So do women want to be the 'strong independent' type or the 'traditional feminine' type or both at the same time?
So do women want to be the 'strong independent' type or the 'traditional feminine' type or both at the same time?
the fuck you on about, women don't know what they want 99% of the time
The answer is neither
This board isnt for retards. Since you cant even spare the brain power to read the rules of this board, what makes you think you are qualified to say what women want or think?
Because I've been with several, and if you aren't retarded you would realize that they want someone else to DO the thinking for them.
It's a fairly simple concept for someone who seems to think I'm a retard.
They don't know shit. Motherhood is in their DNA but society makes them lean towards strong independent women but at the end they still need Male supervision
Depends on the person.
Women want to be whatever the hell they want to be. Could be one or the other or even both.
Sounds like a very homosexual concept desu
Not a life to be bragging about, buddy
Trust me, if I could find a girl who wasn't a completely helpless NPC, I'd be happy, but those are the types that will cheat on you. So.
I'm sad to hear that every relationship you've been on has resulted in you being cheated on.
Yeah what this guy said. ^
You sound like a real loser to be cheated on every single time. You call them NPCs, but youre apparently the boring one if theyre cheating on you lol
It hasn't sillyboy.
Absolute state of female-posters
>Cornered by other posters so much that he suddenly conveniently thinks all posters or replies are female yet he is on a male dominant board
Sure dude. Looks like the only person that needs convincing is yourself.
>male dominated board
You'd be surprised.
I haven't been cheated on, just an observation.
Women dont know what they want. What they think they want depends on the beliefs of the men in their life and the beliefs propagated by the media that surrounds them.
Most women will submit to a man who proves he is masculine enough and willing to take care of her and her offspring. Some women do genuinely want to be strong independent womyn who don't need no man, but most of the time they're like that because they submitted to a man they thought would take care of them and he fucked them over. Women generally, again generally, not 100% of the time, want you to wear the pants and take care of her and provide a house and food and stuff, and she'll take care of you emotionally and sexually and bear your children and take care of them. It sounds autistic to phrase it that way, but that's generally been the deal for all of human history and it still pretty much is. The thing is though autists read that and think they have to force a woman to submit. This is not how the deal works. You prove yourself and she willingly submits to you. The system is voluntary. The use of force is NOT required. You don't need to be rich, you just can't be a blubbery husk of a man who spends all day on the computing shit posting and playing games.
Yeah, but not men. They are stoic and definitely don’t shape their life after anime and video games like a toddler. lol
>They are stoic and definitely don’t shape their life after anime and video games like a toddler
please go back to crystal cafe or whatever shithole you came from, you troglodyte.
They just want to be themselves... I think