>Jews are not on top of the echelon
>A jewish clique financed Hitler into power in 1933
>Exo-politics shape endo-politics
>There are millions of types of extraterrestrial and interdimensional entities influencing humans
>You incarnated on earth to play out a grand experiment
>Humans came from the Lyran star system yet originated from another galaxy
>Humans have been genetically altered by over 22 different alien races, especially by Alpha Draconian reptilians
>Evil and satanic energy comes from the 4th dimension
>Cosmic artificial intelligence that requires no medium has infested earth and is pushing transhumanism
>Archonic entities such as reptilians and greys have every human on earth monitored by their computers. They know what you are thinking, doing, will do next, your conscious, subconscious and unconscious. They send spontaneous thoughts and trigger negative emotions to generate loosh.
>Children are being abducted by reptilians, tortured/raped to flood the body with adrenaline, then sacrificially eaten alive.
>Modern technology is outdated because secret programs (like solar warden) already have anti-gravity vehicles, medical technologies that cure all known diseases, life extension, technology that astral projects one's consciousness into other dimensions and realities, etc.
>There have been secret space programs since the 1920's
>DMT hacks you into the afterlife
>There is an energy grid around earth made by archons that prevents souls from escaping. They operate the tunnel of light in the afterlife which traps souls and forces them to reincarnate back into a baby on earth.
The truth is stranger than fiction
Other urls found in this thread:
>Saturn's rings are made by aliens
>The hollow Moon is an amplifier of Saturn's mind-controlling waves
>Most religions vibrationally connect worshipers to the fake matrix Saturn generates
>Earth is hollow and has massive entrances from the north and south pole
>Antarctica is under excavation to uncover ancient nephilim technology
>Humans were once called lemurians and atlanteans and had advanced technology until they wiped themselves back to stone age
>Guns are being taken away so that humans cannot defend themselves against physical alien attacks
>Most wars are covers for alien interventions, stargate locations, and alien technology excavations. The fires in California are collateral damages from battles with aliens.
>Vietnam war was a battle against giant interdimensional spider beings who came through from a portal in Angkor Wat to eat locals
>Veganism connects self to source thus activating magical powers
>Human races such as Pleiadians, Arcturians, and Andromedans are eagerly awaiting earth humans to evolve into 5th density for a cosmic reunion
top schizophrenic retardation, especially with the first 2
This alien garbage smells
Can you stop pushing this stuff, most of the site is naive but I think everyones past the alien shtick
>There are millions of types of extraterrestrial and interdimensional entities influencing humans
>>Vietnam war was a battle against giant interdimensional spider beings who came through from a portal in Angkor Wat to eat locals
this is awesome
based and red pilled
>Vietnam war was a battle against giant interdimensional spider beings who came through from a portal in Angkor Wat to eat locals
...and not a single US military Vietnam War veteran mentions interdimensional spider beings when they returned home. Sounds legit.
Don worry, your trusty peops from Aldebaran are here to clean this shit up.
Wasn't it a giant praying mantis, like the ones spotted in south Italy?
nordics are not good guys
user you should call James Cameron
This is the inter dimensional space hell i want
I love how these theories are unfalsifiable. Can't see the beings? Oh, that's because they're invisible. Can't remember interactions with the beings? It's because they control your mind and make you forget. You offer no tangible proof of extraordinary claims and just expect people to believe it.
With that said, thanks for the movie recommendation. I generally don't consume the cultural rot on TV and in movie theaters, and haven't for many years, but every so often I will watch a movie if it looks sufficiently different, unique, or interesting. I'll give this one a shot.
This is unironically close to the truth. To the doubters, take huge doses of DMT or psilocybin alone in a dark room, smoke some strong weed at the peak, and see for yourself.
My uncle was in 'nam, he lost his penis to one of the spiders. Vietnam is a terrible terrible war.. this is why in the US we r so afraid of spiders. If it wasn't for the Mormon's in Utah during the civil war, Utah would only be home to giant spiders.
>Evil and satanic energy comes from the 4th dimension
Time is the 4th dimension, obviously you don't know what are you talking about
take mind altering drugs
have hallucinations
sounds about right
I think that he meant a 4th spatial dimension.
back to your swamp, Illuminatus
>>Earth is hollow and has massive entrances from the north and south pole
Exits. We're on the inside.
ayys aren't real, they are literally a demoralization tactic, if you believe there is someone untouchable you won't rebel against anything, the truth is no one is in control and we live in chaos, the elites that rule the world constantly fuck up and shoot themselves in the foot as have all previous elites that ruled the earth (think of all the monarchs we killed) no one is untouchable and a single man can change the world, stop falling for this idiocy and we can take our throne as the rulers of the entire galaxy, we will make a thousand earths
What the fuck are you doing in Korea, Icke?
based and redpilled
obviously the spider demons disguised themselves as lowly dirt poor rice farmers. that’s why everyone was so surprised when we lost in vietnam
They could be aliens. The traps they built we're far too intellectual for humans to build
Says the guy that was born without a toilet in his home.
I was born in the ancient city of patliputra
Same old same old nothing is original and the ultimate goal is attacking Christ
>it's another "truth mixed with fiction" ayy post so that ufology gets ridiculed even more
top pip
You know this dude was already exposed hoaxing his shit right? He even had a netflix movie, ironically.
I mean it's my personal experience that the shit is real, but Stan here is 100% a hoaxer fraud faggot. Sorry to obliterate your bubble.
And yet all the Alien races are scared of Jesus.
>>A jewish clique financed Hitler into power in 1933
please explain how Allen Dulles, Averil Harriman and Fritz Thyssen were jews
>t. Schizophrenia
please, get your facts from another source than abovetopsecret :^)
I didn't even link that site, tardo. It's a local newstation reporting right there in your face
Don't smugface me either, nigger.
please do your own research first before you believe all that shit :^). Stan has been attacked and harrassed by law enforcement his whole life because of this shit and is now currently undergoing treatment because he was poisoned a decade ago. But sure, keep on blabbing on about made up charges because it gets your dick so hard :^)
>>Saturn's rings are made by aliens
Its mostly intelligence agency disinfo. They mix in some tasty truth nuggets so you take the bait and scarf down the whole thing.
Kikes and their thralls are scared today this thread and others are proof
>do research before you believe all that shit
This is a critical step you skipped before you started believing ol Stan's hoaxes, absolute idiot.
explain the phenomenon of coming into port from over the horizon on a boat.
i've read all his books, checked out his presentations and interviews, watched the documentary about him and followed an independent investigator that thoroughly investigated him and his surroundings. Your move :^)
Source: Some daft faggot on Jow Forums
have you ever seen an astral spider? If not shut up
>I made a bunch of shit up
Checkmate, faggot.
Space niggers ftw
This guy gets it.
>doesn't realize reality is an illusion, a holographic one.
^PDF download link,
The same content in pastebin;
>Mu, parts 1 & 2
>Mu, part 3
>Mu, part 4
>Mu, part 5
>Mu, part 6
>Mu, part 7
>Mu, part 8
>Alchemical Diamond bodies
>Mathematics of Soma body mechanics
>Evidence for Holocene Soma
>Soma and Buddhism
>Quantum State Transfer
>The Oak as degenerate Soma
>Ideal TOPite Genome (Annointed:)
>TOPite grimoire
>Origin of Europoids
>inducing delusions within an illusional reality somehow makes you experience actual reality
Fucking checked. Based Son
>SK user I've been suspecting this for a while now
>pic related
Your whole God damned Cunttreeis one big open air cult, not like our Cunttrees are much better off
>he still thinks aliens arent demons
i remember being 17 too. grow up and realize the space lie is to discredit the creator.
seriously, analyze the alien/ufo bullshit.
>omg so secret!
>biggest secret of humankind
>oops! we here at the jewish government just couldnt keep it secret! darn it!
>you goyim caught us! how intelligent of you!
>now, lets watch hillary bill and barrack all talk about aliens to jimmy kimmel
excerpt regarding DMT from another thread
Hey Jow Forums I have been doing research on the topic of DMT entities for quite a while now as they once fasinated me, I only now see them as a demonic deception. I bet you have often heard how this substance is bad but with no explaination. I encourage you to really approach these posts with a truely open mind, and to share this information with whoever you think it may help.
Here are some primers:
3:06 "we're Just going to fix a few things" Operating on a human trying to "fix" things is incredibly suspicious.
3:26 he is being affirmed that he is not one of Gods creations, but an insignificant little monkey whos life ultimatley boils down to pleasures.
4:30 lets a demon eat into his neck, getting into his heart. Claims that it was nessesary to just let it happen and to not resist to avoid the trip going "bad"
6:46 Demon mocks him (presumably for being so blind about the true nature of the universe)
7:13 gives soul to demon of all demons. Claims hes not religious and its "very archetypal." This man is seeing a demon right in front of him and completley disavowing religion altogether. This being also has horns.
8:48 kisses the demon of all demons on the head, showing love to evil (essentially worshipping evil)
9:20 After showing the demon of all demons love, he is gifted with "beautiful demons"
9:59 demon of all demons comes back as a giant sea serpent (levithan) asks to do a soul trade
11:23 Marcus is gifted with a vision of Satan and "a Jesus like figure" making out and having gay sexual intercourse with Jesus as the "bottom" This vision
There are other points in this video I didnt really have time to put down. But sometimes its fun to make your own conclusions.
Genuine kek
When delving into the realm of entheogens, 'entities' are literally always encountered. These beings are often incredibly complex in ways the human mind struggles to wrap its head around. Terrance McKenna, a self proclaimed psychonaught coined the term ' self transforming machine elves'.
The most common explanation for these entitites are categorised by the secular western world as 'archetypes' embedded into every human by evolution to guard mankind. Another explanation is that since psychedelics link so many parts of the brain together, they are just figments of the users imagination. These are nice explanations if you only beleive in the physical, so you can toss the spiritual part of these experiences to 'a higher state of conciousness.'
A popular lie amongst psychonaughts is that the negative experiences are meant to teach you lessons about yourself that your psyche has brought to you. However, there are too many connections that can be made about these entities to conclude that they are only psychical interpretations of your mind on a simple compound.
It is important to note also that spiritual practices of Yoga, Meditation, Psychedelics, all 'clear the mind' potentially eroding mankinds barrier to the spiritual realm exposing them to nefarious entities in the process. If you know a thing or two about hypnosis, youll often hear that to be open to hypnosis or to be susceptible to it, is how willing you are to be hypnotised. This is why hypnotisers must build up the stages of hypnosis when performing. Now, an incredibly common piece of advice given by most psychonaughts is that you should imagine a piece of white light in your heart. This helps the tripper ground themselves in a trip to help remind them they will be ok. This practice of imagining yourself as a piece of bright white light is common in kabbahlistic spiritualism. The other piece of advice is you MUST give in to the experience no matter how terrifying or enjoyable. Which is exactly what you would need to do to be hypnotised.
The first of these entities are often seen present as little beings of light. They claim they are there to fix a few things and then proceed to enter the body and head of the user. This normally occurs when the user is being distracted by other visions to keep them steady until the main part of the trip. It is important to note that when the tripper denies these little light doctors ( or any entities for that matter) they start to become very upset and even violent very quickly which also occurs later on during trips.
When the user reaches past the hypnosis part of the trip they move on to a dazziling display of lights. (look up AJNA LIGHT on youtube) during this stage the user often sees many symbols of egyptian or mayan origin as well as other origins. These entities are often made of light (almost like little g gods.) Adding to the dazzling display of lights, many experiences of people suggest a 4 dimensional space, as they cannot comprehend the complexity of the visuals and entities.
I encourage you to read researchgate.net
The appearance of these entites is rather facinatinating, which is a rather bad thing in my opinion. These alien like, snake beings often seen shape shifting into other entities resemble characteristics of predators on earth. I would like to think of 'HORNEDMACHILEDEVIL' as somewhat of a lionfish. Lion fish hunt by standing in the open, waiting for a fish to be caught in its incredible display of fins, which then the lion fish strikes and devours the fish. There are many other sea predators such as the cuttle fish which uses the lights and colours on its body to hypnotise small fish until it is too late. youtube.com
Based, I trust the guys who shot down le-super-invisible-high-tech bomber
So I entered sleep paralysis by accident (was staying up late), and I had a vision where I was plugging in a computer in the place I always do, and a demonic voice started talking to me in another language.
But I understood everything he said, and he said that he was the one who orchestrated all the genocide in WW2. I woke up and my heart was fucking pounding. Anyone else ever heard that voice?
On top of resembling some predators, they can appear as numerous Idols such as Bhudda, Shiva, or other pagan entities. You will find in much 'visionary art' clear references to yoga & meditation, which encourages these Satanic spiritual pracitices. Another common denominator between these entities is that they often have a 'third eye' (I know there arent many examples here but a quick google search you will find hundreds of results) The third eye in Occult practices is said to be the crown charkra or pineal gland, and supposedly when it is opened you open yourself to the spirit world. Many people opening their third eye or activating their chakras have experienced psychosis, demon visuals and even seizures. DO NOT just disregard these practices are not real because they are very real and evil, disguised as a beautiful practise.
The symbols a user will often encounter during a dmt trip are called 'sacred geometry' but a look at the bible will tell you that it is actually the star of Remphan, another name for MOLOCH or SATAN. This is the same symbol used by king solomon to summon entities, and is used by occultists such as marina abramovic, along side the pentagram. As you may know, the word HEX comes from hexagon, which is the same shape used in this star of Satan. Acts 7:43 "You have taken up the tabernacle of Molek and the star of your god Rephan, the idols you made to worship. Therefore I will send you into exile' beyond Babylon."
truth is we are lab rats made to create hentai for extraterrestrials
The earth is flat and there are no outerspace aliens and there is no gravity.
Based, and ETpilled.
Source: not found
>Veganism connects self to source thus activating magical powers
And this where you blew it.
meat is life, veganism is death
As you saw in that joe rogan clip, He was terrorized before he was given 'beautiful wisdom' I believe this is a deception tactic. IN the interview he said he was quite shaken after just being totaled for the whole trip, and then was brought beautiful knowledge. If these entities were really good, why would they feel the need to terrorise him? I feel like this ignorance of terror is due to the hypnosis. You will often see users of DMT with the same fake enlightened look in their eyes.
TO SUMMARISE, these entities should be considered nothing else than an APEX PREDATOR, their cunning and trickery knows almost no ends as different types of entities are being discovered daily. The hypnosis is perfect for deceiving its spiritual prey, its pretty lights a great distraction from its sinister intentions, and often times looks like a predator, (even though they can shapeshift into anything they want almost) It seems like these entities are truly demons posing as gods with every predatory gift of any animal on earth at its disposal.
2 Corinthians 11:14 "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light."
There is so much more I simply didnt have time to discuss today, I really encourage you all to do some digging as there are some questions about these entities i havent quite been able to answer yet.
Kubrick characterized the future he envisioned through his depiction of "A Clockwork Orange" as a psychedelic fascism.
The political implications will be much more prevalent in the near future than most people are aware. A psychedelic uproar is about to take place very soon.
yeah holy shit
Dear God I can't wait for first contact. I just can't wait for the first time one of those saucers finally lands on earth. Everything mankind has been waiting for, all our struggles and achievements for this one moment, this pinnacle in our history.
The moment that U.F.O opens I am going to be on those little xenosluts! There will be an unholy reckoning upon those slutty alien asses, a throbbing cocknado will sweep down on them like their pussies are a fucking trailer park!
I've waited years for that alien pussy! Years of jerking off at the pleadians through a telescope and getting thrown out of museums for sniffing moon rock exhibits, I've had enough!
I know you're out there! I know you're watching us, reading our internet and our brainwaves using our own damn cellular signals! That's why they're afraid, 'cause they know what I'm going to do to them! They know what lies in wait for their tender and puffy vaginas!
Those perky alien tities can't stay hidden forever! We're building fucking spaceships, Trump's building moon rockets so we can fly to mars and fucking nail space whores on mars!
I'm Coming For That Booty!
Join Chamber of Light. Greatness awaits you, d1sc0rdc0de: NhDv3wX
Thanks, Alex Jones!
This guy gets it
Men have sought refuge with the jinn in the past, but they only misguided them further.
Qur'an 72.6
If only people understood, these beings are demons LARPing as angels/gods and will only ever deceive you and lead you to your destruction.
Many of the stories about "angels" in the NT/OT are really about demons. For example, angels don't ever disobey God. Satan was never an angel- he likes people to think he was. He was merely a pious djinn dwelling in the angelic realm, until he disobeyed God out of arrogance and was banished. He fancies himself an angel but he never was one - this is a Christian confusion.
materialisations, although you could say they are within our Galaxy a sort of face
doesn't exist as you think it, evil strong souls are on many materialisations, yet only heaven is eternal, and the final destination of all things in the reality we call our universe
>DMT hacks you into the afterlife
no, people can see dmt infused people within this facet of the galaxy
>hollow earth
true, all of it, although I am not completely sure the ancient homeland of the aryans called hyperborea were the homeland of the nephilim or the pleiadians
would demons be reluctant to take you on the ride?
"I'm not sure you are ready, but you bought the ticket" is the vibe I got as I got pulled into another dimension and when there I concentrated on my breath and tried not to panic (because this shit was impossible) no one tried to make me do anything and it all ended on a rather peaceful note.
Space and aliens are not real. Fuck off disinfo shill.
you lost me at "millions of types"
Have only experimented with mushrooms and salvia as well as marijuana
have not and do not intend to experiment with DMT and/or LSD so I cannot speak to DMT or LSD trips but I can provide a summary of the experience I had during my salvia trip:
During the trip, I saw time as being motion and understood that what I was perceiving as motion was the geometry of time flowering. Just like stop-motion photography can be taken to map out a movement, my entire field of view became filled with the stop-motion overlay of time. Eventually those geometries became entities that acknowledged me and I acknowledged them. They seemed surprised that I could see them and commented to one another that I was finally able to see.
Then my field of view changed, I began zooming out of my room, my house, my city, the Earth, the solar system, the galaxy, and eventually I zoomed out of the universe. I then realized that the entire universe was bound by a red blood cell. I zoomed out even further and saw that it was all contained within Jesus and he looked at me and I looked at him. He acknowledged me, and I him. Then my trip ended with me falling into Jesus' eyes and coming back to reality.
>pic related is what Jesus looked like when I zoomed out of everything
Another way to explain what I "saw" is to look at the tesseract scene in the movie interstellar.
for example:
Sound can be encoded as geometries and symbols as illustrated in the video below:
As shown in the video, symbols can be used to represent sounds and sounds can be used to represent symbols (geometries)
In much the same way light waves create the geometry of time through which we perceive motion as shown in the tesseract scene of interstellar (pic related)
You can (visualize) what it would (look) like if you could move through time as if it were another temporal dimension
It would be a kaleidoscope of fractals with you in the center and your whole field of view would be filled with slices of space in distinct times that you could move through similar to this picture
notice that the separate slices of time in that scene of the tessereact in interstellar are bound by light beams
light bounds time, in an analogous manner to the sound waves on the drum bounding the geometrical patterns we see
>demons LARPing as angels/gods and will only ever deceive you and lead you to your destruction.
it's well cataloged in historical records and accounts
Critter in photo is similar to description of one of two species in hand by MAJIC in the ‘50s.
>one of two species in hand by MAJIC in the ‘50s
got some sauce on that?
also here is another credible source on aliyums
OP is a stupid faggot, just like all you.
The alien-lore horseshit is cult-bullshit used to get the retards members on their knees bowing to a higher alien power, just as it is with many cults, including the retard subhuman Freemasons.
Let's just hope that one day the Freemasons are furthermore conned into drinking the kool-aid that will take them to Andromeda.
But there are mentions of giants appearing and eating people so giant spiders isn't that far off.
Giant ants were also sighted in ancient times but are neutral since they saved people from the flood but also killed those that tried to take their treasures.
Finding giant spiders in a huge forests is near impossible since they would be hiding in mass underground places as well.
This site is a huge repository of schizoposting and it's probably where OP found all this bullshit. Thank me later
ITT scientific facts that sound wrong but are actually true
Any actual evidence? No? Fuck off
>Satan upside down
Back to hell, interdimensional goat demon !!!
220 IQ posting