Soon I will join the Foreign Legion and I want to trigger my psychopathy so after 5 years of service or more I won't...

Soon I will join the Foreign Legion and I want to trigger my psychopathy so after 5 years of service or more I won't come back with PTSD, what I have to do in order to trigger it especially when I have it in my genes but it was keept away from developing since age of 8?

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I understand what youre saying but its still ilogical to do something to evade doing it later.
If you get a note from a psychologist im sure you can escape the military.
Also, what do you mean " age 8 " ? Ehat happened?

I don't want to escape the military, I need the FL to make money and it's literally the best solution for me plus I could have a nice time here, with the age of 8 I mean since then my parents started to bring me to psychologist and psychiastrist because I wasn't beheaving normal for a 8 years old kid, there were some moments when I was stealing, lying, manipulating others that were seeing me doing something to do not say what I did by beating them.

Internet communication is difficult - your post seems a bit strange and trollish. Are you serious, do you have an urge to kill? You seek excitement to forget about bad stuff? Or are you running away from something or someone?

There are better ways to deal with it. What happens if you get shot in the knee and sit in a wheelchair for the rest of your life? Reminisce?

>I have it in my genes
Yes. And I also have a great-grandfather who blasted his way from Stalingrad to Berlin, got a bit wounded, but lived on - but that was because the alternative that the invaders would've killed him.

Don't do it, OP. Seek regular therapy first. If you actually are a psychopath, or so you think, you can take a brain scan. Oxytocin is available in some countries as meds. I think you might just be a bit edgy and angry right now, though I don't know you, so... I'd tell you to find love, but if you abuse her, then don't. Seek therapy first, find out what causes these thoughts.

Didn't read your last post.

Do you live somewhere where the FFL is the only way to leave?

When you say you have it in your genes -- I thought at first you meant that you had killer-genes as edgy as it sounds, but what do you mean, if you are serious?

I'm no thought-reader, but if you are serious, then talk here.

Are you rather mad at your parents and the institutions for doing something bad to you when you were just a child? That's understandable. Empathy comes with age naturally given good circumstances, and it's a shame if you've been tricked to believe you are a psycho for being a shit-kid that young. Sorry for suggesting therapy, but as an adult it might be better.

I want to help you with advice if you want to. I thought about joining a militia because I live in a society where many hate me for no good reason, just as a way to get out anger, but it's not good. And I'm not diagnosed with anything as schizo as what I just wrote sounds, and I've sought professional help, long story.

>Soon I will join the Foreign Legion
Good luck. They're extremely selective.

I guess it could sound since there tons of people trolling around but I'm not, I'm very serious about this, I have no urge to kill also yes I do seek this and I'm trying to run away from my family and my so called gf.

Maybe I won't, the chances for something like this to happen are equal with the chances of getting hit by a car in a big city but if I get wounded hard enough to ruin my life the only thing that I will do on the moment would be to blow my brains off.

I had multiple brain scans and it showed it evolving and devolving, last time it was devolving.Trust me I will never find love, so many relationships and no love just more stress than love, if there's truly love then it's damn rare now days.
Yes it can be, but what I have isn't killer-genes, just a total ignorance about what I do, lack of remorse and empathy.

You are not joining the FL faggot.
You may try to, and will fail miserably. That’s all.

Why are you running away from them if I may ask? I want to help you, but you need to give info. You come to Jow Forums for advice, and I'm giving you a free therapy session.

>Maybe I won't, the chances for something like this to happen are equal with the chances of getting hit by a car in a big city but if I get wounded hard enough to ruin my life the only thing that I will do on the moment would be to blow my brains off.
Or are you just in a crisis right now? The FFL-solution is just a last way out solution you thought of right now? Just gambling here, and I don't mean to sound patronizing. I just want to help.

>I had multiple brain scans and it showed it evolving and devolving, last time it was devolving.Trust me I will never find love, so many relationships and no love just more stress than love, if there's truly love then it's damn rare now days.
You say it's because of psychopathy. Do you fuck them over or some shit?

>lack of remorse and empathy
How bad are we talking here? What type of situations?
These are very important questions.

I'm planning to run because my parents plans to put only me to work while they stay home doing absolutely nothing, kind of it is last way out solution for me plus I have an interest into military stuff.I don't think so, at the moment I'm aware of what I'm doing and if it is good or not, I did put a lot of effort and love into my relationships yet always in general they were like an emotional abuse especially this one, after a time everything is alright and then the bad starts.

From what you write, you don't seem psycho, although, only very stressed, though the army does attract psychopaths, hence why I ask - especially dodgy PMC-companies. Just hold out. It will pay off more-so than you think.

Easier said than done, but always look at the bright side of it. Learn from past mistakes.

Again, read my posts ITT. Follow my advice, and your life will become better. Good luck, bro

Thank you

Psychopathy doesn't mean urge to kill, just lack of empathy and remorse.
Op if you don't feel compassion towards others then you're a psychopath, I'm not sure it can change easily but I'm also not a specialist. If you really don't feel love then I'm pretty sure you won't feel hurt if your companions die etc. But doesn't mean some dark shit couldn't change you for worse. Though I think chances of PTSD, feeling responsible for someone's death and such are much smaller and you'd be more fitted to join the legion than average person. This is my personal opinion and a psychiatrist would probably tell you to go to therapy and such, but let's not kid ourselves, psychopaths mostly don't give a shit about therapy and becoming compassionate.

>Psychopathy doesn't mean urge to kill, just lack of empathy and remorse.
No, that could be autism. Psychopaths want to hurt. Autists just don't understand their actions and lack of empathy, but they don't have the intention to damage.

Empathy is also a big word. It can mean both kind, "altruistic", and to put yourself in other's situation as to understand them, sort of like social IQ.

Whatever, semantics.
OP you just need to hold out, and it will pay off a lot.

Ok I won't argue about semantics because English isn't my first language. You could be right about op because he doesn't seem to fill out psychopathy characteristics now when I checked them. But what I meant is that in my understanding psychopaths don't necessarily go out of their way to hurt people, but they don't have any restraints about doing it if it's to gain something. Wiki says about one of psychopaths' trait:
"Meanness. Lacking empathy and close attachments with others, disdain of close attachments, use of cruelty to gain empowerment, exploitative tendencies, defiance of authority, and destructive excitement seeking"
I don't think of wiki as ab final oracle though and I'm open to learn and discuss

No stress. Though what is somewhat true is that some characteristics of both diagnoses overlap each other.

Again, OP seems sane.

Bullshit. The Foreign Legion doesn't exist anymore

OP, if you're still here. I felt that I sensed that you felt frustration, and that's understandable if the ones closest to you, your parents, treat you so bad.

When I write "see a therapist" it's because you probably have developed some bad synapses in your brain, and if you don't get that fixed, it will ruin your life. A therapist won't risk years of uni. and their careers for telling others about your problems. You might actually meet a real psycho one day who senses that you have some sort of Stockholm-guilt syndrome, and will ruin you. Or other mental issues your parents gave you.

Incase you're depressed, I'd try exercise for dopamine-gains and high doses of various multivitamins before anti-depressants.

But if you actually meant you'd do it, and if it's about comradeship and killing, then why not try martial arts, though see a therapist at the same time, don't become too attached to those people. Guys can be involved in shady shit, girls can have many problems of their own. Meet a girl who's kind.

But again. I don't know you. Maybe you already know this. Or maybe you think I'm a cop and won't write what it's really about, but you just have to take my word for it that I'm not. I hope I helped, or anyone else who went through a tough or edgy phase in their life. Tough times create tough people, but look at war vets ffs. You have no rights there either, so what happens if they make you their bitch?

I wish you do what I say if I'm not totally off. It's Jow Forums after all.

Take care

French here, It does... They even have a website


The French Foreign Legion will still exist far after the UK is no more

OP I too want to join the legion further more I'd like to start my own mercenary company. These are nothing but daydreams though.

Kek I remember thread on Jow Forums about anons opening mercenary company, it was hilarious, the furthest it went was me making a patch. I like daydreaming about it and would like to include the subject in a comic but I don't have enough references. Maybe you have some good books or films to recommend?