How to tolerate trannies? I seriously fucking hate them. However, I don't want to hate any people...

How to tolerate trannies? I seriously fucking hate them. However, I don't want to hate any people, but trannies are currently a special exception.

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There's too much hate already. Focus your anger into self-improvement so you can gaze on everyone knowing you have accomplished greatness.

How many trannies do you actually know in real life?

But my gf is a tranny

1, she or he is a nice person.

>How to tolerate trannies?
Hate the kike doctors who turn them to trannies instead of getting them psychological help

Like what? I'm already doing self-improvement. It's not like I spend 24/7 sitting in my computer chair alone, hating on trannies. I have a social life, I work out, I study history in my pastime, etc. It's just that when I see a tranny, I usually get at least annoyed.

That's actually good advice. I should get to know those fuckers better.

See I am in a very similar position. I for some reason feel love for every single person I meet, but trannies are in a special spot.
I've come to terms with the fact that the reason behind this is every tranny I've met so far was a radical leftist that probably hated me for the mere fact of me being a fucking white cis male. If you have been in college you know that the most radical of the minorities will flock together and perceive any non-minority (white cis males) as enemies until they prove to be "allies". It's very annoying and these people are the most unlovable folks I can imagine.
Thing is, not all blacks are radical SJWs. Not all women are radical SJWs, not all gays are radical SJWs. It just so happens that every tranny I've seen so far is a radical SJW.

The whole psychological system is extremely fucked when you think about it. more often than not they will try and convince a straight person they're gay and call it "denial" when they disagree in tandem with some emotional disorder, and encourage gays that want to go straight to persist in their homosexual ways. Modern psychology is absolutely /FUCKED/ by zoomer snowflakes that want to feel good about themselves, but that 1 good psychologist out of ever 40-50 makes it worth it.

They're bitter about how that demographic, the cis white male, historically treated everyone else as subhuman primates and took everything from everybody slaughtering or abusing their ancestors. Whether or not it is right or wrong, we all reap what our forefathers sow.

As if their ancestors hadn't fucked other people in the ass. Also why are trannies of all demographics concentrating the most consistent hate for non-minorities? You'd think women or blacks would have much more legit reasons to do it since they can actually claim their ancestors were fucked over. Trannies can't make the same claim.
I've just come to terms that it's because of complex social dynamics that brings the worst out of them. It's not really their fault but I still can't tolerate people that hate me for the sheer fact that I am not virtue signaling.

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You really pretty much summed up my feelings, and what you say is true. Not every tranny is a radical sjw, as I have met one myself. I guess I just haven't met nice trannies enough to have a more positive opinion.

t. OP

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We all hate them even the LGBTQ. Fuck trannies

you guys get that most trannies are white guys right. They felt the same pressure and discrimations you feel and this was their answer. they want more freedom they don't hate you. They might have become scared of you because guys that still look like you try to kill them, fuck with them, won't let them take a piss.

The reason for this is because trannies are not naturally occurring, scientifically speaking. I mean sure if you nitpicked enough you could find one or two historical records of sexually ambiguous people, but never in human history have we observed the "gender dysphoria" phenomena that infests public colleges in most countries. It is also interesting to see how the phenomena is contained to the most progressive buildings in a country.
What I mean by this is that trannies are (figuratively) artificially bred in progressive laboratories. They are the products of social engineering, as there is no other way for them to come to be. That's why you will hardly meet one that isn't a radical SJW.
It's not the same with other minorities, they are all naturally occurring, so you can meet people of all sorts of opinions.

>If you have been in college you know that the most radical of the minorities will flock together and perceive any non-minority (white cis males) as enemies until they prove to be "allies".
Wow america is fucking shit

wrong I've had gender dysphoria since I was a kid. my dad is a fucking psycho, I look just like him. my mom is beautiful, my sisters are beautiful, my cousins are beautiful. I just want to hang out with them all the time, but I can't because men and women shouldn't share rooms. I thought if I waited till I was an adult I could transition, but then I found out all they could do was turn me into an uggo cause I waited too long. Now I just hate myself and never think too much about it. Stop getting your info from second and third sources. You need to talk to people directly if you want to know what's up.

So you had an abusive relationship, that's not exactly "natural occurring". What you have is treatable. Now if you were born like that it'd be something different. In truth males and females have different behavior ever since they are children. Babies as low as 3 months old will show preference for different toys (males want what we perceive as male toys, girls want what we perceive as girlish toys, even if they had zero conditioning to do that previously)
So being born a girl is very different from being born a boy but wanting to be a girl because of childhood trauma

>What you have is treatable.
Not him but we still don't know if gender dysphoria is a genetical or mental problem. You can't just "cure it". Lots of research has been done without clear results.

Hating trannies is like hating crazy homeless people. It sucks having to deal with them but its not really their fault. They are mentally ill who have been failed by society. In the case of trannies celebrated, encouraged, and enabled by leftist philosophy.
It's like staring in the toilet and hating your diarrhea. Sure you flush that shit away, but you have to focus on the cause to stop it.

>how to tolerate trannies
protip, you don't

>They are mentally ill
Provide proof

Being trans is a matter of personal liberty, and leftists hate individual freedom so I fail to see how they would be the cause of it.

LGBT is a cult of bullies. I have never once in my life received respect from these faggots despite once being a blue pulled faggot. It’s not their sexual acts I despise , most fetishes are just weird and not that big of a deal, it’s the type of person they are. To make a sexual fetish your entire identity means your life revolves around sex. They aren’t too far off with the “pedophilia is next thing” this is coming from someone who hates republicans and Christianity. Homosexuality is disgusting the same way people say Isis is disgusting, it’s not because it’s an assembly of retarded schizos it’s because it shows what these people really are.

Why is rubbing shit on your face universally condemned and enough to get you institutionalized, something every parent tells their kid to not do, yet when faggots and dykes suck of piles of shit they are worshipped? Because these people are disgusting narcissists. Consciousness evolved to have two sexes so that pervert faggots were kept in check , there has to be brotherhood and sisterhood because it’s separate from sex and allows work to actually get done. I know a Jewish lesbian , I did a thorough analysis and she is a disgusting self absorbed narcissist who cleverly hides behind the pussy card, the Jew card, and the dyke card. There is a completely emptiness in this persons eyes yet they get off on defrauding people in the name of social justice to push their selfish causes. All these faggots spend their time pursuiting ego centered causes , and gossiping to socially destroy others. They are also typically drug users who are beyond any doubt shitty people destroying society.

Your instincts help you survive countless dangers and you trust them on everything, yet hundreds of societies have independently declared faggots to be disgusting disrupters of natural order. People go insane because they are brainwashed to go against their instincts. We must revert back to normalcy before the christcucks

Man this is complete bullshit. You don't even need to nitpock - *numerous* cultures around the world throughout history have had a "third gender" role, from hijra to the various two-spirit and indermediate genders in native american cultures.

It is the *absence* of this role that is a modern, western phenomenon.

You are similarly full of bullshit
It is true that gender fuckery is not completely unheard of, but to say EVERY SINGLE CIVILIZATION HAD IT WE'RE THE FIRST ONE TO NOT HAVE IT is complete bullshit especially because we do have it you retard
The thing is, our type of 7000000 gender "my gender changes depending on the music that is playing" "my gender changes depending on the time of the day" bullshit is new, and it's not natural, that much even actual legit trannies should agree since people like these make their cause sound like a joke (and I still struggle to convince myself every day it isn't since trannies rapidly rush to the support of music-gender idiots)

Name calling me will not invalidate the tens of thousands of hours I’ve spent in my head giving an unbiased look at everything in the world. I’ve even participated in some gay acts. Maybe in another world they would fit in, but in this one all they do is disrupt and destroy in the name of their ego. Actual causes for equality are always hijacked by criminal niggers, greedy kikes, selfish faggots, psychopath drug users, Mexicans who create problems and then run from them to leech off people , whores who know full well you can’t date two men without causing war who fuck hundreds or thousands to feel powerful causing chaos.

Im right and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Honestly hating them is normal not saying its good but your definitely in the majority of Americans with your hatred so I'd say as long as you don't hurt anyone your fine

Same, but I also have a distinct dislike for drag queens and crossdressing and such. Kinda falls in the same boat, I guess

While western culture is not the first to lack such a role, if you did any actual historical research you would find that it is not a rarity - the three genders model is quite common and appears repeatedly in different cultures all over the world.

All the shit you are complaining about is basically just the result of people who would have been subsumed into the third roles trying to work out who they are in the absence of such a model, and having to make it up as they go along.

Trannies are people, just like everybody else.

>All the shit you are complaining about is basically just the result of people who would have been subsumed into the third roles trying to work out who they are in the absence of such a model, and having to make it up as they go along.
Yes and they need someone to tell them to sane the fuck up
Instead they get fueled and motivated by LGBTs, the entire movement start shaping up to be about them
I have reasonable gay friends that hate the shit out of them, and if every LGBT was like that the movement would be taken much more seriously, it wouldn't be seen as a madhouse

Nailed it, stuff like pic related really makes me find some hatred inside me that I never imagined I was capable of feeling

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my life certainly wasn't a progressive factory. I'm not a sjw either. I'm not unique to boot.

Pic is a moderately funny joke. No more than that.

Me on the right about to get me some prime twink bussy.

Tough luck, the common emergence of the third role in disparate cultures indicates there are always going to be some people who are never going to fit into the western model, and as long as you keep trying to box them into it, mass confusion will be the result.

Me too, but I can't really say this in public because of the left-leaning culture and atmosphere where I live. There is a whole fucking ruckus about some drag queen being benied a taxi right now that has everone up in fucking arms, and I hate it

You make it sound as if I am losing something here
I'm living my life normally and at most feeling angry when I see a tranny raping a kid in the news (something all too common here)
Meanwhile trannies got those ridiculous suicide attempts
This is such a ridiculous argument

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Why does cross-dressing bother you so much that you think they shouldn't even be allowed to take a cab? I don't understand caring about it that much.

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You sure sound like you feel you are losing something by virtue of their existence, given how you get so worked up about their mere presence.

You're projecting some sort of oppressor in me without any basis while failing to realize that speaks loads about you and nothing about me

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Nah I just literally don't understand why it's even an issue for you. Why not live and let live?

how have I stopped trannies from living?

think about it like that.
Everybody dresses however the fuck they want to, and it should't concern me. They're just born that way and can't do anything with that, by accepting them you help them to feel good with themselfs, like everybody should.

It is a hateful ideology and it makes sense to reject it. I have no idea why it is been labeled as hateful to oppose their hate. I don't see how you can support transexual ideology without being extremely sexist. Is it hateful to oppose people in blackface mocking a stereotype of black people?

I don't care whether they take a cab or not but they show the crossdressers in the news coverage and such. Seeing them just annoys me a lot and I can't figure out why

Avoid them. Learn to drive stick shift instead.

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But what if you look at a trans person that you think is a girl then realize it's a guy. Then what?

Connotations with sexual fetishism, mocking feminity, depravity etc.

You don't have to tolerate them. You shouldn't and don't let social conditioning convince you otherwise.

Hate the ideology not the person. I try to do this with anything not just transgender BS.

Suicide rate. 10x above average.

>my dad is a fucking psycho
That was your real problem. You are not a woman you are a man who had a horrible father.

If you see things differently so be it. It's used as a method to break down every social norm of the current state to bring themselves into power. The leftist do tear down the individual but build groups of self identity such as transgenders or handicap or specific ethnic groups.

Yes, but I would at least not want to sperg when seeing an ugly man in a dress.

thats a shame.
you could be sitting on your computer and efficiently shitpost trannies but you choose to angrily tolerate them.
eventually that will turn into hate fucking of the ass pussy.

Find the reason their existence annoys you so much, and explore that. I'm not you so I can't make any guesses that won't sound ridiculous.
I just know that when people hate trannies they just hate Male-to-Female and not Female-to-Male. I've heard people say it's because we men feel like as guys, we and other guys have duties and responsibilities in what kind of person we should be, and that MtF trans people are cheating by changing to easy mode, the one without the heavy responsibilities we get. On the other hand, Female-to-Male feel like they chose to be on the difficult side and it feels like the opposite.
You don't seem like a bad dude at all, I hope you manage to get rid of the hate. It never feels good to hold on to it.

>I don't want to hate any people
You're in luck, they aren't people anyway

Hate the sin, love the sinner

Abusive relationships are a very natural occurrence user, what are you on about.

I think the problem is that you only see / pay attention to the shithead trannies. You know, the ones who make absolutely zero effort to look like the sex they're claiming to be, and are basically just doing it for attention. There are some good trannies out there, who started hormones early, got cosmetic surgery, or things of that nature. And they act like normal people rather than constantly bringing attention to their brave self-mutilation. It's basically the same as any mental illness, there are some crazy fuckheads and there are people who have handled it well.

When I said "not natural occurring" I referred to his tranyness, not his relationship.

Ah nog een Nederlander

Glad you recognize it vriend.

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Why do you hate them?


You’re a king amongst grovelers

Listen to this man

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Tranny here. I wish I'd meet at least one fucking person that doesn't hate me for something I didn't even choose.

You chose to listen but you can choose to reject them. Detransition and face truth.

I haven't even transitioned
>face truth.
What truth? Why does it bother other people that I want to do whatever with my body or dress in a certain way?
Seriously it looks like it's way more important to be cis and straight than to be a good person now.

no one actually cares
OP just reads dumb ass shit online and gets triggered irl, it's legit pathetic
do whatever the fuck you want, fuck the haterz

>Why does it bother other people that I want to do whatever with my body
Because you do not stop there. You participate in a community and ideology that thrives on luring other children and young adults into your bullshit. Nobody needs to transition it is a bold face lie. What people need is to accept their body and spirit and love themselves. There is no need to destroy your body and the bodies and minds of countless children and young adults.

>What people need is to accept their body and spirit and love themselves.
According to who?
> that thrives on luring other children and young adults into your bullshit.
I personally never do that and even so, how is that different than luring children into bullying LGBT people? Again, it seems like it's more important to be straight and cis than to be a good person. I think that's fucked up.

Not entirely degen tranner here, AMA I guess OP

Might clear some things up for you.

>There is no need to destroy your body and the bodies and minds of countless children and young adults.
It's funny because you people never provide an alternative that isn't bullshit like "lmao just kill yourself stupid tranny" or "lmao just be happy just stop being depressed"

user if you seriously think human beings caring that much about how fat is deposited on your body makes any fucking sense you are fooling yourself. People need love and comraderie not fat deposited in a certain way.

>personally never do that and even so, how is that different than luring children into bullying LGBT people?
It is different but neither is acceptable.

Depression is a serious burden you cannot treat it with hormones. It is a deep struggle the hardest struggle ever. Only love and wholeness can cure it.

>user if you seriously think human beings caring that much about how fat is deposited on your body makes any fucking sense you are fooling yourself
What are you talking about? People do care because they love to insult trans people.
>People need love and comraderie not fat deposited in a certain way.
People's needs are personal. You can't just decide what someone else needs. Otherwise imagine if someone came into your life and started demanding that you stop doing random things you like to do that aren't "love and comraderie".

>Depression is a serious burden you cannot treat it with hormones
The only people saying it doesn't work are people who aren't transgender.
The only people saying it does work are transgender.
I tried listening to the first and after many years I've just become more depressed and suicidal as time passed. I assume I should at least try to trust the others now, at least before I die.

The people saying it does work aren't only transgender.*

>People's needs are personal. You can't just decide what someone else needs.
Of course and neither can you. You have no right to tell someone they should transition. But if fat is what makes you happy then fine.

Most people are not particularly empathetic in today's world. Also the people who tell you to transition are often incredibly narcissistic and entitled. You can listen if you want but you will regret it. Your unconscious will remember even if you don't want it to.

I just treat them like downies. They're mentally ill freaks, cut them some slack.

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>You have no right to tell someone they should transition.
I never ever told anyone they should transition so I guess you get mad at people by pretending they do things you hate when they never did them? If I want to transition it's my own decision, if anyone wants to transition it's their own decision.
>You can listen if you want but you will regret it
As if I had any other option. I'm pretty sure I'm heading towards death at a young age if I continue listening to people who insist that I should not transition. By the way nobody told me I should transition, people just say it's worth a try and that it worked for them.
>Most people are not particularly empathetic in today's world
I wish people also weren't okay with this fact.

Trannyanon - have you tried seeking professional help that won't push you into hormone therapy/genital mutilation (unfortunately these providers are the exception these days)? There is a reason suicide rates are super high for trannies even after transitioning and even in places like San Fransisco and it isn't because the bad man on Jow Forums said mean things. There is a deeper problem which needs addressing and it won't be fixed by lopping off your ding dong

>if anyone wants to transition it's their own decision.
Is it? Nobody lives in a vacuum your own self is formed in relation to others. Especially the sense that you are supposed to be a girl.

>people just say it's worth a try and that it worked for them.
"Oh yes he beats me but he cares about me deep down..."

> wish people also weren't okay with this fact.
I'm not but I'm sure it is why you believe the only path for you is to transition. Is it empathetic to tell someone they have to look a certain way to be happy? Is that loving?

>There is a deeper problem which needs addressing and it won't be fixed by lopping off your ding dong
Then how else does it get addressed? See you don't know and nobody does. Saying vague shit like "you just need love" doesn't help.
>Is it? Nobody lives in a vacuum your own self is formed in relation to others. Especially the sense that you are supposed to be a girl.
Okay but why does it bother you? A lot of people will make mistakes in their life regardless of whether transitioning is or isn't a mistake. You will never know what is a mistake until you do something.
>"Oh yes he beats me but he cares about me deep down..."
This makes no sense in this context, you are just struggling to find arguments I guess.
>Is it empathetic to tell someone they have to look a certain way to be happy? Is that loving?
I don't care, it's about me looking in a way I feel comfortable myself. Some people will hate me even if I don't transition so considering I can't please everyone I should at least now try to please myself and try to do what I assume might be the best for me.
It's not like I'm actually hurting other people, idk why people who hate trannies exagerate it so much. I try to be as much of a good person and I don't think I owe anything to society when it comes to doing stuff to my own body or dressing a certain way. I don't want to comform just because people care more about you being cis and straight than anything else.
Although I don't think anyone *needs* me, I guess if you are ever in need and a trans person offers you help you'd reject them because they are transgender?

>Is it empathetic to tell someone they have to look a certain way to be happy? Is that loving?
That's how transphobic people treat trans people so obviously it's not loving. They tell them they have to look a certain way to be happy, they tell them they have to look the way it was defined by society for their birth gender.

>"you just need love" doesn't help.
But you do need love right?

>A lot of people will make mistakes in their life regardless of whether transitioning is or isn't a mistake.
user this is much more than a little mistake. You can't just wipe off hormones like you can with make up.

>This makes no sense in this context, you are just struggling to find arguments I guess.
It makes sense. You are justifying an abusive ideology because of some small connection you felt.

>Some people will hate me even if I don't transition
It sounds like you care more about that don't you? Why should people hate you? Why do you hate yourself as you are now? Did someone hurt you?

>trans person offers you help you'd reject them because they are transgender?
Of course not.

>They tell them they have to look a certain way to be happy,
No it is not about looks it is about how you are right here and now. You don't need to change anything you are what you already are. Your body is fine as it is.

>But you do need love right?
Everyone does.
>user this is much more than a little mistake. You can't just wipe off hormones like you can with make up.
Why the fuck do you care about what I do with my own body?
>It makes sense. You are justifying an abusive ideology because of some small connection you felt.
Some people say vaccines are bad but most people get vaccines so who decides who to listen to?
>Did someone hurt you?
Back to redit with you
>It sounds like you care more about that don't you? Why should people hate you?
Many people hate trans people, Idk why they do.
>You don't need to change anything you are what you already are. Your body is fine as it is.
According to you? You are not transgender and you are not inside my head so you don't know what's good for me or how I feel. If you were inside my head you wouldn't just think my body is fine as it is, you would be wishing you were dead.
You would just rather I continue to be depressed because you care more about me not transitioning than me not being depressed. You people prefer to have depressed and suicidal transgender people in the closet than to see transgender people taking hormones and dressing like a certain gender.

If you had a problem and people tell you you are fine, but you don't feel fine, and then you see some people trying something that seems to work for them, you would try it.

>Everyone does.

>Why the fuck do you care about what I do with my own body?
Because I don't want you to destroy your body.

>Some people say vaccines are bad
Okay ignoring the vaccines part the medical industry is not as perfect as you think. I have learned that the hard way.

>Back to redit with you
It is not reddit to face the reality of your abusers

>You would just rather I continue to be depressed because you care more about me not transitioning than me not being depressed.
Of course not it is precisely why I am arguing with you. You will never get better unless you listen to what I am saying. It is the truth it is not because I want to hurt you.

>you see some people trying something that seems to work for them, you would try it.
No because that exact thing did happen to me and I rejected their "treatment" i saw the reality of what they do and I consciously said no.

>Why do you hate yourself as you are now?
I feel like I'm constantly wearing a costume. My body and clothes feel very heavy, I feel like I'm banned from expressing myself through my body and clothes.

So do I user. It is tormenting I hate it. Someday I will find a way to express the real me without playing their game.

>Because I don't want you to destroy your body.
You don't have any alternative though.
>the medical industry is not as perfect as you think.
Of course it's not, that's why I can't really know if I should trust someone telling me not to transition.
>It is not reddit to face the reality of your abusers
I have been bullied for completely unrelated reasons and I've made peace with that. I've felt like I'm in the wrong body ever since I was young and I've felt horrible about it even when it didn't have anything to do with people being mean to me for whatever specific reason throughout my life. It's just a personal struggle.
>You will never get better unless you listen to what I am saying
You haven't said anything that helps, anything specific. I have tried NOT transitioning for years and I just feel worse every year.
>No because that exact thing did happen to me and I rejected their "treatment" i saw the reality of what they do and I consciously said no.
Awesome that it worked for you. But I need what I think it's best for myself because nothing else I've tried has worked. I've tried seeing non-biased therapy, hanging around people who hate trans people, trying to be in church groups, trying to be with someone of the opposite sex, trying to distract myself with other things, trying social and unsocial hobbies. I've been around people who claimed to love me (as long as I'm not transgender) and of course didn't come out to most, only a few, who showed that they only love me as long as I'm not transgender.
Nothing worked and I feel worse every day to the point where I've had some panic attacks recently and get anxiety attacks very often. I hate being outside now, I think listening to people who told me not to transition has fucked me up. I only have one alternative left and it's to try to transition. And fyi every source says it can be reversed for a long time so the only thing stopping me is depression and fear I have now from life and transphobic people.