>Be me >really good looking (greek nose, stronk jaw, prominent chin, etc) >light blue eyes >blonde hair >charismatic >Zoomer >socially intelligent >intelligent >read philosophy, occult, religion, psychology-Jung, etc. >confident >fit but not chiselled >Entp (if you follow anything other than Jung's original typology you'r a faggot) >women are an easy thing (very high standards) to the point they become annoying for example you'r just trying to have a conversation and the girl in the group wont stop interrupting and flirting or you'r just buying a coffee and some lady approaches you >had many spiritual experiences >because of all this, because of all the friends, and women - I am all the more alone. Well Jow Forums? What would be your advice? No other feels truly close to my soul. There were few, but, life progresses. I just cannot help the desire to leave once I know this other through and through. Almost a sickly feel from knowing them. As if I am bound to the road, as a traveller or hermit.
Must I settle for those I feel only an extroverted structure of belief for? No true inner support in which shews itself by lonesome comparison. A part of me cannot help but feel it is that same question of masculinity.
You sound like high maintenance. One with strong opinions wether you’re right or wrong, people don’t like that in general.
Cameron Diaz
To be clear: this post is at once a desire for answer/entertainment. As it is my self laid bare to forgo selfishness. - in as small part as a post is.
Lincoln Nelson
Make friends with God, you'll never feel alone again. Also despite all of your alleged virtues, you are also a proud narcissist.
Brandon Davis
I an nice to those that are polite to me. I have strong opinions yet most tell me I am a relaxed person.
Adam Williams
Christian I am, proud indeed, narcissist - No.
Of course it seems such way, yet to know the truth and give answer you must know some things. To be clear, a man must rely on himself before he finds purpose in any creed, movement, religion or person. God in this sense - as from within - one finds strength from. Yet most only understand God not from the intuitive Jungian point but as a complete giving up to the irrational because he has no other way.
Gavin James
You can find someone that fits whatever you like/want. If you don’t it’s usually something about yourself you’re in denial about.
Luke Ramirez
Difference creates loneliness, knowledge being a kind of loneliness does this too. The reason why introverts are as they are. What dust thou expect of me? To educate all of those I come across?
Ethan Bailey
If you're so intelligent figure it out. I would recommend just pursuing what you want in life. Then you'll probably find a woman you want, if you're lucky you will want her so badly that it will destroy your confidence and then to make things harder she will be taken. Good luck and have fun in life
Luke Butler
>you will want her so badly that it will destroy your confidence and then to make things harder she will be taken. Good luck and have fun in life Pic related. But that's the thing, I never understood guys becoming so rapped in a woman and especially guys becoming depressed when a woman leaves them. I have experienced "love at first sight" but it never lasts.
And what I want in life - well that would be impossible.
ah yes, forgive me for being mistaken, for I gather you are a Zoomer. Asking for help on a website full of racist degenerates and virgin onions boys. Don't you have that fouhrtnight game to play? Instead of complaining being lonely?
Don't kid yourself fool, get down from your high horse. Pride is that of what we would call unreasonable pride in modern English. I have reason to be proud of myself, I am good looking, confident, and more intelligent than most. By all quantitative means I am better than most.
I am meek to God and that mystic will of this emotive "other" of life. A total rejection of the individual will to live, willing sacrifice. However a drunk on the street - however polite I be to him, and however polite he be to me - is not that grand sacred mystery of life. If man totally divulged into "God" he would be a fool for he would forget he walks on land. The physical is a world of suffering hence why we are all sinners, as much as one does not wish to cause harm to live we must and we do by existing if even it is just an ant we unwillingly walk over or a calf we slaughter. We have a biological imperative to survive, something - as emotive and intuitively known - even the most world rejecting of all peoples accepted: the Buddhists. That the ego cannot be totally disregarded and so the idea of reincarnation arose.
God is something personal and should be something only ever depended upon when he is known in such personal manner - from within, from the Holy ghost, from your spirit. Not as some abstract being like a king a peasant never sees held up in his castle walls.
Ayden Robinson
lonely in soul yes, not in counted distance. Fortnite is just another small social phenomena that became how it is through ironicism.
Thomas Morris
Sorry mate, but it sounds like you've bought into the heresy of Gnosticism. You're not a Christian.
Levi Lee
Your specific modern brand of Christianity mind you. But please explain how I am not a Christian.
Tyler Campbell
>Your specific modern brand of Christianity mind you The Catholic faith is neither modern, nor specific to my belief. >please explain how I am not a Christian. A few examples: >If man totally divulged into "God" he would be a fool for he would forget he walks on land. The physical is a world of suffering hence why we are all sinners This idea is central to the heresy of Gnosticism which posits that salvation is by knowledge and that everything physical is evil, while only the spiritual is good. >I have reason to be proud of myself, I am good looking, confident, and more intelligent than most. By all quantitative means I am better than most. This is the sin of pride. (See Proverbs 8:13) Christ preaches humility and to help the poor and downtrodden. >calling other people "fools" See Matt 5:22 >complaining about being alone Obviously if you had a relationship with God you would not feel this way. >studies the occult Pretty big red flag >Writes a long list of physical traits as though they were virtues, despite not showing any of the actual virtues (chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, humility). Pretty self explanatory. >You seem to love yourself much more than you love God or his creation. Direct violation of the first commandment
Jackson Lopez
>This idea is central to the heresy of Gnosticism which posits that salvation is by knowledge and that everything physical is evil, while only the spiritual is good. Never stated everything in the physical is Evil only that it has Evil and is a world of suffering as it is also a world of pleasure. Still not that I believe the physical is Evil it isn't just a Gnostic teaching, Paul also espoused such broad ideas.
>This is the sin of pride. (See Proverbs 8:13) Christ preaches humility and to help the poor and downtrodden. You ignored my point, we have to live by the laws of the physical as well as the spiritual, meaning we can't ignore all distance as we would die. We must accept the quantitative to exist as does the spiritual. You misunderstand what is meant by "pride". It doesn't have the same general meaning as it does in English.
>See Matt 5:22 Fuck off, if a man is a fool than he must be told so. Obviously it was talking on idle judgement. But at what point does fool become snarkyness? And at what point does blind love become degeneracy?
>Obviously if you had a relationship with God you would not feel this way. No you fucking idiot, you shouldn't just unwillingly believe in God as abstract without any emotional connection because then you are the prideful. Because you only believe for your own comfort. As I said like the belief in a king who walls himself off in his castle never to be seen by the peasants, only believed. For then God becomes something "outside" and you have unconsciously limited him and made him something of material. You must understand and believe in him from within, from your divine spark.
>red flag Give me an innate reason.
>self explanatory. Being physically and quantitatively advanced is a virtue you fucking idiot, besides am I to write "I am a good person".
>Direct Emphasis on "seem". Don't project your own egotistical nature.
Parker Johnson
>Don't project your own egotistical nature Coming from the person who says that he is better than most other people and worships something within himself.
Jordan Lopez
That post is not "your self laid bare". If you really think it is, you're a massive narcissist and should treat that as the mental illness it is. You sound like a delusional self obsessed cunt. You're not too good for the people in your life, they leave you because they can't stand your enormous ego. Humble yourself. You are nothing. Just some cum that dripped into a rancid pussy and got the chance to develop into an insufferable asshat. Theres nothing special about you. You havent had any" spiritual experiences". Just glances of your own vanity reflecting off of the jealous mirror of time. People like you always say they speak to god when in reality they have an embarrassing habit of mumbling to themselves. You are alone because you only love yourself. Kill your ego - get connected.
Jordan Phillips
>Coming from the person who says that he is better than most other people and worships something within himself. Now you'r just shitposting, I am quantitatively better than most - I'm sorry that you'r an ugly manlet but that's just how it is. And secondly, I don't worship something within me you fucking idiot, do you believe God is outside of you? Exactly. You now realise you have made God matter and so degraded him by your blind abstract worship. He at the same time is everything but we are not - hence we can only understand him from our own posit of existence; within. From our own basis of perception, of being. When you find strength from God as abstract, then you do it only because you do not know your actual strength. When you worship God from within you have understand your actual strength and your actual place in front of God not out of selfish desire but the relinquishment of selfish desire.
Cooper Sanchez
I don't get it, is this troll threads, where incels make their internet personality?
Robert Perez
>they leave you because they can't stand your enormous ego. I left them moron.
>You havent had any" spiritual experiences" Isn't that up to me to decide? Are you questioning God? But alas it is obvious you are jealous and find peace in a false idea of God. As the masses do in modernity. I have either seen genuine demons and angels and had spiritual experiences/visions or they have but been Jungian apparitions (fundamentally it doesn't change the effect) and if the latter you are forced to agree with Jung.
>You are nothing. Just some cum that dripped into a rancid pussy and got the chance to develop into an insufferable asshat. So tell me about your relationship with your mother.
Isaiah Mitchell
>he doesn't get it
Christopher Murphy
Op here, think we need to understand that I am the masculine ideal - I am literally the leader of the Alt-right(in spirit of course) by now. Bow down peasants.
My spiritual experiences first occurred when I was 21 years old and tried lsd for the first time. God spoke to me and said I was special but that I was better than everyone else, most couldn't handle the power of getting vagina but I could - something about a special ability to indulge. Yep I'm the next prophet.
btw that jelly user in this thread is an Indian, I've only get rejected maybe 7/10's I ask (maybe 6 to 8 times a week so not much) so he's just jelly I'm a chad.
if youre so smart what do you need our proclaimedly vastly inferior opinions for? why are you even here? what kind of faggot has everything fall into his lap and still complains?
Nathaniel Stewart
Why? Life didn't work out for you?
Jack Rogers
You sound like I would enjoy punching you in the face, and I'm a straight woman You're annoying.
Dominic Hernandez
im quite content. it just made me curious that youd ask us for advice when you clearly perceive your own faculties as superior
>You sound like I would enjoy punching you in the face, and I'm a straight woman >You're annoying. Ya, I'd liked to see you do that if I ever met you. More likely than not you'd have some insults, some passive aggressive flirting - of course doing nothing but rub my ego - I'd then invite you to a hotel and you'd be willingly doing my every command, then I'd explain to you you'r ugly and fat and I wouldn't lower my standards. But I'd proven a point.
Get over your woman fantasy's and have a child. We all know why you came to this thread in the first place.
Colton Bennett
>perceive You don't believe some inherited traits are inherently superior to others? And big bang fan(kys)?
Carter Diaz
>can't appreciate nor understands art Philistine.
Why do you think?
Jace Jenkins
You want someone to prove you wrong?
Jayden Young
I would of said ego rub if I was being unironic - but really it's just a shitpost. Though of course like all good jokes and memes to be funny they have to have some truth hence why I'm actually good looking. It's just I'm not an egotistical ass in reality, just a persona.
Aiden Wood
Why did I come to this thread in the first place, explain it please? I have no interest in arguing long with you, I just gave you the easiest response to your question in the first place. Embrace it, you don't have that great social skills if you came here for such a problem. I have no interest or joy at insulting you, here to help
Jacob Foster
Ah Classic ENTP Are you actually interested in meeting people? Im interested in your spiritual experiences
Easton Butler
>I have no interest in arguing long with you, I just gave you the easiest response to your question in the first place. Embrace it, you don't have that great social skills if you came here for such a problem. I have no interest or joy at insulting you, Social skills are not related to such a problem.
>here to help of course you are.
>Why did I come to this thread in the first place, explain it please? A small variety of woman choices, your feels, or perhaps you got turned on. I don't know and frankly I don't give a fuck either because this bread was mainly a shitpost as stated in>Ah >Classic ENTP What would I be if I didn't do things like this?
>Are you actually interested in meeting people? I suppose yes but mostly I am comfortable. As Goethe said "The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone."
>Im interested in your spiritual experiences Huh, that's the cumulative knowledge of my life's experience, everything I've read and those particular moments of true pure spiritual insight. It varies from reaching Moksha temporarily to having visions of demons. At the end of the day one can never be sure if it is a true metaphysical being or a Jungian apparition. If it's all just self contained in "reality".
Andrew Murphy
The loneliness you feel is isolation from God. Welcome to hell
Asher Torres
>At the end of the day one can never be sure if it is a true metaphysical being or a Jungian apparation.
Been going back and forth on that one a LOONG time
What were your experiences? I haven't seen them in the thread yet
Xavier Ortiz
I want you deep in my boi pussy while debating about how fixation in different psychosexual stages structures people perception and thought later in life.
Adrian Gomez
>intelligent >Christcuck Nice bait.
Jason Gonzalez
Not OP, but if he’s referring to demons then wouldn’t it be both? If you see an apparition of the archetype of a demon then doesn’t that mean it is a reflection of encounters our ancestors had of real physical beings and wouldn’t that make it a metaphysical being? If that’s what you’re talking about.
Luke Green
>What were your experiences? >I haven't seen them in the thread yet It varies from temporarily reaching Moksha and seeing demons and angels. Feel physical pain and all.
T. Op Archetypes don't necessarily have to of been an exact copy of something, as they don't actually have form (they are emotive) it's just they are represented in the ideal representation. And so it's possible that the bull horns being power, and the goats legs, the forked tail and all culminating together to present the ideal representation. Hence why we have many varying depictions of demons in different cultures. Though there are more "instinctive" or "base" archetypes such as the flower to the butterfly.
Though Jung himself wrote that it was possible outside forces originally became the archetypes. Still there are so many variables such as the archetypes possibly just being the only possible means of some metaphysical being representing itself to a human since these are the highest representations possible for the senses. However given the archetypes are emotive the actual emotional expression is far far more complex and powerful. Reason why your own (spiritual) experiences with these forms are much much more emotional impactful then if another were to see the same forms.
The archetypes are such a broad thing given what massive area of the psyche they cover can only really be described as complex collectively inherited patterns beyond - and as the culmination of - instinct. Yet at the same time instinct can be considered a fragmentation of archetype considering how Jung talked of the impossibility of whether instinct of archetype appeared first.
David Young
Degenerate. Why are you so gay?
>ignores the past 15 years of history and the height of all culture - art(Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Raphael, Thorvaldsen, Wagner, etc), Philosophy (German Idealists, theology), even psychology (Jung).
She would look like a porkchop without that makeup. Still blonde hair looks really good on a man - I should know - I have blonde hair. It also looks very good on women. Still the varying hair colours all have their own unique attractions.
Blonde is terrible on a man and it makes them look feminine. It’s called tall, dark, and handsome for a reason.
Carter James
get off your high horse omg i wouldn’t go anywhere near you
Nolan Wood
That's just a modern cliche, blonde only makes a man look effeminate when he is effeminate looking himself just as black hair does to an effeminate man. Blonde hair literal masterrace.
Women have told me (sometimes a gf sometimes random woman) that my blonde hair is sexy, some times even the ideal blonde hair colour. Black is just such an average hair colour - all the best looking guys are blond. Brad Pitt, Chris Hemsworth, Pewdiepie, etc.
Ryder Clark
Take your circumcised dong else where.
Ethan Perry
Yea let's see if you would say the same thing in real life baby.
Nope. Blue eyes and black hair on a man will always looks better than blue eyes and blonde hair. I’m not Jewish if that’s what your implying. Jews can have blonde hair too y’know
Lincoln King
What is the best way to become socially intelligent? I'm socially retarded but would like to change.
Jayden Wilson
Like the other anons said. No point in arguing with you - your a classic sophist.
Christopher Powell
Jace Rogers
Get a hobby
Aaron Reyes
Getting over yourself is a good start, mate
Jaxon Flores
>you'r Yeah you're clearly smart, now fuck off and kill yourself.
Hudson Martin
>I just cannot help the desire to leave once I know this other through and through. lmao stop reading jung and read some english textbooks retard