>normies from local tabletop gaming community invited me for beers for the first time
I'm 27 and never been outside on a friday night before.
What do I do so they don't realise how much of an autist loser I am?
Should I just decline?
Normies from local tabletop gaming community invited me for beers for the first time
Just enjoy a few beers and be more of an observer than a participator in the conversations.
Decline, then ask for a different passtime instead. Offer to go shopping with them once or twice for some free stuff. Ofc get them to pay for that bullshit you always wanted but never bought yourself because, really Bea, cat shaped oven mitts arent going to increase out monthly income and therefor arent an investment you should make.
Oh and be sure to bring your own girlfriends because safety in numbers
Just talk to them the way you normally do. is a good thing to do when you're unsure and testing the grounds, you'll look more enigmatic if you don't speak enough to spill spaghetti. Try not looking bored though
>tabletop gaming
How much of a wizard are you, OP?
Don't listen to this retard.
It's a tabletop group, the bar is pretty low.
You see them as normies, but they're still playing tabletop so they ain't that "normal." Really they're just people, same as you, and they're already interested in being friends with you, seeing as how they invited you. As long as you go and don't go on a drunken rant about politics or women or something, you'll be fine.
t. also a tabletop user who met his friendgroup at the shop.
Those aren’t normies lmao
>local tabletop gaming community
They probably already realized and thought you'd fit right in
Decline them and be a miserable, lonely autist for the rest of your life.
Accept and perhaps meet new friends and actually get a social life.