Why do women even want to be in relationships?
>women initiate the majority of divorces
>women get bored in relationships faster
>women do more emotional and house work in relationships
Why do they still want men to take care of?
Why do women even want to be in relationships?
>women initiate the majority of divorces
>women get bored in relationships faster
>women do more emotional and house work in relationships
Why do they still want men to take care of?
Women want men, but they're also selfish, like men are aswell. So they take advantage of eachtother, in different ways. Women do so emotionally and tend to demand things from their males, men do so physically and tend to demand sex from their females.
Lack of communication and modernity have destroyed relationships so expect more of this, not less.
I prefer friendships these days.
I used to be in relationships between 18 and 25, two longer ones actually.
I'm older now, and I can't even really imagine anymore why I would want a relationship... I get way more from friendships (friends of both genders) than relationships. Relationships are tiring.
I like men and all, and in general I have a lot of respect for fellow human beings, but I simply feel more fulfilled when I can exist mainly alone.
I become the stereotypical bitchy woman when you pair me up with any guy, but as a single woman I'm just an easygoing, friendly person.
Better for society for me to be single and do my own thing, focus on my self-improvement, hobbies, and getting stuff done...
I know on one hand this is sad, but on the other hand, there are too many of us on Earth anyway, so this helps a tiny bit against further overpopulation. Same as the popularity of being lgbtq+@%
>All those claims
>No reports or cherry picked graph to back up their claim
every women without a bf in her 20s is miserable
most women need a men for validation
There aren't enough first worlders and way too many third worlders.
you're right. but it all depends on education. only schooling and/or religion can solve this shit. (i fucking hate organized religion, so schooling, please.)
I mean, I dunno. I guess cus I hope that this time I won't need to take care of him all the time, that he might help take care of me some of the tube, that I have a friend that I can rely on for the rest of my life who knows me and I know him. Sounds kinda like a dream scenario when you put it like that tho
>education is going to solve things
sorry but no. Education is almost always a political bludgeon and not used to teach people.
Organized religion is almost always corrupted
First worlders need to homeschool, third worlders need to be left alone so the strongest can survive even if that means that 80%of. Africa will starve, western food packages need to be stopped, it only artificially grows the African population. Then when the weak or rather the stupid have killed themselves, the smart ones can teach eachother.
I don't understand how you think relationships are tiring? I've dated some girls and never found it tiring, althouh I've never been in a relationship either so I wouldn't really know.
you need to read up on this subject more. it's pretty obvious that the more education people get, the lower birthrate there is in that society. this is not up for debate, look it up.
yeah, you can come up with hunger games-style "solutions", but don't come crying when you realize that it's way more costly than just getting people schooled.
i have in no way implied it's about teaching people or that it's not political. the only point is, if you keep people in school, they have SIGNIFICANTLY less kids.
It takes 5 minutes to Google those claims and see they're true.
That only works in the West because we have enough food and too much money. In Africa the conditions are entirely different and unless you want to up those people to first worlders just to get them the education needed to stop having kids, your plan will cost way more than mine. Mine involves simply doing nothing (altho trading is cool obvi) for their people and if they want help they'll need to help themselves. It's how Europe got itself out of the gutter, it's the fundament of America, and it's because we don't hold Africans to the same standards as westerners that those Africans appear dumb and uncivilised to us. The reason africa is overpopulated and is in such a bad shape is because first worlders do not think of third worlders are their equal and think of them as weaker. So first worlders find it logical to send those people a bunch of food and money, but if you'd ask the same of them for poor ruskies or Irishmen they'd make a joke about those groups being worthless alcoholics who deserve everything they're getting.
Oh for fucks sake stop talking you uneducated imbecile.
First of all the fertility decrease is well documented. For example Pakistan went from like 5-6 children per woman to around 2-3 in less than 20 years simply off the country getting developed.
Second, Europe got its primordial spot in the world economy due to the being the area that developed industry first + colonies. America got it from being a rising world power that could cement its might as Europe decided to tear itself to shreds. "Lul why don't Africans just fix their countries XD?" Maybe because the IFC has them completely asphyxiated with loans that make it impossible to make a project in a continent that desperately needs more infrastructure? Maybe because China is essentially buying Africa as a whole by loaning money that they know will be defaulted to then take the properties they themselves built for free in African soil? Maybe the fact any time a leader starts talking about independence from european and american powers (such as Gaddafi or Nasser) they quickly get ousted and their countries start getting messed with?
Women treat men like they treat their phones. At first they get the newest model and they're happy and can't stop playing with it. They show it off to their friends to get social status credit. Eventually they start to get bored with it after a while and a new model comes out that they want, and so they dump the old model and get a new one. And then the cycle repeats.
Africans have on average an IQ so low that they used to be defined as retarded. They will never "fix" their countries.
Not him but that has to do with shit education, not innate biology.
Maybe it's men who care too little and women have a more rational approach. Quite a lot men are satisified as long as women stays fit and there is regular sexual activity.
oh yeah blame biology for not spawning schools
Nigga, Africa's infrastructure as a whole is fucking ass and you can't blame them when they have shit for money a lot of the time, plus political instability.
The other user sounded far more educated on the subject than you. You're just sprouting off typical, generic Jow Forums "knowledge".
>"Single" Women
>Women who have access to Chad's dick at a moment's notice, who have no sense of responsibility, and who are otherwise hopeless and cope with hedonism
I mean, it's not wrong
Pretty much this. Some countries are like "white" countries used to be in ancient times. We had this tribal thing and many kids are good for your pension-sort of thing too.
But white people didn't get constant interference from countries far more developed on a technological and economic level. They willingly and at times unwillingy put a lot of effort into preventing Africa from making it's own way.
Besides: Africa is a continent not one big country. Not every country is a shithole and there might be different causes eventhough symptoms like overpopulation seem similar.
My short answer is women want a schizophrenic man.
If the guy feeds her soul with happiness he’s seen as above her in her eyes.
It’s best to be a good boyfriend who doesn’t know he’s all that great. Humbled and full of confidence at the same time. Women want guys who are basically in a “super position” between to states of mind. You must be independent and also a dedicated to her happiness, that trickles down into her doing things for you out of love. The more you rely on her the more it pushes her away from loving you with stress, so you have to know when to give space and went to stand your ground with her.
>Pretty much this. Some countries are like "white" countries used to be in ancient times. We had this tribal thing and many kids are good for your pension-sort of thing too.
>But white people didn't get constant interference from countries far more developed on a technological and economic level. They willingly and at times unwillingy put a lot of effort into preventing Africa from making it's own way.
Yup. Even today, a lot of Africa is being exploited by neo-colonialism and we still have fuckers going "hurr Africa can never pull itself out of its rut because niggers are savages xD".
>Besides: Africa is a continent not one big country. Not every country is a shithole and there might be different causes eventhough symptoms like overpopulation seem similar.
Yup. Nigeria and Ghana's GDPs are actually rising and the former is actually getting pretty close to being a first-world country iirc, so it's not all bad.
When not went* fuck I’m still tired