A girl (23) asked me (24) when was the last time I had sex. Should I tell her that I am a virgin, which would result in her losing all interest or should I lie about it? Since she asks me stuff like that, she suspects me that I am unfuckable in some way, when I asked her what her guess was, she thought that last time I had sex was a year ago lol
A girl (23) asked me (24) when was the last time I had sex. Should I tell her that I am a virgin...
Why would you think of giving your virginity to a callous slut like her OP? Don't be a whore. Wait for a nice girl you can see marrying.
Don’t tell her you’re a virgin
Id lie about it,but incase you fuck her and show your inexperience say like 2 years atleast
The worst thing is that she already suspects I don't get sex, she assumed the last one I had was a fucking year ago and that was probably generous.
tell her last week and make her jelly
She knows, just be honest
should have said ask your mum
I can't see a scenario where it pays off to tell the truth. I think she sees me as an awkward guy who doesn't get laid often or isn't successful with women that much but it's still more than a virgin at 24, which makes me unfuckable, even though I had my own, legit reasons.
If I was in your shoes I would just lie unless I trusted her.
Would do you mean "trusted her"? That she doesn't tell that someone else? Or what
She could have a fetish for virgins. That's a very real thing.
However, the fact that she asked you and didn't give her an answer tells her that you're a huge fucking pansy, on top of basically letting her know that you ARE a virgin. That wouldn't have been a bad thing if you had told her yourself without being a sperg about it. Now when you finally do tell her it'll be all the more awkward than if you had told her to begin with. So you probably already ruined the moment.
Contrary to popular belief not every girl out there is going to judge you for not having fucked before. If they judge you, that's on them because it shows you just how shallow they are and how little they're worth your time. Plus for all they and you know, you could've been a good fuck from the get go.
It's a meme response, but show some fucking confidence.
No woman appreciates a virgin at all, it means that a guy has some issues and also having 0 experience is a big no-no for women who want more experienced partners.
I had a pretty good day until this conversation with her happened, now I know there's something off about me so much that without knowing me that much you can tell I am a virgin and I don't know what it is exactly
Females smell virgins and romantically inexperienced men from a fucking mile away.
They either lead them on for fun, or to gain something.
You'd do best to stay away from her. If you're a virgin at 24, you shouldn't be considering these things anymore, it's a ship that has sailed a long time ago.
>Females smell virgins and romantically inexperienced men from a fucking mile away.
How? What if you're up front about your lack of experience but in such a blase, idgaf manner? Am 22, only had sex once, and don't have any compunctions about stating that if ever asked or it comes up, etc.
She's not worth it if your gut is telling you to lie if you want a relationship with her. If she can't handle this vulnerable side of you, she won't be able to handle others in the future.
Here is advice for the next time it happens and you don't feel comfortable about lying:
Immediately say you are a virgin. Don't play around it. Just say it as if you didn't care. Because most people don't care too much about it.
What you did now makes it obvious that you are a virgin while also accentuating the spergness
>If you're a virgin at 24, you shouldn't be considering these things anymore, it's a ship that has sailed a long time ago.
I am a virgin at 24 because I never attended parties or just pursuited women in any way really, last time I was actively talking with women was when I was in college and even then it was limited because I didn't give a fuck about that stuff. Basically just recently I started dating for the first time in my life, I have to start somewhere. I am not attractive in a way that I attract women just by being out there, obviously but I am not hideous, I think.
>If she can't handle this vulnerable side of you, she won't be able to handle others in the future
The point is that there is no point in being open to a woman, it's not a good thing. You don't tell them anything because they judge stuff like that and lose respect. You would think it doesn't make sense but it is like that. Every time I opened up to a woman, shit dies really fast.
I still don't understand why you guys advocate for saying the truth. It kills any chance to fucking stop being a virgin, defeats the whole purpose right?
>I still don't understand why you guys advocate for saying the truth.
Because you won't be able to lie. The fact you made this thread already shows you are a hopelessly awful liar.
Lying about it is pathetic.
Admitting to the truth while making a fuss about it (like you are doing) is also pathetic.
Just straight out saying "Yeah I'm a virgin" without flinching, and then immediately continuing the conversation is not pathetic. You think the girl cares that much but she doesn't so long as you don't care either.
I think you ignore the fact that I am 24. If you can think like a woman for one second and you imagine a 24 years old virgin, just imagine what kind of a guy forms in your head. Nothing positive for sure, borderline retarded and unattractive. Because how can one get to such a point without having sex at least once? A creep or just a big fucking loser. That's the image everyone sees, truth to be told.
Dude you literally cannot have a successful LTR without being open with women.
They can just tell. Just how normies in general can tell when someone is socially inexperienced.
The way you talk, the way you act, your body language.
Here's the thing, in normal people's minds, especially in female ones, a person who has no dating and sexual experience past the age of 18 triggers a big red flag that something's very wrong with that person.
And with the recent craze over incels, it only reinforces that belief.
but yeah he should've admitted and the ask her half jokingly if she's gonna take it or if she has friends that are willing to, i agree the key is to not make a big fuss about it
You know, it's weird because normally I would deflect it like that but since I really want to improve myself in that area, I sperged out and asked why she asks such things and what she thinks in general. I just want good notes how to get better. I won't get them if I tell a joke, although it kills my credibility completely.
It's not surprising to be 24 and virgin though.
I'd start worrying if I was over 25 though.
telling a "joke" tells people you're not taking the virginity seriously, which is good
it's over now, she 100% knows you're a virgin
>Here's the thing, in normal people's minds, especially in female ones, a person who has no dating and sexual experience past the age of 18 triggers a big red flag that something's very wrong with that person.
Bullshit, it's completely normal, from a normie perspective to be virgin up to (AT THE VERY LEAST) 21. Only in this board would I expect to meet people retarded enough to think there is something wrong with them for being virgins at 19 or 20.
I agree that 24 is where it starts to get weird but that's about it, it's "starting" to get weird, but it's not full spaghetti tier
Never show off your power level user, not unless its absolutely necessary.
I'm starting to get impatient since several people have already told you this many times and yet you keep insisting in your virgin tactics.
Here is it one last time:
What you did is pathetic. She not only knows you are a virgin, but she also thinks you are the autistic type of virgin. Because you kept beating around the bush, then confronting her about the question, and then asking "what do you think about virgins". I'll be very damn surprised if she keeps giving you attention, what you did is a major redflag.
Women like confident man. By being confident you can play off any negative trait, including virginity. 24 is still safe waters. Just confidently say you are a virgin in normal tone, as if you didn't care at all (you obviously care too much but just fucking pretend). Say it very casually. Some user suggested making a joke but don't force a joke unless the atmosphere is good for that, the main objective here is to get that off your chest and continue to another subject very naturally while appearing confident.
Lying is not recommended because you can't lie convincingly. You are obviously way too autistic and insecure to be a good liar about that subject. Lying is literally not an option. Your only two options are beating around the bush and just casually admitting to it. The second one is by far your best shot and actually has very high success chances.
>and then asking "what do you think about virgins"
I didn't ask her that. The whole thing started like this
>hey user can i ask you a personal question?
>sure, shoot
>when was the last time you had sex?
>why are you asking?
>nothing, just because
>nah, there's some reason behind it
>alright I had some chain of thoughts in my head which resulted in this question, I am curious
>give me your guess and I'll tell you how close or far you are
>1 year
>why? Something's wrong if you think that
>I'll tell you tomorrow, I am too tired for that now good night
Also admitting to being a virgin means anyone looks down on you, like on a child. I can instantly feel being stripped of any respect.
>user, you don't know anything about sex, so stop trying so hard teehee
Don't listen to that guy. Always hide your powerlevel. Just say that youre not a virgin but yeah it's been a while, you were focused on tother things. Invent a tinder hookup story. Never say you're a virgin past 20 especially with women nowadays. Sex is a commodity for them and being a virgin at 24 is a big red flag. She'll consider you like a baby and whatever illusion of masculinity you have will fade.
Don't listen to this tard, he's obviously trying to sabotage you lmao
>it's a ship that has sailed a long time ago
This is based and blackpilled. This is it OP might as well become a monk at this point, you're not fucking her any time soon.
Past 24 it's better to just get a hooker to get that virgin etiquette and mystique of sex out of life. Idyllic love is long gone at that age. Younger girls will seek status out of you, older girls are going to look to for ressources and stability If you haven't been a hookup king by that age it's likely that you dont have what it takes to do so (ugly, autistic, painfully average). All in all it's over if you have moderate standard as in no damaged, ugly/fat or poor/airheaded hoes.
This logic is retarded because men's value gets higher as they age, therefore a chance to have sex gets higher. It doesn't matter that someone is a virgin at 24 as long as he gets better. Hookers are fucking disgusting and low tier in every regard.
You are all so fixated about virginity that you forget about the real thing, what exactly makes person a virgin in the first place - his value is too low. If it gets high, nothing really matters anymore.
Chances are she's a virgin and she's trying to play you for a fool when in fact knowing all alone that she's the real fool
to not be a cunt
>woman past 15
She isn't because she is from Tinder and they have no issue telling how many guys they fuck, still that's not the issue. All women are whores more or less.
Tell her dumbass. She's gonna take it as a challenge.
I wonder why such an intelligent and nice guy like you is still a virgin.
OP here, I talked with her more today and suffice to say I dodged a bullet in hiding my powerlevel. Lied to her that I had sex yesterday and she said that's good because she doesn't like inexperienced men and if someone is not in a relationship for a long time, there's something wrong with him.
This is what all women think but not all openly admit that. Take notes.
Inb4 she will find out anyway
I don't care, fake it till you make it, because otherwise the mere chance is gone
What do i say if I've had multiple opportunities (naked in bed trying to put it in) to have sex but couldn't because of performance anxiety?
In a real conversation I'll just be as honest as possible but what should i say in a more superficial setting? If im embarassed (often) I just lie and deflect, sometimes i just say im a virgin sans details ..
lie smash and dash op we write our own destinies