No right to film in a private location, didn't ask permission and denied multiple request to leave. Fuck these story vultures.
Restaurant employee
>these people dont know how to act
shut the FUCK up crackas
Bsiaai May 5, 2019 11:59am
You, the news team, disgraced yourself by putting this online. They are human beings and no matter what you say with your immature “I’m not touching you I’m not touching you” attitude, you ARE coming to bother people at work and they’re asking you to leave. Call and make an appointment or something respectful. It could have made them look bad if you had any credibility as humans, instead of treating the whole scenario like a little child. “She hit me!! She’s SLAPPED my camera”. JFC, your news station should have hid this from the world you crybabies. Def on the side of Denny’s even tho I don’t live near there, but also Definitely this news station lost credibility, so the only one you hurt was urself. Good job
>its YOUR fault
How is it that nigger behavior simultaneously always shocks me and is so predictable.
The nog's paradox.
how can american whites be so ignorant of nigger behavior as those reporters were?
I read the comments too. Always a goldmine!
A lot of them don’t visit predominantly black areas and have only been exposed to higher iq blacks that have the ability to function in society. It is an easy assumption to make, but the low IQ blacks are almost never in the burbs.