Get bigger cock?

Is there any way to make my dick bigger? My dick is only 6x5 and I’m so embarrassed by it I’ve never had sex with a woman. I feel so pathetic about it any woman I get with would cheat on me anyway.

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Your dick is above average, and that image is designed to fuck with people like you. 5 inches is big enough for a normal girl. 5.5 to 6 inches is average. 7 inches is the ideal. 9 inches is way too big for most girls.

Then why am I so scared to have sex? Every time I hear girls talking about sex with their boyfriends they say stuff like “he has a huge 10 inch cock” or “his dick is like a foot long he was in my stomach” it’s like every girl I meet.

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Did you not notice that the ruler at the bottom starts at 3 and ends at 12 so none of those measurements are accurate? Also if she want's an 11 inch donger just go elbow deep.

girls have no idea how to measure anything at all. they always have wrong info about height and dick size because 1. most women are too stupid 2. men lie about their stats

This literally never happens. Nice bait, faggot. Porn and social media addicts are the plaque of the 21st century.

Most girls are all drama and hype shit up to make their friends jealous. ego centered

Also dick size doesn't really matter , 4.5 should be enough along with other sexy moves. You cant just stimulate a woman with your dick only, you have to talk, rub, feel and lick. If your not mentally struggling to multi task your not doing it right . plus it keeps you lasting longer when your being tactical and thinking lol

Femanon here. My bf's dick is 7" and sex hurts a lot of the time because it's constantly hitting my cervix. I'm a masochist so it kinda heightens the pleasure for me, but most girls I've talked to about it tend to hate having their cervix hit.
The girls you've heard talk about "omg 10 inches!!1!" are lying. Your dick size is fine. Focus more on your personality and mental health, and girls will want to fuck you.

I was scared of my dick size too. Had one girl tell me it was big and rolled my eyes. When i saw the third girl i fucked cum and shake uncontrollably I knew it was good. Im about the size as you

This is what the internet is doing to our boys.
That's plenty of dick. Stop whining. That makes you a puss and that's a much bigger problem.

I would run the other way from a 9 incher. The most I can take is barely 8 inches. 7-8 inches is perfect, anything under is meh

I worry my dick is too skinny sometimes. My length is good at about 7.5", my circumference is about 5.5". I don't know what women really want thickness wise.

>Is there any way to make my dick bigger? My dick is only 6x5 and I’m so embarrassed by it I’ve never had sex with a woman. I feel so pathetic about it any woman I get with would cheat on me anyway.

Stop listening to anyone on 4chins regarding dick size and / or height.

From girls I've been with girth > length

Why the fuck do they tell you that

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I thought this waa high tier satire...

h0ly shit nobody actually answered the question, instead sobbing about society n shit. great fucking help

>I've never heard it therefore not possible!
Grow up

Hollow out a dildo and then glue the shell to your penis

>Why is your dick black?

Why not blue? You can always spray paint it

I don't think there are any kind of spay paint a girl would want inside her.

>implying women are smart enough to notice
Giving them too much credit my man

This debate is long settled and the OP and male debaters ignore women. This is an argument between men, a pissing contest, with no competent judge you listen to, EVER.

Penis size does matter. Both feel good but big feels better. Oh, if there was a way to make your penis bigger every body would be using it already.

Opinion discarded

How do I advertise that I have a large penis without coming on too strong and crossing some line?

Artificial pant bulge insert

That would make it look like I constantly have an erection. I don't think this is appropriate.

>wants to advertise big penis
>complains his penis is big

of course you do, you'd rather pull your thing out and wave it around your friends and argue

Bigger isn't better
5" is fine if you realize most women aren't size queens.

don't do that user, we know but heres a tip. Boxers or nothing so we can see it move around in your pants

So, you want me to believe I'm "adequate" but would not hesitate for a single second to hop on someone else's bigger dick if it was presented to you. Fuck off, whore

I doubt you are adequate or you wouldn't argue about your thing so much

I'm 6" but it's not even close to enough

Bigger is definitely way better. If it takes both hands and the head still shows and I cannot touch my thumb and forefinger I'm good. Who in the world measures their thing anyway? Stupid

According to the NHS in the U.K.:

"Research has found the average erect penis size varies from around 13cm to 18cm (5in to 7in). You cannot make your penis larger or smaller with exercises or medication."

That's MOST of us, and most of us do fine with women. Stop fixating on individual attributes that are out of your control, it's just another excuse you're making for yourself to avoid living.

I think I need reasons to live, not "excuses" for now doing so

Not "now"

Living is the only logical thing to do. How much time do you have left? 60 years? That's fucking nothing. You'll be on your death bed before you even know it. The older you get the faster time will appear to go by.

I'm almost 30 already and it felt like I was in high school yesterday. Life will get past you. It doesn't matter what you do at the end of the day, so why in the actual fuck would you NOT maximize your happiness? (Doing nothing will maximize your dissatisfaction with yourself and your life for most people.)

>living is the only logical thing to do
Proof? What premises are you working from?
I'm pretty content as it, btw. I guess I should have quoted "live" to imply reference to the normie usage of the word, which means get hobbies, work for 50+ years, waste money, go on vacations, have sex, etc.

That's what I meant by "live" as well, except the work for 50+ years thing. Ideally you find something you don't hate for work. Not always possible but hey, nobody said it'd be easy.

I can only give you advice that I've used for myself. As in, this is my philosophy for living vs. killing myself vs. being lazy or useless.

1.) Being happy is better than being sad.
2.) Life has no meaning except the meaning we assign to it
3.) Long term studies show happiness largely depends on good lifelong relationships (friends, community, actual relationships), which requires one to work at things
4.) Accomplishing things feels good (Based on my own experiences), but this feeling fades, so it's onto the next goal after one is accomplished, forever. I'm okay with this.

Yeah, no thanks. I'm as happy as can be right now and am what you'd call "lazy"

I had a bizarre conversation with a woman I recently fucked. She told me I brought her both pleasure and pain but not for the reason I may think. She said my penis did bring pleasure and sexual excitement but pain in the aftermath because she felt so guilty for having sex with me because she loved her husband so much. I mean it couldn't have been that much guilt or pain since she came back two more times but still.

My dick is 10" and girls always complain that it hurts a lot. I feel bad though.

Then why do you even care about dick size

I don't. Just was reading the thread and decided to jump in

This image is literally a troll image that some cuck keeps posting on these boards so he can jerk off about how "small" his dick is. Its not even close to true.

There are some women who have a fetish for giant dicks, just like there are men who have a fetish for giant tits. And there are some women who judge entirely based on that criteria. But those women are shit tier douchebro equivalents and generally pretty rare.

What makes a woman find you sexy is just as complex and hard to define as what makes a woman sexy to you. Thinking that all they care about is the size of your dick is the misogynistic oversimplified self loathing thinking of an incel. Don't fall for that fucking trap! When it comes to relationships dick size is generally not going to even be a factor unless you're so massive or tiny that it makes sex completely impossible.

Don't cuck yourself with a ruler, fag. Just get out there and talk to a goddamn girl. Even if she is one of the shitlords who ends up being a size queen, who cares? Move on to a better one. You cannot change your dick size so why agonize over something you cannot effect and had no say in choosing?


Even if it was true, its been found that women consistently misjudge the size of their partner, adding inches.

I only know one size queen, and she's fucked like 150 guys. (Literally somewhere in there). Everyone knows she's a whore. She wanted to fuck me because she knows I have a big dick. (It's only like 6.5 - 7" and pretty girthy tho, but that's pretty big according to most women I've been with, including one prostitute who was worried I'd hurt her and said to "be careful" and kept saying "you have a really big dick")

Good point. It is pronounced like "gel king" but Idk how to spell it. You can change your D just like people stretch earlobes and necks or even skulls, back in the day. It is ridiculous to say that there is nothing to be done. There is. Still, a six incher is nothing to be ashamed of.

Probably cuz he's gay

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Big dicks are a fucking meme. No body over 7inchs gets good blowjobs. Finding a girl/boy that can deep throat an 8-9 incher is fucking impossible. And anywhere else you put your dick will have limited space too. Plenty of girls don't enjoy massive cocks as they simply don't fit. 6inchs is fine and its all about how you use it and the rest of your body.

You can make marginal gains in dick size by being physically healthy. But that's more increased blood/hormone flow to the dick to get to your actual full size rather than improving the limit.

>Coming to any Chan
>expecting actual help
You’re new here aren’t you.nojpg

>what is hyperbole

gr8 b8 m8

t. gay men

>it’s like every girl I meet.
Do you meet girls in porn videos?
Have a (you), lad

It's not because women are too stupid but because women usually don't have a ruler with them when they're with a guy, plus a lot of them don't care..

Ayo same size.
Dickbro, guys enjoy their dick size more than girls I genuinely believe. If I'm gonna have a big dick, I'd want an impossible hyper dong like in my Japanese hentais.
Otherwise, the 6x5 workhorse will meet our needs.

Fuck off with your weird ass cuck fetish

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I am barely a 6 incher and every single girl complains that it hurts at the beginning of sex and that they are sore after, dick size doesn't matter

Only gay men and insane women care about dick size.

Can confirm. My ex gf was a size queen and she stabbed me for finding out she was cheating on me.

Also the gays need big dicks to fill their deep gaping assholes.

If you want to be an asshole to women you have to have 15" dick first.

>the plaque of the 21st century.
And I am the dentist.

>no help
you won't listen, but I can't stand to see a retard in pain.
1) average dick size is around 5.5 inches. I believe that is measured on the topside. from the belly to the tip. I believe a micropenis is considered to be less than 3.5 inches.

2) the length of a vagina changes. it is a muscle, making it adaptable, and it lengthens when a woman is turned on. most women max out at about 6 inches. That is a pretty hard limit, too, because almost no woman likes getting her cervix banged.

3) I haven't seen much info about racial differences, but AFAIK the range is only an inch, or so. Condom manufactureres report selling slightly more large condoms in African countries, relative to the US. but the number is slight. also, buying a product is the very definition of "self selection" and those data sets are considered to be shit.

4) women talk about dicks, but only if it's a tiny dick. They are WAY more interested in every other aspect of a guy. the women I have been with actually talk shit about dudes with big dicks, because they are miserable in bed. Lazy, uncreative, insensitive to their partner's needs, and their dick is too fucking big and it hurts.

5) if you are obsessing over your dick, then you have already lost the game. your mind isn't right, and you will bomb every date. you know the #1 trick to get pussy wet? JOKES

be funny and fun to talk to, and she will be riding your rocket, within hours. still worried about your dick? LEARN TO EAT PUSSY.

want to know the #2 trick to getting pussy wet? Having blown the girl's mind the last time you got her pussy wet.


I know this sounds like whatever, but you started with talking first about how you like your cervix pounded then tried to make him feel better lol.

I’m sorry I think I’m just highly jaded when it comes to anything dealing with sexual intercourse. It’s been so long since I’ve have sex I think my mind and body are playing tricks on me. I’m so thirsty for some ass but don’t quite know how to get there. I had sex in college, and that was great, but now I don’t know how the fuck to meet a cute, beautiful girl with brains that wants a black awkward 32 year old with fear of rejection and a tendency to placate other people for fear of reprisal.

You probably won’t believe me but the Chinese have found out how to increase your penis size and erecting naturally without any supplements and have been doing so for decades. Learn tai chi and proper qigong excerises, and do them according to the specifications of a proper instructor, and you’ll be able to screw better than guys three times your length and girls go wild over you. Read about wang shu jin. Now, from experience tai chi isn’t the best fighting art in the world, but the health benefits are HUGE. Look up wang shu Jin and guys who learned under him.

Holy shit this fucking image. Only children are stupid enough to believe this shit

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You're fine, dude. A woman may cheat because of dissatisfaction, but that won't be because of size; it'll be because of your own awkwardness (not just first-time, but continual) or inattention to detail. Couple tips: if you don't first know what to do with your dick, use your mouth on her. Everywhere. Fingertips, neck, earlobes, back of her knees, bite her buttcheeks (gently), lick her nipples then blow on them for a chill that makes them harder. And do any/all of this while you're fucking her; make her overwhelmed by your passion and creativity. That's what makes for a memorable lover.

eh well, it does happen. Girls let out all sorts of shit if they feel comfortable around you. That being said, girls can't measure for shit, still. STILL. They STILL talk about that oversized bullshit to defend their relationships, AND they suck at measuring. But the cervix-punching is all about the angle and position, so read up on that.



Tinder is fucking hilarious. I haven’t had a decent match in years.

OP you're fine. Matter of fact you're bigger than average so that's pretty good. Penis size doesn't really mean shit unless you're like rocking a 3 inch peener or your partner is a huge size queen and prefers bigger but besides that, learn to fuck. Try new positions and foreplay techniques. People are fucking retarded when it comes to dick sizes because of how we view porn, we think bigger is better until girls realize that it's going to literally smash their cervix during sex and hurt. Don't worry OP you're fine and dont give a fuck about what people say about dick size, especially women.

That image makes me want to kill my self...

>11 inches
>doesnt fit but doesnt matter lmao
>lmao 6 inchers btfo

Rasputin is that you? Anyway how can people with long dicks but normal girth ACCIDENTALLY hurt someone? just use as much as you need. Can't you control how deep you go?

Same with people who cum immediately or can't cum. Don't you have any goddamn self control?

There are people who walk in ropes for 20 meters+ same thing.
There are people who dance, sing, do insanely talented things and you mean to tell me you can't control your balls and your thrusting motions?