I think a tranny sucked my dick

I met a “girl” on tinder. Met up with her for some drinks and she ended up giving me head. I showed some of my friends her pictures and one of my friends was adamant she was transgender. Went through crazy searching to find her pictures on transgender ig pages.

Feels pretty shitty man. Kinda upset I wasn’t notified by the person. Any advice on dealing with this

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Show us the pic for a second opinion.

If you can’t tell it’s not really a issue is it.

It is n the past.

Least it was just head mate you didn’t get any stds keep your head up and don’t tell anybody else keep that secret to your grave

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Well the shitty part is my friend shared this in the group chat I am in with 4 of my other close friends

Looks hot as fuck

I wouldn’t give a shit.

Was it at least good?

>wahhhh I got my dick sucked and I don't know what their chromosomes are!!!

Fuck off you fucking gay faggot. We're all virgins here so literally nobody is gonna pity you

Honestly yeah it was really good head. But I feel disgusted about it now

How would you not be able to tell?

I don’t think it’s very obvious

Aside for the Adam’ apple, the male bone structure, the faggy voice that trannies do to sound feminine, the overt mental illness, and the penis? Trannies are literally men on hormonal drugs. I doubt you could not notice unless you were extremely drunk the entire date.

Did you look at the picture?

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She has transitioned so far... I would have fell for it too. I am sorry that you had your trust broken like this. Tbh I think some feminists would consider this rape, as you only consented to get your meat stocked by a girl.
So I understand the feeling and it was definitely not okay from "her". On the one hand would not consider it gay due to the progressed transition, but if you feel disgusted it was obviously outside of what is okay for you.
I hope you can get over it quickly, maybe have some counseling.

Also, better a trap than a fat chick. Lol

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Ask to see her tits and see if there's any scars.

Thanks man. I appreciate it. Do you have any advice for finding a therapist if I do decide to go that route? I’m just kind of in shock right now

I saw them/felt them. No scars. Looked natural.

Also what do you guys think about my friend? It wasn’t clear in the OP but he was the one who went through ridiculous google searches to figure out that “she” was transgender. I kind of feel it was incredibly fucked up to even bother doing that and then sharing it with the group chat I’m in?

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Someone out there is jerking off to this LARP they posted. Life is weird

imagine sucking her dick

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Not a joke. I don’t have any of the evidence pictures but my friend even found some kind of gofundme page from when the person transitioned years ago.

Look at the fuckin hater parade.
Looks like a woman to me... It seems she just has Turkish features.

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That’s pretty funny I didn’t notice that

She is Bosnian

t. tranny rape coper.

She looks like she has a slight manly face, but her being trans wouldn't be mu first though. I think your friend is also a bit of a dickhead.

>he fucked a bosnian
>he fucked a bosnian man that pretends to be a woman

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Your fear of being touched by an XY individual has completely overpowered the possibility that you had your dick sucked by a superhot XX woman

Now in the absence of absolute truth, what reality would you prefer to live in?

I would suck his dick

But that’s definitely a woman. Your friend is fucking with you.

Nah shit happens and the other person did a shitty thing. I’d just not return their calls and perhaps report her profile on tinder or something, if you can do that.

Be relieved You could have done worse.

Breast develop naturally with female levels of estrogen and testosterone.
She’s either the most passible trap or your friend is just messing with you.

Unfortunately she really is a trap. My friend sent a ton of pictures of how he found out, but deleted them once I was like what the fuck man why would you do that?

But he even found a gofundme type of page where she was raising money for her transformation from like 6 years ago.

He kept going on and on about how she was trans with no evidence and no one else felt that way looking at her so eventually I was just like I’m sick of hearing you talk about this and he sent all the pics proving it.

Are you certain? Transgender people who pass are as rare as lightning, it's highly unlikely unless you live in some huge city maybe even then though...

>he sent all the pics proving it.
Like dick pics?

No dick pics

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She looks gorgeous lmao. Why would you even care if they looked like that? It's not even gay lad.

Then how do you know? The number of people who actually cut their dicks off is really small. You would seriously be the most unlucky guy in the world if that happened. Not only does she pass but she also has a fake vagina that looks really real? She is probably the only person on earth like that if it were true.

Never actually saw her vagina but she definitely didn’t have a dick. When we met up for drinks it was at this hotel pool she was staying at and she was in a pretty revealing bikini.

She has a really unique name and my friend went very far down a rabbit hole to prove she is trans. And the evidence was pretty much undeniable.

She also sent me this yesterday (I hooked up with her on Wednesday) obviously doesn’t look like any vagina I’ve seen on another girl because the lips are so big, but also no dick. Hopefully this is ok on a worksafe board I had to edit it some

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lol okay. Well I highly doubt it. She would have had to be on hormones as a child which is pretty fucked up in my opinion. One way or another you would probably find out if she was transgender if you talked to her enough. But seriously if this was just a one night stand thing who cares?

Yeah you’re probably right. I just feel weird about the whole thing. I also can’t stop thinking about how it was sent to 5 of my closest friends, so now anytime I see them they’re going to think about how a tranny sucked my dick...

They are probably just jealous...

You need to go the full distance to prove to them that its a tranny or not

Did your friend show you screen shots or actual sites/archive? I think it's more likely he fabricated the evidence because he holds a grudge, especially he shared this on a group chat and not contacted you privately. If you were sober when you meet her and didn't have any weird gut feeling I think it's very unlikely that she's a trans.

Sounds autismo.
Looks sketchy.

Sent screenshots of sites from his phone. I at least found some of them myself like her face being posted on tranny ig fan pages. But I couldn’t find some of the deeper stuff he sent like the gofundme for her transformation

I fucking hate this. I can’t go on any dating apps these days without having to dodge trannies like landmines. At least some have the decency to put it in their bios, but so many are so sick they think they are actually biological female and it doesn’t matter. These people are garbage

Where the hell do you live?

That’s the big thing man. I just wish this person would have listed they were trans on their page. I’m not a bigot or anything and I fully believe people should have the choice to live their lives how they want to, but she lied to me about it. If I had known I never would have met up with them, it’s just not what I am into.

He sounds pretty jealous that you fucked an attractive person

It’s extremely unlikely this would happen to anyone more than once. It’s still a good idea to not date anyone you don’t know.

I haven’t talked to him since he did this yesterday but I don’t know how to approach this from here. I honestly feel like I can’t even be friends with this guy at this point

Anyone have any suggestions for how I should handle this with him and my other friends that know

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OP is schrodinger's faggot

Bump for advice on dealing with my friend

Unless you found her on some trans ig thing, you're being fucked with by your"friend"

Honestly if that was a trans then i hope they finally figured out how to make them.

Most trans are not that passable and still have a dick. So most likely that a gal

>Unfortunately she really is a trap
I’d still fuck him though he looks good

This is “her” being posted on a tranny ig page about 2 years ago. Cut out all the info with her name but she is on several other pages like this, all of which were posted some years ago. She didn’t have a dick either I posted a bikini pic up a ways.

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Looks like scar tissue under the breast

If (*IF*) she is tranny... Fuck it is do her too.

Why are you so bothered by it? You either like her/it/him/xer or you don't. That said, your friends just think she's trans because she has a cleft chin. They're retards.

You're friends are fucking terrible if they actually give a fuck if you do trans or not.

was they head good
ok then move on
ok then move on

Besides, have you seen those old Bailey Jay photos?
If they're really good at passing, honestly I think men that aren't a little bit into at least the face are fooling themselves. These hormonal options haven't existed for very long...

Also, if she had the voice of a woman it is REALLY unlikely she would be trans at that age cuz vocal chords are the hardest to change and probably require you to be fucking up your body before you become an adult, which is sort of a new thing.

I'm not even really pro-trans; I think dysphoria should open up the question of what someone really wants to do and whether or not they are simply addicted to misery/horde mental/whatever

And even then I say bruh who the fuck cares?


Literally why do you give two fucks? You got head from someone you were attracted to and it wasn't even a long term thing. Why?

I mean, what you could even dated that person and it's like so what? I mean, sure there's the whole socio-political aspect as well as the dunno-how-long-it-can-last-without-a-vagina part, but it *might* be possible to work with that depending on the person and what other traits they have and EVEN THEN it would just be a casual date and even then you weren't anywhere near dating her so, just shut up and stop caring about it.

I understand your point, it just bothers me because this person wasn’t up front about their status. If she had told me she was trans I wouldn’t have ever met up with her, so I was deceived in a way. I guess I never would have found out either if I didn’t have a friend who is a complete lunatic

Look at the hands, definitely not a tranny


You are one paranoid fuck or a bitch fishing for compliments. Relax if you are scared of going to hell for gayness, you'll get there anyway for cumming for pleasure. if you are scared of being gay for social reasons, stop it no one cares. if you are just afraid of being lied to, start getting to know people better before you whip out your dick. Meet their parents, check out some baby pictures, etc. Realize that people are blobs forming into shapes, not everyone is exactly the same.

I’m definitely retarded but they didn’t troll me. The rest of your post is good advice.

Any suggestions on dealing with my friend? I still think it was shitty of him to go through all that effort to do this to me

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Hell just got a tab bit hotter. It's ok op, mistakes happen but unfortunately god wont forgive you for committing a mortal sin... now that you are officially a gay.

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I don’t get it

You are tying to make yourself feel better by placing all the blame on "her" for hiding it from you. You are obviously keep dodging the bullet... you like doctored men face/frame, it's ok tho there are plenty of cute twinks waiting to get fucked softly by a frilly power bottom.

If I were you I would beg God for forgiveness of your sodomised actions.

It's only downward from here op. Try your best at being the best closet gay man you can possibly be. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Seems like the majority (if not all?) of the responses in here don’t believe that’s a trap. I think a lot of people would have been deceived.

I never said anything about god and even in some of my comments above I said I believe people should have the choice of how they want to live their lives and not be fucked with.

Ye he right u done fucked up op