I feel like a complete fucking failure

I feel like a complete fucking failure
I'm 18, however I am afraid that my life won't become better

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you are probably some normie lite that's above 6'0"

If i turned my life around at 23 then you definitely can at 18. Stop moping and start doing

5'6" here
but I feel really depressed


help me

Whats the issue here? Job or social worries?

everything, I just feel like my every attempt in life is fail


You're 18? Haha, that's a good one OP. Like other user said don't mope there's still hope mate just find out what you want to do. Start with a part time and go to school if you can.

I don't know what I want to do
I'm going to psychologist tomorrow

Your young and emotional, It will pass. What's the current plan. Education or work?

>I feel like a complete fucking failure
So does everyone your age.

I'm from Poland, I go the last grade of high school

really? when will it pass? what should I do to feel better?

Then hang yourself my man.

>really? when will it pass? what should I do to feel better?
A male's emotional growth ends around the time he's 27. Do what you want with this information.

I don't have suicidal thoughs
so I have to wait 9 more years?



No, start now. Try things, get a job and go to school. You'll get a feel for the kind of thing you want to do or at the very least the kinds of things you don't see yourself doing. You'll be ok OP, just do it.

Stop bumping. People have already answered your question. Just deal with it like everybody else in the world.

>so I have to wait 9 more years?
Not nescessarily but like most people you're probably gonna be a mess in your 20s. Chances are you're gonna think and think again and again about what you want out of life, without finding answers. Honestly your 20s are gonna be a time of learning. There will probably be the highest highs and the lowest lows of your life. Try to get as much wisdom out of it as you can, that's my advice.