Men with shit jobs: when you approach women and they ask what you do for a living, do you tell the truth?

Men with shit jobs: when you approach women and they ask what you do for a living, do you tell the truth?

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obviously not. why do they need to know?
If and when it gets more serious i'll give them a more serious answer.
If I have no intentions of keeping them on, tell them some real bullshit.

A shit job is better than no job, user. Plenty of retail doomers are dating and banging hot as fuck girls.

Im there to fuck them, no to tell my past experience
So I think of the most useless job someone can have and I tell them that
Last time it was beach sweeper

Not like she's gunna fuck me anyways, what use is it lying?

if you are

Only if you have plans to get a better job. Everyone is trying to avoid living in poverty.

But doctor... I am 27.

I would, I can't lie about stuff they really want to know about me. If you don't want to lie then don't bother talking to them and better yourself if you're ashamed doing what you do for a living.

Sure, it is decent wage for one person by my countrys standards and 5 hours of 8 I do nothing in my shift.