I'm what Jow Forums would consider "a normie" but I still made it to 23 years old without ever getting so much as a...

I'm what Jow Forums would consider "a normie" but I still made it to 23 years old without ever getting so much as a date or a kiss from a girl. And it's not for lack of trying either. Any idea what on earth i'm doing wrong here?

Attached: normalfag bingo.png (596x569, 356K)

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Hard to say when you have told us nothing helpful.

Well, how do you approach girls? What's your usual situations? You say that you try, so i guess you've been rejected. What kind of girls do you approach and how?

What would you like me to tell you?

I just talk to girls like they're normal people, and talk to them about hobbies, interests, friendly banter, jokes, things that are happening around us etc. I seem to be able to make girls comfortable around me and even make them laugh sometimes, but they're never interested in anything more. It's like I'm just sexually invisible to women.

But do you lead them onto something more? I mean, do you take the next step or do you just talk for a while and then when sex is not happening you just go do something else?
I say this because unfortunately, a lot of girls expect the guy to take the first step. I've found myself often in the situation of learning that a girl likes me but since I never took the big risk, she just assumed I was friendly, but ultimatelly uninterested.

No I don't ever suggest anything because I never get any signals that would indicate they're interested in that. I just get a base level of friendliness from pretty much every girl.

Move along, nothing to see here. This is the autist who always creates the same thread. He has literally never asked a girl out or been on a dating site. He says he has tried hard and done everything but he's lying.

Then that's probably your issue. You need to start taking actions the insinuate sexual desire, like looking at their lips, touching their arms, getting very close to them, etc.

But how am I supposed to do that if they never indicate that they are open to such a thing? What if I touch a girl on the arm and she recoils in disgust?

I just don't get what I'm doing wrong. I put myself out there all the time and get literally no interest from women.

>What if I touch a girl on the arm and she recoils in disgust?
That's my question. what happens then' Does the world end? Do you lose your chances forever? Will the entire room suddenly turn around and laugh at you? No? Then just do it.
Just do it.
>what if
Just fucking do it.

You have been told at least 500 times you need to ask girls out. And get on tinder/dating sites. And get therapy for your mental issues.

I just would prefer not be humiliated. And I don't want to make girls feel uncomfortable by making unwarranted advances on them.

But surely, SURELY girls are supposed to flirt with guys at least a little bit before those guys ask them out? Surely that's just logical?

>But surely, SURELY girls are supposed to flirt with guys at least a little bit before those guys ask them out? Surely that's just logical?
And surely, surely they are doing it but you're too autistic to notice. Surely that's just logical too.
>I don't want to take risks, I just want a 100% guarantee of success or otherwise I won't try
Then you'll never get a girl. End of story. No risk, no reqard. You can accept that or keep arguing on Jow Forums forever.

>And surely, surely they are doing it but you're too autistic to notice. Surely that's just logical too.
They could be, but if they are, it's the most subtle form of flirting known to man.

>Then you'll never get a girl. End of story. No risk, no reqard. You can accept that or keep arguing on Jow Forums forever.
I just don't want to make girls uncomfortable. I don't want to be one of those guys who girls dread coming up and speaking to them because he's always gonna be flirting and making them feel awkward...

>it's the most subtle form of flirting known to man
Or you are bad at reading certain social cues. Why is it necessarily their fault? The one common point in is you, not them. Occam's razor.
>>I don't want to take risks, I just want a 100% guarantee of success or otherwise I won't try
>Then you'll never get a girl. End of story. No risk, no reward. You can accept that or keep arguing on Jow Forums forever.
Read that as many times as you need. We're not in a hurry, user. For every time you say "but it's just", I'll simply copypaste this, because what you are making are excuses. Literally every man that flirts with girls has to go through this. It's your turn.

It just doesn't make sense. It CAN'T be the case that every guy who gets girls is going out there actively flirting all of the time. It can't be.

Of my friends and acquaintances who are/have been in relationships, essentially all of them were formed in natural social situations. They happened to meet some girl at some social event, then they just naturally felt attracted to each other, naturally started flirting, and naturally ended up going on dates. Everything seems to "just happen", none of it is actively forced by either party. Why does that never happen to me?

>It can't be.
It is. You're just bad a reading social cues.
>Everything seems to "just happen"
It doesn't.

Either you are a special snowflake or you refuse to admit the truth.

Attached: losers_and_truth.png (680x904, 286K)

Every time I've been on a trip and I see somebody, I always initiate first contact. If they share an interest, I talk about that. After that it's family and career and shit. When they start bothering you and following you around, that's the time to ask for contact information. Even when that isn't the case, always ask for info DURING (not at the end) your encounter. Otherwise they're lost forever. I fucked up and made that mistake.

And yes, things do happen organically. You DO have to talk to them, though.

But I do. I talk to girls all the time. I talk about normal things and treat them no different to how I would treat anyone else, I don't put them on a pedestal or do anything stupid, I just talk and make friendly banter. But nothing ever happens organically. They just end up treating me like a friend and nothing more.

Because you give off gay vibes.

How do I stop doing that?


That doesn't tell me how to stop or how to change the vibes I'm putting out.