Would it be illegal or legal, hypothetically for someone to open up a Pet Crematorium, and in order to save money on grocery bills, just cook and eat the pet corpses people bring in to be burned?
I mean why waste perfectly good meat, and then just burn some newspapers in the fire place and give them those ashes. Ashes are ashes, it's just itty bitty bits of carbon, nothing discernible from what was burned remains.
That way the pet owner gets their ashes and some good meat doesn't go to waste.
Would that hypothetically be legal or illegal to do? And would the pets be safe to eat? I'm always looking for ways to save money.,
It would be illegal Youre promising to turn their dead pets to ashes, not to eat them. If anyone gets you, you will be treated as if you ate dead people.
It would be easier to make a pet farm for yourself
Brayden Thompson
Hypothetically, Would it be legal to eat the pets and then just burn my poop and whatever is left that I didn't eat say the bones?
That way the customer is still getting what was sold to them.
Jason Gonzalez
It would be legal as long as you don't get caught.
Eli Rivera
This reminds me of that movie Pet Sematary.
Brody Sanders
This would almost certainly be fraud, as would eating an animal and burning the resulting shit.
There are a few states where it is illegal to eat dogs and cats.
It's not necessarily safe to eat dead pets. You don't know what sort of disease or parasites they may have died from (or died having), so if you do it, cook very very thoroughly.
As a money saving proposition, this probably isn't a very good one unless you already offer some sort of animal care or mortuary services. You're also not going to be able to hire employees because the risk of someone discovering what you're doing would be very high.
Henry Scott
He already said it is illegal. Jesus christ... are people this retarded?
Connor Powell
You are not going to be gaining capitol by opening up, maintaining, and working at a business.
You are going to spend money and use a lot of energy.
Just go dig up the graves at a pet cemetary. Much easier.
Luis Reed
But if you burnt the shit which would just simply be their animal digested and burn it along with the bones and skin, then you have fulfilled your part of the contact.
Just say the process you use in cremation is a trade secret, maybe like even patent the process so it's on the up and up.
James Cruz
Why not hunt? It’s cheaper than running a illegal business. And eating dead pets? They don’t exactly come in fresh or disease free. Did you spend like 5 seconds on this idea?