
How do you get over regret?
I regret so much not dropping out of highschool.

Wasting those last 2 years in hs and then 3 years in college to graduate with a bachelors and I have nothing anyway. None of that schooling helped.

It just shows that ive never taken a single risk in my entire life. I took the safe"correct" option every time. Now im an adult with nothing to show for it.

If i had dropped out at 16 id get my ged and then just have my life. College was a waste. Those last 2 years of school were a waste. I could have just gotten textbooms at a thriftstore.
I obssess over this regret so much i spend the majority of my life in a daydream where i took risks. Its a long form narrative day dream that ive continued for almost two years. Of course i never stop being a sexy young guy in my daydreams either.

Whats the point in being born if you're just gonna be a loser?

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So, youre already a succesfull guy?


Im dead

You would have been worse off if you dropped out of HS.

People need to lose the idea that they are entitled to a career if they spend a few years in post-secondary. All a degree or diploma does is earn you some possibilities. What you do with those possibilities is up to you.

Sometimes it doesn't work out because nothing is guaranteed and no one owes you shit. I've already got a 2-year diploma that didn't get me anywhere but tough shit, I'm going back for another 2 year to study something else. This is a risk I am taking

Quit stewing in your regret, it's toxic. Take what you've already built and earned and make something with it. Nothing is stopping you from making (calculated) risks today

Crippling alcoholism

so you are 20-21?

>3 years in college to graduate with a bachelors and I have nothing anyway
I mean, if you don't know or want to use the thing you learned in college, then your problem is your mentality. how about you reflect on what you wrote instead of lamenting

>I obssess over this regret so much i spend the majority of my life in a daydream where i took risks. Its a long form narrative day dream that ive continued for almost two years.
what? tried "just doing" things?

There's a big difference between taking risks and being self=destructive. Dropping out of school would have hampered you in ways you can't now see

I dropped out of HS and regret it every day. If i endured the bullying and loneliness for so many years I feel like I shouldve stuck it out for 1 measly year more

You know that cliched saying "The best time to have started was years ago, the second best time is now"? Well, it's actually true. No amount of daydreaming or defeatist attitude will change past events; it's a waste of time and mental energy to do so. Go take that other route now, and then 2 years on you'll be able to say "Thank fuck I didn't stew in my misery for another two years, now I'm in a better place."

No, fuck that shit, there's a point most fuckups pass where it's hopeless beyond it

>there's a point most fuckups pass where it's hopeless beyond it
Self fulfilling prophecy. You can choose to subscribe to that belief, or you can give things a shot now. The worst that happens is you return to where you are, so what do you have to lose?

>unironically using "toxic"
Board gets worse every time I come here which is quite frequently

I can 'choose' to think anything doesn't change the underlying reality

Okay so stew in your misery forever. Did you need any advice for anything else or are we done here?

you dont know what you dont know. you only have one data point (this outcome).

Shit nigga what's stopping you now?

You know what this sounds more like? Coping and trying to grab onto excuses for your current failure.

If now that you're done, you're pulling onto straws to explain your situation, you were never going to make it anyways.

Do you really think that decision was going to make a change? If you really want something...REALLY want it, then do it.

Fuck you I'm not letting you trick the other losers into thinking there's still hope

Sure buddy, we're all pretty clear you're not gonna want to improve. So are we done here?

t. Someone whose life was handed to him

Dropping out is 100% better. The education industry is corrupt. College isnt worth it even when free.

Whats stopping me from what?
I can't drop out anymore. Im not in school.
Theres nothing for me to so anymore but work min wage and die.

Same response as above

>Whats stopping me from what?
Literally anything else dude. Something as little as going to a store every day is a huge victory if you spend all your time at home.

Only way to get over regret is to be moving forward, not looking back.

I have nothing to move forward to

You should fix that.


We remember faultily. Never forget that. Memories change overtime. You also cannot change anything in the past. The only thing you can do is make the choices you wish to make right now in the present.

I also think you’re not being patient enough with yourself right now. Getting a degree was a great idea and will serve you well in whatever endeavor you do end up doing.

And so what you don’t know what you want to do with your life. That comes with time. Usually helps to shoot for experience over achievement.

My advice:
Travel on a sailboat around the globe.
Learn an instrument
Go live somewhere amazing and get paid to do it. Quite a few places give you room and board.
Spend a month in Thailand, money goes very far there.
Read Marie Kondo 1. It will change your life.

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No getting a degree was worthless.

What the fuck is that bullshit live laugh love advice you've given? How sheltered are you