefer to be among themselves (isolationism is probably the one characteristic we share with Japan).

Toronto or London or any big Western city with a large east Asian population

lol this girl isn't japanese mixed. She's just a Russian weeb.

This, Russian girls are really really cute at times. I had an LDR with one and she was super cute, as cute as the girl in OP. But she ended it because we lived too far. I miss her

Where can I find girls like these?

I'm russia
North east asia

>Just go outside of your house. Go to a coffee shop or even the store
That still won't find him the type of girl he's looking for if he isn't in the right part of the world for it.

She still looks how Russian/Japanese people look like though

>Where can I find girls that look like this?
Why do you want a girl like this?

She looks my female version, you can find tbem in white areas of brazil

I don't think he's looking for insectoids, every pic he shown is from a white girl, not by a fucking mile a jap

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California has the highest population of Asians and mixed asians, irvine california is 4.1% mixed asian the highest in the US.

los angeles and san francisco

look for universities in the US with a large asian population all the UC schools like UC Berkeley or UCSD