Anons I work for amazon as a picker and I fucking despise everything there. I can barely walk to the bus station at the end of my shift and my feet are always swollen and the place always stinks. Call me a bitch but I don't feel like 15 dollars an hour is a fair exchange for my body getting raped 4 times a day when I'm barely doing good at the job. A lot of people left by they all have work history so it's fine
My question is, am I basically fucked if I leave my first job after few days and I have nothing else on my resume? Cause it's either I keep working here unable to meet the picking rate and get fired later or just quit now and not be accepted by any other employer for being a quitter. I really don't want to go back to being a Neet since I'm slowly integrating back into society and parents are starting to look at me with respect. Plus it took me a year to find a job and I don't want to go back to that either.
invest in some better shoes. with any kind of physical work it takes a while for your body to get used to it. I'd kill for 15 an hour by the way. If you really want to quit just leave it off your resume in the future.
Jacob Long
Try it for at least two weeks. All jobs have a learning curve. It’s a job, you’ll probably get lots of hours, and you can always apply for something else later.
Gavin Johnson
Have you tried applying to other places? Retail, restaurants, that kind of thing. How did it go?
I agree with the other posters as well, you should try it out for a little longer because you're just getting used to the job. If you can try to make some friends or listen to podcasts or music while working
Matthew Parker
I've been doing that for a year, no luck. I'd gladly flip burgers or clean hallways instead of this constant test of stamina. I was just never the physical kind of person, all I ever did in highschool PE was sleep and sit.
I will try to stay for as long as they fire me. Currently, the required pick rate is 300 items per hour (1 item every 9 seconds) and I'm doing around 160 if I really push myself. My peers seem to do 280-350 pretty consistently with some very few animals reaching the 450 mark. These sort of numbers are crushing me. Maybe better shoes would help like user said, I will get to that now actually.
Jaxson Ross
I bet the warehouse would burn real good
Josiah Peterson
Hi OP. I work at Amazon too. Given by the fact that you ride the bus I'm assuming you're a little bitch zoomer who has never worked in his life. I'd suggest trying to tough it out, like the others said you're just not used to the work or working in general, your body will adjust after a week. I'm in my late 20s and I do this shit effortlessly and I leave my shifts with zero pain aside from being sweaty.
I don't know why you're worried about pick rate, idk if it's different at your warehouse but the one I work at no one gives a fuck about it unless you are a massive fuck up, I don't even know how you're at the point where you are worrying about it since anyone can meet the rate working normally. There are fucking literal 50 year old grandma's working there full time who can do it so I don't know how you can be so shit at it.
And in the end if after trying it out for at least a month you're still miserable, just quit. Amazon is brain dead easy to quit, you can literally do it online. If you're worried about your resume literally just don't put it on there? There is no secret database of jobs you worked that employers can look up, I know you're a dumb teenager so the only places you can even work at are places like McDonald's and let me tell you as someone who has done hiring before literally NO ONE calls your references or calls to check the shit on your resume so your fear is frankly childish and ridiculous.
Get a pair of Birkenstocks and actually get fit. No more swollen feet.
Jaxon Murphy
Tough it out, you'll be a better person for it. Trust me, it'll give you self-discipline.
Nathaniel Mitchell
Don't quit. It will look bad on your resume. I have done few jobs all I quit after few months. In HR point of view I am unemployable because they expect that I will leave after a while. I've been jobless for a 1+ year because of this, despite all the CVs that I send.
It was my own mistake that I left people use me to the point where I had to leave because I was bullied.
Just understand that everyone in the workplace tries to work as least as possible and that they are not really bad people overall. Since you work hard, your body will adjust after a while.
You can do it. Just remember to leave one day for resting if you don't work on the weekends. Don't do anything at all. You will be recharged and will manage it better. Balanced meals will also do wonders.
Owen Rogers
Just exclude the shit from your resume retard
Lucas Gray
>newbie wagie getting ragie You should probably get used to it bucko. I've got some bootstraps for sale lmao
If I exclude it, my resume will be empty. Have a master's degree in management, but no one wanted to hire me since I didn't work while studying at uni. So after I got out, I just did low key jobs, stocking shelves, shop clerks. Lasted for a while, but then people started leaving shit around and I had to do it because a) what group says > what I say and b) I had some issues in the past because difficult childhood with no mental support. I managed to somehow face myself and dig up the dirt that was buried deep inside me. It did help me understand what I did wrong. But as far as experience goes, cannot erase it because people will ask wtf I did without work since 2015. In this case, it is better something than nothing at all.
Tyler Long
You could just make something up. Say you traveled on and off, maybe doing some under the table volunteer or humanity work
Alexander Lopez
lol fuckin dayshift picker, try being the unloader for floorloads and regular trailers, downstacking, receiving, transporting and auditing all in the same day everyday. inbound dock is where the real shit is there. though doing that they made me a PG in like 6 months and had my pa interview. get a good work ethic and move and you get used to it famalam
John Williams
>degree in management >no work experience sure it wasn't a degree in mismanaging time and money?
Ayden Perry
It is just a random degree from a random faculty which has no real meaning really. You learn just the theoretical base of the several types of management. After that, you can work in basically any company because you understand how the company works. - In theory, it trains people to "supervise/motivate" other people below them/on the same level. -In practice, nobody gives a shit since it is not a valid qualification without experience. The highest you can go is an entry level position with "advanced excel". So it was advised for students to actually get a part time job while studying to get some experience, since the institution farted 3k people with the same degree every year.
I didn't care much about work or money at that time, so I am to be blamed for it. My choices would have been quite different if I knew what I had to do back then. But then again, my choice regarding education would have been quite different. Having no moral support from any side is kind of hard.
Blake Anderson
Completely serious, non-dickhead question: why did you think, at the time, that this was a good idea? What was your goal?
Colton Roberts
>A zoomer attacks a fellow zoomer for not sucking capitalist cock
Isaiah James
You're in the door at a top 5 company. As long as you're not fired, it's okay to go apply at a Starbucks or something and just tell them that the grueling physical demands of Amazon are not a good fit for your body type, or something like that. They'll hire you.
Oliver Flores
I didn't. It was the only university I was accepted in. Here is a summary of my story: - My original interest was biology mainly zoology. - From an early childhood I had problems with my parents. One of them is an alcoholic narcissist, the other was overprotective. Brother was an egotistical person who enjoyed making me angry not realizing that I was a HSP which is a highly sensitive person (you can look it up what it means, Ellaine Aron is the person who researches it). - Being bullied in elementary and high school to the point where people consider you the class "clown" made me lose interest in the subjects that I loved. Scored poorly on biology subjects. - Time came for a university choice, I was applied for two universities, one was the one my brother used to go i.e. Faculty of management. The other was a Uni that taught psychology. Didn't get to the latter because it had no entrance exams but they compared the grades in high school. Passed the management one despite scoring low on the entrance exams. The reason I applied in the management one was partially because of my parents who kept saying negative shit like "You won't make it nowhere with biology" and other stuff. Hearing nothing positive in life messes up with your head and makes you a little bitch. I couldn't stand for myself and basically hid everything inside to the point when I blew up. That was the reason I lost my last place.
What helped me understand was this lecture from Gabor Mate: I started digging up the stuff I was repressing and finally told my family to go fuck itself. But this happened only this year in April. I am 28 years of age.
Jordan Reed
Just a FIY, the applications for the uni cost money that is why I didn't apply for anything else. At that point I gave up on my interests.
John Fisher
Are you not American? I've never heard of a university only teaching a specific subject.
Colton Lewis
That's just the reality of low paying jobs.
Right now i work full time at a logistical warehouse until i go back to school in a few months time. It's hard fucking work. I'm constantly busting my ass and i also have to manage some of my less-experienced coworkers. Everyday after i'm done working and i sit on the couch at home, i can barely get up because my legs hurt so much. I get paid 10 euros per hour (about 11$). No i'm not being underpaid. For this kind of work 10 euros per hour is considered normal where i live (holland).
At the same time, i regularly hear from IT workers, programmers and software developers how they spend like 3 hours per day at work just dicking around and browsing facebook. But they're getting paid 30-40$ per hour or more. Low-skilled labor is pretty much on the edge of slavery if you ask me. You work your ass off every single day, get borderline abused by your superiors and you do it for a wage that's barely even enough to rent a cheap apartment and eat.
Tldr: working a low-paying job is OK for the time being, but always strive for more in the near future. Either try to work your way up to management or go back to school to get a useful degree.
Alexander Parker
Here there are no colleges but universities divided into specific "faculties" that deal with different subject. So for each subject you have different classes focusing on different areas. For example the Faculty of management teaches you stuff like - Economics 101 - HR management - Financial management - Operations management - Time management - Accounting - Statistics - Strategic management - Marketing management etc. Each of these have one or two different classes per semester so you kind of get to understand a bit more. Plus you can add some optional classes depending on what the university offers. You have uni for natural sciences which includes biology, chemistry and medicine. Psychology and Pedagogy are under a Social studies uni. Mathematics, physics and computer stuff are under an uni with the shortcut of all three. Each is different and has different entrance requirements. Some make you do tests, others see the grades, and some let you in. The system here is bad because the state pays the universities based on how many students they get. So more students = more money. But that also means quality is bad. Unironically I may be one of the few who actually remembers the theory from most of the stuff I studied, but that is part of my brain wiring.
Procrastination and depression are what ended it for me. So now I try to somehow get on my feet. Still hard because even if you tell the family to fuck off, you have no support. No friends, nothing. No motivation, but I do it for the sake of doing it. Nothing will change if I don't assume responsibility.
Jaxson Wood
Try those shoe gel insole shoe inserts maybe that will help. It’s only been a few days maybe you’ll get used it working after a few weeks. If your fat, lose some weight, that will help your feet not be so pissed off at you. Hang in there bud.
Julian Howard
Actually, you have the University which is the umbrella institution. Under this are usually the individual Colleges. Within the colleges are various Schools, and within the schools various faculties
Justin Collins
I guess that is the proper word. Here they just call them "faculties". It is like with high school, here it is called "gymnasium" which may denote a place of exercise, but its rank is that of a high school.
Easton Walker
My bad, my man. This () was explaining American universities. I misread the chain of replies and thought you were American
Joseph Turner
I walk for roughly 1 hour to work & another 1 hour to get home everyday.
I also stand for 5 hours while my hands were never dry washing dishes and three times a week I get to add 30 minutes of another walking to get to my another job and walk back home.
Give it a try for at least 2 months. I've been in my 2 shitty jobs for almost a year and a half now. -_-
Ayden Evans
>works 4 days a week >$15/h >not fair If you do want another job, get one before you quit. It’ll look better on your resume
Nicholas Gonzalez
No, it's ok. I had a chance to learn more about the education systems in other countries at high school and uni, but I never bothered to listen since I never anticipated I would be having this type of conversation with anyone. Didn't even know I would end up on Jow Forums at all. I guess it is all "fate".
Leo Lee
It's ok. I didn't even know what Jow Forums was until I started college/university
Anthony Murphy
Kind of same. I did find about it during my 2nd year at uni. Not sure how I got here in the first place. I guess /x/ was my first board since I was looking for paranormal stuff. So I used to browse /x/ then had a 2 year break, because work and depression, and confronting my issues. Few weeks ago decided to stop by out of nostalgia, only to see it is now called 4channel, and I feel like it is not the same anymore. Unironically started browsing Jow Forums and /lit/ just to get some inspiration even though it kind of doesn't matter since for me it lost its meaning. I used to draw, smile and other stuff. Now I just feel like eh, whatever. It is more of a serenity thing if I could describe it. So I discarded my feelings and now just try to get better for the sake of it. Will be browsing for a few more days, then leave again. Probably won't be coming back here.
Caleb Peterson
It was 2014 I think, but I didn't start here. If I remember correctly, I was browsing reddit (never posted and don't go there anymore) and saw someone mention eig ht Chan. I went there and ended up on Jow Forums. I stayed there for several months and then started on Jow Forums, mostly /b/ and Jow Forums. That continued until I dropped /b/. I took a break but came back to Jow Forums. Eventually I found /his/ and /lit/. Nowadays I'm on /lit/ and here. I know that feeling of serenity or whatever you want to call it. I can just pop in, chat with people, and disappear. There's nothing here that can hurt me, no one knows me. I can learn things or I can make myself laugh. No where else does this for me. I spend way too much time here but I give credit where it's due