Why are men so fucking dense?
Why are men so fucking dense?
Because you are fat and/or ugly
Pretty much none of these are "obvious."
Now I remember why I don't talk to women
Half of these are literally sexual abuse.
The one where the friends got them together was cute though. Read like something from a fanfiction.
No woman in the world has ever done any of these things to me. Heck they don't even talk to me.
Don't shill your shit article here. Give me a pastebin or fuck off.
Because we’re scared to even touch you psychos
>"I've never kissed a guy with a mustache before."
>"You know, neither have I."
What a fucking baller. Dude didn't miss the hint, he rejected it.
>I completely undressed in front of him, undid my hair and told him I was going to take a bath. I even lit candles and shut the lights off. He followed me in, got my hopes up, and then just sat there fully clothed on the toilet talking to me about serial killers. For 30 minutes.
>I asked a guy out for coffee… 12 times. He would always just respond with, “I don’t like coffee much.” When I would invite him to get lunch or dinner, he’d always invite another one of our mutual friends to join in because he thought I was inviting him as a friend.
Somehow, the guy is the one who can't take a fucking hint here.
>i invited a guy over, we watched netflix, I asked if he wanted to "see my bedroom", he looked around, asked me about some art I have and suggested we go get froyo. Weeks later he told me he had no idea i was interested in him.
Sounds like something I'd do. I mean, showing your room to people is part of a standard house/flat tour.
I've had much more blatant flirting still get turned around as "omg no that's not what I meant" by attention whores before.
lol. i thought i was being pretty obvious but he did not pick up what I was putting down.
top kek. Dude knows how to play roastie games
this one got me crying for solid 10 minutes. It even sounds like something the guys from Jow Forums would do.
Pro tip, if a guy is being completely oblivious he's just not interested. Doubly so if the guy is attractive.
Not true. Now when i remember there was this girl in my class who would touch my calves and said they are big. Would put her hand on my crotch and i jokingly put it away. Years later i have realized she was interested in me.
nah, I've been completely oblivious to girls I considered out of my league before
That's the joke, Anons. -_-
is this how to get free advertising? I know 'cause I used to do it lmao.
I actually have done something similar. A girl dragged me out of a party unto a balcony that was out of the way, and all I did was talk her ear off about satanism.
>Read the article expecting to come to some realisation about past instances of girls giving me the hint
>Nope, nothing like any of this has ever happened to me.
Kek same except it was warhammer miniatures.
Based and roastie pilled
Imagine the fact that she still thinks he's... Yeah.
It's like women are unable to understand that some men might just not be into them.
My exgf would always do this minus the candles and stuff but as soon as she broke up with me she would only undress in the bathroom after closing and locking the door. Explain? Was she trying to get me to fuck her every previous time?
erry tiem.
>I said I’ve never kissed a guy with a mustache before and wondered what it felt like. He said, “You know, neither have I” and walked away.
You have to understand that some people are able to predict the outcome of the situation and thus figure it is no point in wasting time. You are evaluated every time you meet them. If they figure it won't work, they won't bother with you.
Instead of relying on hints, just open your mouth and say what you mean. No need to play with your hair or dance on one leg like an idiot, waiting for someone's light bulb to get turned on.
We're not dense, we just don't make assumptions, because every situation where a girl is "flirting" could also easily be "just being friendly." I'm not getting rape charges over a guess.
>writes retarded article for some awful obscure website
>hmm I know! I'll post the link on Jow Forums to get more clicks
Looks like it worked so I guess I can't really criticize
>my gf stopped getting nude in front of me since we broke up
I read 60 of these, painful. I had subtle ones happen to me, maybe few that were obvious but it was never obvious to me. Even now that I know how covert women can be, shit just goes over my head. What can I do, Im trying to minimize rejection.
Why are women so incapable of being direct?
They don't want to look like a slut. But they don't understand that if all of them were direct, none of them would look like sluts for being direct.
Why do women think so highly of themselves?
>he's too stupid to get my hint
No, you're too ugly for him to be attracted to you. Did you ever think that?
For a guy in the same situation this would be the immediate thought "oh she doesn't like me" not "oh she's an idiot she doesn't pick up on my hints" women act like it's inconceivable for them that a guy would turn them down
>most of these are rosties being unable to pick up on the fact that they're getting rejected
top kek
>Why are women so incapable of being direct?
Because its often physically dangerous for them to do so. Until you've been in a situation where you don't know whether or not a human being two or three times your size is going to react well to rejection its a little difficult to pretend like you understand their perspective. Additionally, I'm a little bit older with a sister roughly my age and my old school mother imprinted on her a lot of the antiquated "be seen not heard" kind of mentality that is still pretty pervasive today. Stern, direct women are often dismissed as bitchy or too uptight. People are far more accepting of an authoritative man. Nobody questions his masculinity for appearing too tough or too rigid. That isn't the same for women. Wanting to be direct and assertive yet always wanting to maintain femininity is a difficult balance. Its always difficult rectifying your own personality with the way you want others to perceive you. Long story short, your question has no simple answer. Women and men are different. Its far more advantageous and less risky for men to be direct than it is for women.
Cause last time we made an assumption based on signals...it started a movement. #MeToo
>Long story short, your question has no simple answer.
Thank God I scrolled to the bottom of this post and found this before I started reading it. You should put that first in your long posts.
>Its far more advantageous and less risky for men to be direct than it is for women.
Not really.
But you can just say that women are spineless cowards.
I mean, if you want to be a cringeworthy incel about it, sure.
Sorry. I know how difficult reading 6-7 sentences in a row can be.