Restaurant employee
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i swear to god these people dont know how to act
she's HOT ... (the anchor)
rule #1 of safari: don't step out of the car
>*chimp noises*
>throw hands at news crew
"Get your hands off me."
All niggers know is violence. Even the nigger uninvolved in this gets violent instead of just walking past the camera
Niggers. Ami right?!
I went an IHOP once in upstate New York. I liked it
>sticks big ass camera into your face
>slaps camera
Both sides are pretty pathetic.
Denny's is crappy ass restaurant but it's my crappy ass restaurant. It's supposed to be my sanctuary. Now nigger employees and customers took over.
And, how.
>>metro atlanta denny's
>>tv station acts surprised at indignity
You are not wrong
Fucking niggers. I bet none of them got fired and the news guys cucked out on pressing charges for assault.
Community, you mean, or at least some fascimilie of one. They all band together against the outsiders. Even those completely uninvolved see a 'groid in need and join the defense.
Must be nice.
The nog cries out in pain as it strikes you
Someone give me a different link
CBS is cancer.
anyone else get the urge to colonize this negress?
Metro Atlanta tells you everything...
>let me film you
>filming me
>punching you in the face
If niggers had a single skill it's making sure things are documented. Especially if they are breaking the law at that time.
Niggers are the destroyers of civilization.
>METRO Atlanta
That's the real story here. This wasn't the inner city, it was the suburbs. More and more suburbs are becoming ghettos. Gentrification is speeding up the process but even without goyboys moving into cities, blacks were already creeping out into suburbs. If you want a nice quiet crime free life, the suburbs are increasingly becoming the wrong place for that.
das right...wypipo are evil and of the seed of the devil
>my son right here you bitch ass nigga
>shoves npc
Ga user here.Atlanta grows another mile in diameter every year. Outer towns are doing everything they can to keep MARTA and the diversity it brings away but it keeps getting closer.
Having worked in restaurants, I actually like what the nogs did.
Denny's has their own HR team that deals with this shit and since it is a 24 hour restaurant with lots of part timers, pinning responsibilities can be difficult.
And then you have a newsreporter come in with a camera crew come in during a time when things are a bit stressful for everyone and publicly announcing out loud all the health code violations where customers can hear you. The reporters probably think they are heroes uncovering scandal, but everyone who has worked in a restaurant would see those guys as out of touch douchebags trying to one up others for ratings.
There is a health code out the door for people to see and most businesses have a no soliciting rule, what makes these guys so special that they can come in?
But man, nogs acting like nogs is always embarassing, even when they are rightfully nogging out.
>”My son right here. If you film me with that Fucking camera I’m going to knock you’re ass out. And I Fucking promise you that. My fucking son right here son. Don’t do that shit because I’ll knock your ass out,” A Denny’s employee said. “I don’t give a fuck. My son right here you bitch ass nigga.”
Don’t film me talking like a degenerate in front of my son!
niggers aren't people
>Watching talmudvision
Yes and no...on the one hand, it was inappropriate to a degree to show up out of nowhere like they did, on the otherhand these niggers are endangering the public by their health code violations. People have a right to know.
Maybe we pay terrorists to nerve gas Atlanta. Win/Win.
>t. Chang, Denny's shareholder
MARTA has expanded since North Springs in 2000. Niggers can get cars for next to nothing and don't give a shit about having insurance. The cancer spreads due to Section 8, decaying properties, and fear of being called racist. Even Forsyth county is starting to become black and is already much more Hispanic than outsiders imagine. Glad we have pretty good self defense and carry laws but another ten years and Georgia is in danger of falling to people of color. Ironically, the City of Atlanta might actually be majority white by then but they'll all be leftists so it won't matter.
>We have no comment. Call corporate hq.
There, was that so difficult?
Fuck that restaurant. Are you kidding me? Fly eggs in the meat and cheese. That is fucking discusting.
Atlanta is too spread out for that to work. The metro CSA is over 10,000 sq miles. Even with nukes you'd need multiple hits. What Atlanta and the South in general needs is more rope.
>when things are a bit stressful
Nigger, there were only like 2 tables occupied.
Mainstream media endanger the public with their sensationalism all the time but breaking in to the studio while they are live Laura Loomer style is just nogging.
These people are highly trained members of a huge media company. You use the ambush tactic when all other options are exhausted. Knowing Denny's employees, they tend to be poorly trained and its a revolving door system so I will excuse a little bit of nogging because these niggers can't help it, but a huge media company can.
Plus, the health code information is available at the door and you can find it on the internet. CBS was not doing this out of a sense of justice to inform people about food safety, they just wanted sensationalism.
Niggers gonna nig
There is never justification for nigs to nog
I was referring to all the meetings, phone calls from corporate, and backlash they were probably dealing with in the first place.
Whenever your restaurant gets a B rating for their health code, unless you are a Chinese restaurant, things for the next few days tend to be pretty rough.
>weekly news segment about restaurants failing health inspection
that's pretty neat
>be a nigger
>commit crime
>get shot and killed for attacking responding cops
>be nigger
>be useless and fail a health inspection
Here is how you handle this:
"Sorry but company policy prohibits me from.speaking about this matter. Please contact (give card with number to general manager or HR)."
It's called loyalty. Jow Forumsacks should understand. I understand the mentality, they are scared, they are desperate, they feel the weight of the world coming down on them. A week ago, they probably had an ego to their little pot of success. Now their practices have caught up with them, and they are trying to retain the little control they have over this world. It's completely understandable. I don't have much respect for people who eat at Denny's in the first place.
I am just saying the media is like that insufferably annoying kid in class. Sure he does not deserve to be slammed in the locker and the guy slamming him deserves to be convicted of assault for not handling things better, but secretly, no one has any sympathy for the kid and says he had it coming.
Don't make illegal posts on a board of peace.
>I'm sorry. Company policy prevents me from commenting to the press. Please contact corporate for a statement.
Correct. Media people are absolute trash trying to provoke a reaction and the dumb niggers fell into the trap. Sure, the restaurant is shit and needs to be shut down but has a pretty good way of handling the situation. Also, telling them to leave private property would close the situation without creating a bigger incident.
Jesus are Niggers so out of touch with reality that they even when they are on their duty they assault and insult people with no hesitation?
Do they have that tingling feeling in their gut that their actions can cause them to have problems in future if they lose job? Don't they have this feeling that keeps them away from acting in moment because of consequences it will bring?
Imagine 13% of population and still acting and behaving like this, Imagine if niggers were only 30% double of current population? It would be total anarchy... like they are presistent in their stupidity. No wonder any Black society aka Nigger society hasn't ever achieved anything with such low impulse control
Fucking niggers.
Is there a single argument anyone can come up with against the forced relocation of every nigger. Why can't we put them on reservations like native Americans and let them all starve to death or kill each other. It's clear they will never be able to act civil within a European society. I honestly would see nothing wrong with killing these people, they're just feral chimps who will always pose a danger to the rest of us.
nigger assaults a camera man and cusses at him, but if you record near her child that is a problem. I'm sure that child will end up in prison
Suburbs are going to become more black and inner cities will become more white. Also in the North, black neighoborhoods are having their residents getting wedged out for Mestizos. A lot of those blacks are moving South.
Based EU shutting down (((datamining operations)))
Wait why is a kid just hanging out at parents work?
Will Denny’s be requiring mandatory bias training for their employees?
This is Trump’s fault because he said media is the enemy of the people.
SO the niggers assaulted them and threatened them multiple times. Surely they were charged right?
Will police stop charging nigger because they just commit too much crime and you can't possibly procecute all Niggers?
I hope USA builds more prisons just for niggers
Fuck the fake news media. They should have had their shit stomped in.
> people
never eat food that has been anywhere near any nogs
the news crew forgot their monkeyspeak amulets
No, her hair is fake.
>Also in the North, black neighoborhoods are having their residents getting wedged out for Mestizos.
And how. I work for a roadside assistance hotline, I get calls from all around the country, and over the last couple years I've noticed I'm getting more and more calls from spics in northern states. A call comes in from Carla Espinoza, her Honda Civic's broke down in Joliet, IL. Next call comes in from Theresa Martinez, her Chevy Malibu needs a jumpstart in Waterbury, CT. After that, Raphael Lopez calls in from Sterling Heights, MI, to request help for a flat tire on his Dodge Charger. We get that squared away, and then the phone rings, it's Gabriella Gonzales in Kenosha, WI, oops, she's locked her keys in her Kia Forte. She's telling me she feels like an idiot and I'm reassuring her that it happens to everybody, and we'll get it unlocked for her ASAP, and I'm just thinking "How the fuck did you get that far north? There is literally no lettuce or oranges for you to pick there, what even brought your kind to the region?"
And then you call up McLaughlin's Towing or Patterson Wrecker, and the dispatcher answering the phone is named Pedro or Carlos. They're fucking everywhere.
I just called them and asked if those niggers had any raw eggs I could eat.
They called me back lmao
>kek everyone in the U.S. knows you don't eat anywhere that is majorly black staffed
>going to Denny's in a black area
Journos BTFO by chimpout
I’m conflicted
They're coming to vote left and turn the US into South America. Have fun in the coming decades.
Its Mississippi what do you expect
>attacking news
even in New England there are spics everywhere now and Muslim nogs from Africa. They migrate and come to abuse the good and bountiful welfare benefits in Northern states
Metro Atlanta, but nigs gonna nog wherever they are.
If you *67 them, they still answer and you can call them niggers. It's great to hear them chimp out
Found the African american person. You’re right dear nigger, those cameras were RIGHT in there face so that totally gave them the right to chimp out. Actually they should sue the news station for discrimination because that can be the ONLY reason they’re there is because the crew is black.
Thats a common local tv news thing to do, the first problem is that dissmally low score to begin with. Place should be shut down
>eating anything in Atlanta
You can't even buy fresh food to cook at home from the grocery stores there because nogs have done who-knows-what to it before it even hits the shelves. I honestly don't understand why even 1 human would live in that filth.
Waterbury is the biggest shit hole in New England. I drove through to find a bar to wait out traffic, it was such a god damn jungle I was afraid to let the rental car parked in the lot.
With all the incidents with people filming with cell phones you'd think people would realize how annoying as hell it is to have cameras put in your face.
Niggers running a Denny's? When did this happen?
Anybody try calling yet?
Did you just wake up from a coma? It's not 2006. This place doesn't do anything fun anymore.
Let's get on this boys.
Vocaroo that shit.
We could get some serious lulz
No right to film in a private location, didn't ask permission and denied multiple request to leave. Fuck these story vultures.
>these people dont know how to act
shut the FUCK up crackas
Bsiaai May 5, 2019 11:59am
You, the news team, disgraced yourself by putting this online. They are human beings and no matter what you say with your immature “I’m not touching you I’m not touching you” attitude, you ARE coming to bother people at work and they’re asking you to leave. Call and make an appointment or something respectful. It could have made them look bad if you had any credibility as humans, instead of treating the whole scenario like a little child. “She hit me!! She’s SLAPPED my camera”. JFC, your news station should have hid this from the world you crybabies. Def on the side of Denny’s even tho I don’t live near there, but also Definitely this news station lost credibility, so the only one you hurt was urself. Good job
>its YOUR fault
How is it that nigger behavior simultaneously always shocks me and is so predictable.
The nog's paradox.
how can american whites be so ignorant of nigger behavior as those reporters were?
I read the comments too. Always a goldmine!
A lot of them don’t visit predominantly black areas and have only been exposed to higher iq blacks that have the ability to function in society. It is an easy assumption to make, but the low IQ blacks are almost never in the burbs.