The truth is stranger than fiction

Critter in photo is similar to description of one of two species in hand by MAJIC in the ‘50s.

>one of two species in hand by MAJIC in the ‘50s
got some sauce on that?
also here is another credible source on aliyums

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OP is a stupid faggot, just like all you.

The alien-lore horseshit is cult-bullshit used to get the retards members on their knees bowing to a higher alien power, just as it is with many cults, including the retard subhuman Freemasons.

Let's just hope that one day the Freemasons are furthermore conned into drinking the kool-aid that will take them to Andromeda.

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But there are mentions of giants appearing and eating people so giant spiders isn't that far off.
Giant ants were also sighted in ancient times but are neutral since they saved people from the flood but also killed those that tried to take their treasures.

Finding giant spiders in a huge forests is near impossible since they would be hiding in mass underground places as well.

Attached: Myrmidons.jpg (480x360, 38K)

This site is a huge repository of schizoposting and it's probably where OP found all this bullshit. Thank me later

ITT scientific facts that sound wrong but are actually true

Any actual evidence? No? Fuck off

>Satan upside down
Back to hell, interdimensional goat demon !!!

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220 IQ posting

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