Pilonidal cyst treatment

Idk where this should be so tell me if you do thanks. Hello I have had
Twp pilonidal cysts for 10 days now one burst and the other is just growing bigger nothing I found on the internet seems to help if you know how to get this treated please tell going to the doc is not a option ty.


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If it is pilonidal cysts you need to go ASAP to a doctor. The longer you leave it the more complicated and expensive the treatment gets. Get a loan if you need to.

Cant I burst it myself its not the money that's the issue

No, it's caused by a mass of cells deep inside that decided they were going to try and grow some hair follicles inside you. It's like a level 99 ingrown hair. If it's just starting to cause issues you only need minor surgery probably, straight in straight out. If you leave it you'll start to get inflammation and infections and your immune system will eat away at the surrounding tissue, generally not a good time. Definitely not something you can do yourself, just get the procedure over with.

Listen to this guy. I had one behind my ear that I left for too long and it fucked up part of my ear. Now I've had multiple surgeries on it and probably need one more.
You cannot do it yourself, a doctor will have to open the cyst and surrounding area, drain any liquid and scrape away any cells that could potentially regrow as a cyst (hence my multiple surgeries), check for any damage to surrounding tissue or other things then stitch it shut. Do you feel confident enough to do that in a safe and sanitary manner?

It just popped when I went it was probly a good2-3 cm in length not in going but stretching this happened after I took a hard blow tho why would my body wanna make hair there

When the cyst burst did the part of your brain that controls language go with it?

Sry I get rly dizzy and hear ringing when they pop I meant to say that it was 2-3 cm long but not in depth but in size and if I sqeize then they kinda channel to each other also does honey work?

No, go see a doctor. There is no other way.

Unless the sack gets removed it’ll just keep coming back. I’ve been plagued by cysts since my teens. Have drained hundreds myself after they flare up but they ALWAYS come back unless you remove the sack. I’ve had the doctor remove a lot but when they flare up can’t always get into the doctor right away and the pain is usually bad enough then I just drain it myself