Fiancé thinks I’m wage slave

>fiancé thinks I’m wage slave
>she fucking left me

So my fiancé was angry that I couldn’t get her a decent ring. Few days later she breaks up with me... tells me that I’m a “loser who shows no sign of getting a better job and being responsible”. I’ve told her i don’t know what I want to do yet I’m not even sure if I want to go back to college I’m still trying to decide. I told her I’d get her a better ring once I got more money. She actually fucking left and I feel like vomiting how do I get her back and explain to her that I’m still figuring out what I want to do. At the moment I feel like I’m doing okay for my age and that I just want to think a bit longer before trying to shift gears. Please give me anything while she’s still making up her mind I need her.

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>Wojak poster
She did the right thing

don't putt your eggs in one basket kiddo

Thanks for the help

I’m very much uninterested in anyone but her and have no desire to start any more relationships

just move on. it's a crushing feeling but she's not worth it.

How old are you?


A girl like that is not worth it user. Once you get that ring, she will continue to hack away at your emotions until you're nothing but an empty shell of your former self. Get out while you can

The ring it's an excuse. She wants "better" and you aren't in the right mindset right now to be that kind of person. Just let her go and focus on yourself. If it's true love she'll come back but I doubt it since she broke up on a stupid ring.

She sounds like a whore. Anyone that actually cared about you wouldn't get upset about a ring. You'd make it work with a fucking burger ring or something.
She's not a good person OP

Attached: ashu.jpg (356x238, 18K)

>So my fiancé was angry that I couldn’t get her a decent ring. Few days later she breaks up with me

holy shit my cartoons are real life.

Nigga why you even getting married if you don't have your life together?

She's probably letting another guy cum inside her RIGHT NOW, with no condom.

Imagine the smell.

Dodged a fucking bullet buddy. Don't try to get her back. Forget about her. Improve your life on your own time. If she can't be humble and appreciate you then you don't need her in you life. I got engaged with a $150 ring from Walmart that she picked out herself. We've been married for 20yrs and counting. On our 10 year anniversary i was making decent money so i upgraded her ring to a $8000 one. She always stuck by my side and was proud of her crappy $150 ring

You're better off finding out what she's like now than later

Get better. Focus on what you want in life. Goals beyond a career. Then think about what career could get you there and what career you could get.
And, more importantly. Run away from this broad and never look back. Also get the ring back. Give it to another girl. If she literally leaves for a ring do you think she's going to stick around when things get tough, or not leave for what she thinks is better.

>This just in: naive man thinks women want him for him and not his resources or what he can provide

I don't think it has anything to do with the ring, it sounds like a problem that was left to boil over time. It sounds like she's frustrated because her expectations are different from yours. An important note is neither of you are wrong here. Everyone, especially nowadays, wants to go through life at different rates. Some are slower than others. Some want to get set up early on. If you two truly love each other then this difference needs to be recognized and you two need to work on finding a medium that will make you both happy.

On another note to help you reach back to her, why are you still deciding on your career? Do you legitimately don't know? Or are you the type to plan in advance for an optimal outcome?

What an absolute thot. You dodged a bullet mate. Sounds like she would have dumped you the second you hit trouble when you were married and taken half ur shit and the money.

>So my fiancé was angry that I couldn’t get her a decent ring. Few days later she breaks up with me... tells me that I’m a “loser who shows no sign of getting a better job and being responsible”.
What a great woman. You sure missed the love of your life OP.

>So my fiancé was angry that I couldn’t get her a decent ring
You could say she's angry about the ring, but she's more angry at the fact that you can't afford a decent ring, which correlates to why she left you
>I’ve told her i don’t know what I want to do yet I’m not even sure if I want to go back to college I’m still trying to decide
You're trying to marry someone and you don't even have a 5 year goal plan?
>how do I get her back and explain to her that I’m still figuring out what I want to do
Women aren't attracted to men who don't know what they want
>Please give me anything while she’s still making up her mind I need her.
She made up her mind during those few days before she broke up with you

You have no goals for yourself and you wanted to marry someone, go into debt, and be stuck in a hole without knowing what you want out of life.
You need to figure out yourself before you let someone else in. You won't be getting her back for a long time if you even wanted her back in the end.

What kind of work did you have anyway? You had an entry level job or something? Anyway whether or not she's willing to go back with you depends but chances are she won't.

Dude, she did you a favor.