I cheated on my boyfriend of four years because I was insecure about his porn addiction and two years and one abusive...

I cheated on my boyfriend of four years because I was insecure about his porn addiction and two years and one abusive relationship later, I've changed and want another chance. How do I get it?
How do I convince him to talk to me? How do I tell him I've changed? How do I fix this? Please tell me how to fix this.

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Literally just ask him. Don't beat around the bush and bullshit him. He deserves honesty, right?

You can't because he won't be able to trust you again and you'll never be able to build a good relationship without trust

You can't fix cheating. Also I don't believe you changed and neither will he.

If he isn't a cuck then you can't.

>going right back to a degenerate who watches porn
Roasties get what they deserve.

>because I was insecure about his porn addiction and two years and one abusive relationship later
I'll wager that when you cheated on him you didn't care about his so-called "porn addiction", and just decided it would be your excuse later on so you could feel more justified and less bad about cheating. You wanted some more exciting cocks and decided your boyfriend wasn't suitable, and hoped you could get away with it.

Turns out you couldn't and you've branded your new cock as abusive, perhaps another excuse to make your jumping around from cock to cock more justified?

If you really do love him, do him a favour and don't try to get back together with him. He deserves significantly better and there are many other women out there who actually care for the emotional stability of their partner, and isn't just a self-centered decietful excuse for a human being.

you don't. you didn't change, either. the situation did.

are you saying you don't watch porn?

Tell him the truth.

In other words, tell him you haven't changed one bit, and you'll immediately cheat on him again at the smallest temptation. Tell him you don't care about his feelings, and only care about your own sexual indulgences. Tell him he deserves way better and he'd be better off forgetting you ever existed and leaving you to continue to make mistakes that leads to you being single and alone at the age of 35, wondering what all went wrong.

You accept that you fucked it up by being a whore and you don't be a whore in future.

Get some fucking dignity and accept your mistakes you absolute gutter trash loser.

Ask him, and then be 100% transparent at all times about where you're going, your phone locks, etc. So you'll need to set up a google map geo location thing or a snapmap location, and then let him see your phone.

That's the only way id take back a cheater, and even then id probably break up with them over the slightest mistep

Jesus fucking christ this is top tier bait.

You don't lol, you get over it and move on.

I don't watch it. I mostly used to read erotica and look at pictures of solo girls when I was a teenager (yes I am male). I think that made it less difficult to quit when I decided porn is bad for your brain, your relationships, and your overall constitution.

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>I cheated on my boyfriend of four years because I was insecure about his porn

Enough said

You STILL think you're the victim? He can do better hon... and you cant...

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I would rape the shit out of your tight little virgin bussy, you little bitchboy.

God ur all so edgy.

How many times a day would he watch it to be an 'addiction'?

Any chance he got, he had an imgur with over 3k photos he had saved. He himself admitted it was an addiction.

My masculinity is fully intact. In fact, it's beta leftist cuckboys beating their dicks to interracial porn, unemployed in their parent's basement.

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Im by no means trying to make myself out to be the victim anymore. I realize now that I was fucking awful. I was miserable bitch and I truly have changed. I feel nothing but shame and guilt for what I did. I just want to show him that I've changed. I would do anything.

Based, i eliminated all of my porn watching except for the loli

Do not fap to lolis. They are pure and must be protected until marriage.

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came here to post this

You didn't change and you don't deserve another chance. Leave him alone

This is excellent advice OP, consider taking it.

user, unless you're literally asexual you watch porn sometimes. quit the bullshit

No, you really didn't. the only thing that changed were the circumstances. the very fact you're asking this question means you don't care for him

Takes a high level of delusion to believe this lmao

I can only hope your ex bf never speaks to you again. I broke up with a long term gf who fucked her boss. She immediately moved in with him but two weeks later is banging on my door crying with a bloody fat lip cause he hit her and wanting to "talk" (guilt trip and beg) about coming back. I laughed and shut the door in her face. I felt fucking awesome after.

>literal hippie
>pure and needs protection

>insecure he jerks off looking at other girls
>better let another guy actually put his penis in me
There are no excuses for your actions.

You cheated, that’s a wrap. You knew what you where doing and now you’re living with your choices.

How have you changed to a point where you think he would want you, especially after cheating on him? I bet you didn't think you would go into a relationship and cheat, do you really know if you would be able to stay faithful and not fuck up again?

I bet she didn't think that new guy that soaked her pussy would abuse her. This has nothing to do with her being faithful but someone that makes horrible decisions. Hell of it, I bet the new guy started abusing her right away and yet she was so committed to him she lasted 2 years and it truth told he probably dumped her ass.

>>going right back to a degenerate who watches porn
>Roasties get what they deserve.

uhm, i mean, i don't watch porn either, but i wouldn't call porn watchers "degenerate" unless they watch porn like thrice a day or if they watch midget scat or amputee porn