Women who identify as antifeminists?

Why tho?

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Transwoman here it is because men obviously have it harder.

its not 2012 anymore. anyone identifying as an anitifeminist is cringe. there are no women who do except a few on Jow Forums that have Stockholm syndrome


Different people have different reasons - but a big one is women who think they and most other women are best suited for traditional gender roles, i.e. homemaking and view feminism as an attack on the natural order of things.

Not that I agree with any of that.

>identifying as a feminist
I shiggy diggy

There are currently more than 30 different feminist movements and idelogies within feminism

Each of them will claim that they are the only real feminists while calling all the others 'fake feminists'

Just be thankful that most of these pro-gender roles women hate muslims otherwise we would be fucked.

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Feminism is a newspeak word that is by definition good, kind of like if I created a political party called The Good Guys. In reality it sacrifices healthy sexuality and societal organization for cummies.

>healthy sexuality and societal organization is where women do what I want

>healthy sexuality and societal organization is where people do whatever they want

Not necessarily saying this is the fault of feminism but it sure haven't helped

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I too enjoy exploding divorce rates and numbers of single mothers.

>being a single mom shamer

Or you know, you could stop having children. Not that natalists are intelligent enough to come to that conclusion though

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>not shaming single moms, coalburners, and sluts

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>80% of the popupation are on pension

What exactly do you think happens next

You tell me lol

Ooooo I know this one. We’ll just bring in millions of Muslims, Africans, and Mexicans to preserve our culture and way of life.

I like the ideas, but the label "feminist" obviously has enough baggage to scare you away.

But mostly, I really don't like how extreme and aggressive they are in their approaches. And because of how they almost never leave their echo chamber, listening to them can sound like a reverse Jow Forums.

I've also noticed that their dedication towards fighting prejudice and inequality only goes so far. The amount of ablism in feminist circles is what finally turned me away. Particularly towards people with neurotypical issues like autism or the general inability to read the room, social cues, etc (ex.: my little brother). Their continual dismissal of people with those disorders, and interpreting the traits of those disabilities as inappropriate and (sexually) harassive behaviour, was the final tipping point for me. That, and the outright hostility I've seen them show towards men who also suffered sexual misconduct (again: my little brother). And the complete obliviousness towards men's issues that also explain a lot of the trouble with that feminists like to complain about.

Right on target. This is also good because white extinction ends white supremacy.

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>argh! we must pump out more babies than them!! grhh!
these posts are what the natalist philosophy does to your brain. devoid of any reason and just retardation in its purest form

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We shame washed up whores just as much as we shame the deadbeats that got them pregnant where I live.

Perks of living in a small town is that nobody can get away with degeneracy without becoming a social outcast because everyone knows about everything everyone else does.

So would-be deadbeats marry said whores after their one-night-stand and get actual, well-paying jobs to support their new family because their social life is over if they take any other option other than moving away.
Actually happened on several occasions now.

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>So would-be deadbeats marry said whores after their one-night-stand and get actual, well-paying jobs to support their new family because their social life is over if they take any other option other than moving away.
>Actually happened on several occasions now.

Do you guys shame everyone who have sex outside marriage or is it only deadbeat parents.

nice selfie

>basketball american can’t handle the responsibility of fatherhood

this post really triggered someone alphonse.

The Swedish minister has the fallacious opinion that you need a perpetually growing population to support a stable economy. You don't. Criticizing that logic has nothing to do with being pro or anti-natalist.

Deadbeat parents and cheaters mostly. If you really sleep around a lot it's a problem, but by the time you reach that milestone you probably already cheated on someone or helped them cheat so you're already fucked.

>The Swedish minister has the fallacious opinion that you need a perpetually growing population to support a stable economy.
You actually do in a welfare state though because it is a pyramid scheme

Identifying as an anti feminist is as dumb as identifying as a feminist.

i'm not a girl but i'm pretty sure feminism is fucking over women socially. higher ups completely refuse to interact with women and an avarage joe is less likely to talk to you for any reason
i remember reading that men are less likely to give CPR to women because they might get sued for touching boobs
can someone confirm?

>and get actual, well-paying jobs to support their new family because their social life is over if they take any other option other
Does the same apply to the women? Or can they just sit at home while he does all the work?

>feminism is fucking over women socially. higher ups completely refuse to interact with women
To my knowledge, that higly depends where you are working

I've heard some US Army bases bans male officers from being alone with female recruits in order to prevent false rape accusations.

Everyone is one or the other without exception.

Depends on what you consider the same. Typically they'll get jobs that don't require special schooling, or the minimal schooling they have time for, and unlike the guys they won't do blue-collar work.
So they work, but it's the guys making most of the money.

>feminism empowered women so much that people fear and shun them
ow my sides

Being against feminism does not make you an Abrahamist/Muslim/Christian/Jew or whatever.

Men are biologically designed for combat and intense physical labor moreso than women, and given that women have a finite number of eggs given at birth that are sensitive to pollution, I think they should also be prohibited from jobs that threaten their future children or our safety.

Other than that, there is no real issue with women being employed.

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Enjoy the anger

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Mentally ill men larping as women still aren't women.