My bf is a piece of shit when it comes to sex sometimes. An example of this would be when he decided we should have sex and grabbed my arm really hard to move it to jack him off. It fucking hurt and when I called him an asshole for yanking me like a rag doll he thought I was overreacting and being an asshole for ruining the mood. There was no mood and he didn’t even try to get me in the mood. He gave me an angry look and gripped me really hard which was 100% turn off. He’s not an abusive person but sometimes he gets like this towards sex. Then he gets upset that I don’t want to have sex after he just completely turned me off. Is this a guy thing? He’s the only person I’ve ever had sex with so I can’t exactly compare if he’s just demanding or if that’s just some sort of dick thing that guys do. How do I confront him? I’ve tried before by telling him how it hurts, how he has done this before, and how it ruins the mood. But even after I communicate this he thinks I’m overreacting and that I don’t want to have sex with him when that isn’t the case at all. I’m not even sure what I’m asking for I just need advice.
My bf is a piece of shit when it comes to sex sometimes...
>he's not an abusive person
I have news for you. He's not just abusive, but sexually abusive.
Please stop pretending you don't enjoy being fucked like a ragdoll by Chad
Wtf u talking is that a boy thing. Hes just a dick *an abusive one
He doesn’t push it afterwards he just goes to bed angry and says that he’s sorry and tried to make me feel guilty like I’m the one who started a fight
There’s rough sex and then there’s demanding loser sex ones a turn on and one is not
Oh, he's emotionally manipulative too so I guess it's fine
I don’t think he’s emotionally manipulative I think he’s very insecure afterwards
No one who is being emotionally manipulated thinks they are. You need to talk to him directly. He pressures you into sex, physically dominates you without consent and tries to make himself out to be the victim when you don't fuck him. Bring this all to light. Make him listen and respect you and your boundaries or leave him
How come this guy has a gf and I don't? Maybe I need to start being yanking peoples arms until it hurts. And become so emotionally manipulative that they defend my abuse and feel guilty themselves.
Your taste in men is shit, but you're not the only one. Idiocracy forgot to mention that women choose who reproduces.
Quit crying and acting like you deserve validation, you stupid whore. If you really wanted to stop it, you'd break up, but you don't, so you won't. You deserve what you permit in your life, you blue-haired, tattooed skank.
Not the case. He’s a very sweet and gentile guy. He doesn’t verbally abuse me, he doesn’t hit me, my parents like him, he does a lot for me, and so on. The 3-4 months of dating him he would be demanding in some ways and would get insecure because my sex drive was not as high as his. We’ve been dating for a year and he doesn’t do it, today he gripped me and got insecure again. He’s not a bad guy but when it comes to sex he sometimes gets aggressive. It doesn’t make him terrible person but there’s obviously something wrong with this action.
>goes onto retarded thread about someone’s gf then takes it out on the next thread
Go back to r9k and be angry fgt
>white knighting for a pathetic whore
Suck my entire dick, nigger.
> I can’t exactly compare if he’s just demanding or if that’s just some sort of dick thing that guys do
no, its just him and a minority of emotionally and sexually abusive individuals who do this.
listen to this mother fucker OP.
That may be the case. I don't know either of you, so it's hard to diagnose through a computer screen.
But I can tell you one thing, and that one thing is to listen to
Yeah I plan on taking that advice
How often do you have sex?
And how often would be ideal for you and him?
If you agree to be in a relationship with him, then it's hard to feel sympathy for you. Really take a step back and think about it: he is a human male, you a human female. It is literally in his nature to grab you by the arm and stuff you like a Thanksgiving turkey. It's what his brain routinely tells him to do, and he's inclined to act on it thanks to the concentrated super-drug that is testosterone literally coursing through him. It might seem immature or silly or shallow to you, but when you discourage his dominant/physical/aggressive behavior, you are effectively telling him that what is in his nature is inherently wicked. And to be sure, it is absolutely not. You are choosing to be with him, and he with you. You should either come to terms with the fact that your boyfriend is in fact a human male, or you should break up with him so he can find himself a girl who understands the nature of relationships.
>I'm not even sure what I'm asking for I just need advice.
You're a woman. You don't want advice, you just like to bitch and bleed from that slit between your legs every month.
The fact these faggots even try to sympathize with you is proof of how retarded they are.
I mean, how can anyone give you advice on something you yourself don't know?
This retardation is known as "being a woman". Just suck his dick. The semen will settle you down.
Precisely why is he your boyfriend? What do YOU get out of the relationship?
So the slow drip, drip, drip of an abuser and you make apologies for his behavior. He has already emotionally, sexually and physically crossed the red line and you stay. If/when you finally must flee and you seek sympathy you don't deserve it, an abuser needs a punching bag and you have volunteered.
So, if you get away and the next guy you meet wants to know a little about your former bf, stand up and proudly state you allowed him to do these things and defended him. That should make a wonderful impression.
>it's another "he abuses me b-b-b-but actually he's a really nice guy" episode
Why do women do this?
user if anyone could figure out a cause and cure for that eons old flaw they'd be a bizillionaire.
While I don't believe anyone should put up with any kind of abuse I do not have much sympathy for those that stay with an abuser and it angers me a little when one finally leaves after years and years of abuse and then held up as a hero. They're no hero but an old fool.
I tried being sympathetic with the last girl I cared and it ended up with me being the villain for trying to stand up for he. It really fucked with my mind for months then I realised people like OP put themselves in shitty positions and don't want help when they receive it. OP either leave him for that behaviour or deal with it and over look it, don't waste people energies with your trivial shit.
either lay down the law or leave. you made a wall of text. have you given this fool as much?
sex ed in school is generally reasons not to have sex and how conception works.
He can only learn from you. Tell him how sex is going to be with you and if doesn't like it he can fuck somebody else.