Why is this wrong?
Why is this wrong?
Because women cannot be held accountable for their actions
Look at her. Are you really surprised someone who looks like that thinks that the porn actresses are the victim in this scenario?
Why is this on Jow Forums?
>I'm actually asking because I want to know, it's some kind of help
No you're not, and it's not. Go away.
Based Chinese
found the whore
It's not wrong. It's using public media and information to hold people accountable.
That roastie is upset because she thinks women shouldn't be shamed for past sexual degeneracy.
still waiting on it to go public
Trips of toasting roasties lmao get fucked whores (oh wait, they do)
ding ding ding
We have a winner, folks!
lurk moar
halal numbers
he was jew'd hard after that post and so he >shut it down
as usually happens when jews are around
These programmers are heroes of man-mankind, only rosties will hate them, moral and beautiful women will praise them
because it's an invasion of privacy.and some porn pics and videos were posted without consent.
put it this way: if this was a thing for both genders,how would you feel user if a male in a porn video looked exactly like you? And a prospective date, employer, etc. found it?
any guy who starred in a porno would let you know before you even think about asking
>because it's an invasion of privacy.and some porn pics and videos were posted without consent
>it's an invasion of privacy to know your future wife is a whore and used good
>if this was a thing for both genders,how would you feel user if a male in a porn video looked exactly like you?
It would be even better for men since women ate hypergamous whores that are attracted to desired men, the more a man is perceived as desired the more women will want to fuck him
It's depressing how people still believe men and women are equal
>put it this way: if this was a thing for both genders,how would you feel user if a male in a porn video looked exactly like you? And a prospective date, employer, etc. found it?
I guess it wouldn't be so great because my arm would get tired from all the high fives?
i don't think it's wrong. not on some moral reasons but people simply have to learn that uploading pictures of your face anywhere means you can get identified. i think it's also kind of funny but i totally wouldn't be laughing if i was one of the girls. it was bound to happen one way or another. in a way, it's good that these things happen because it teaches us the rules about the internet and how we should use it
Should've not done that porn or take those pics then?
You know, think beforehand before doing something that may negatively effect you in future.
But I guess that's too hard and responsebility is not a thing.
>invasion of privacy
>agreeing to film yourself having sex for public viewing
actions have consequences.
and genders flipped i'd probably be in a better situation than i'm in now tbqh
whatever actions you make that appears out to the the open public is for the open public to see. If you can't handle that, then that is a big red flag
>if this was a thing for both genders
I fuck you ching chong style.
I scramble egg in your hot wok!
I reveal my firm chop stick!
I place inside of you my essence!
I'd be impressed if I saw anyone looking like me do porn.
Not wrong just look at that bitch
Why Is this on adv tho
And worse, that men aren’t allowed to have an opinion about it.
Nice spin.
People are giving away very sensitive material without any contract or way to enforce that contract thus giving full control of said sensitive material. Then they are shocked it is leaked when they betray the holder of the sensitive material?
People can act like revenge porn is the biggest crime there is, but it is easy to prevent and it doesn't just happen in a vacuum.
What the guy in the OP did has nothing to do with that. He is just linking fake names to real names to test his facial recognition software. Using porn actresses and social media just gives publicity to something that is boring otherwise.
If my friends or employer thought I had sex, my life would be easier it wouldn't be harder at all.