I have a fear of women. Help!

I think I have a pathological fear of attractive women
>inb4 lower standards
I just mean any girl I find attractive. Not supermodels. I like all kinds of women.
I try to psych myself up that YOLO and there's nothing to fear and everything to gain. When it comes to the moment of truth I puss out every single time.
I just know they'll smell the fear and panic a mile away. They want a guy who's smooth, confident and suave. Not some awkward dork.

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Other urls found in this thread:


There's a good reason why. You have been rejected before in the past. It not about how confident, suave, or smooth you are. It is about how attractive and good looking you are. No amount of confidence will ever fix your looks.


>I just know they'll smell the fear and panic a mile away.
If you panic like a fucking retard then anyone can tell what's going on, not just attractive women.
>They want a guy who's smooth, confident and suave.
You're delusional if you think that you must have those things to get with an attractive girl. Do they help? Sure, but they're not universally desired.

Lol get a load of this fucking retard

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Lol get a load of this fucking retard.

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>Muh wimin are innocent and brainwashed
Cope harder

>Women are the largest consumers of porn where women are violently raped and abused

Dr. Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, a former data scientist, was given complete access to PornHub's search and views data. He found that women were more than twice as likely as men to search for videos where women are abused or forced to participate in nonconsensual sex. Women preferred videos with tags like "painful anal crying", "public disgrace", "extreme brutal gangbang", "forced", or "rape".

25% of all straight porn searches by women were for videos featuring violence against women, and 5% of women's searches were for videos where women are raped.


>62% of women have fantasies about rape and other forced sex acts

A team of researchers from the University of North Texas and University of Notre Dame played 355 young women a rape fantasy over headphones to investigate how aroused they became:

The tape's material tells the tale of a male protagonist who is strongly attracted to the female character. He expresses a desire for sex with her, but she's clearly unresponsive. He attempts to convince her, without success, and she continues to refuse his advances. The male character then overpowers and rapes her. She resists throughout, and at no time gives consent. However, as the man is attractive to her and provides erotic stimulation, she does experience gratification from the forced sex.

In questioning following this, researchers found that overall, 62% of participants reported having a rape fantasy of some type.

Of the women who reported having the most common rape fantasy ("being overpowered or forced by a man to surrender sexually against my will"), 40% had it at least once a month and 20% had it at least once a week.


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>More than half of prison staff sexual misconduct involves female guards/staff

According to US prison guidelines, "staff sexual misconduct" includes any seemingly consensual act or behavior of a sexual nature directed toward an inmate by staff, including romantic relationships. Such acts include intentional touching of the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks with the intent to abuse, arouse, or gratify sexual desire; completed, attempted, threatened, or requested sexual acts; and occurrences of indecent exposure, invasion of privacy, or staff voyeurism for sexual gratification.

This is differentiated form "nonconsensual sexual acts" and "abusive sexual acts" which are considered in a different manner.

A 2014 US prison audit found that 54% of all incidents of staff sexual misconduct (i.e consensual sexual relationships with prisoners) were perpetrated by females. Of all substantiated incidents involving female staff, 84% appeared to be fully consensual.


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>Women's self reported sex partner count dramatically increases when hooked up to a polygraph

Alexander & Fisher (2003) conducted a study to examine the effects of social norms on women's self-reports of their number of sexual partners. The researchers utilized a 'bogus pipeline' methodology; wherein participants were wired to a replica polygraph, with the participants being under the impression that the replica was functional and could detect the honesty of their responses to the researchers questions.

The studies participants (n=201; n=96 men and n=105 women) were asked to complete a survey gauging their level of sociosexuality (i.e how permissive or not their sexual attitudes were) and assigned to one of three conditions: anonymous response to the survey, bogus pipeline to control (filler questions), bogus pipeline answering the questions pertaining to their number of sexual partners and the 'exposure threat' condition (i.e the participants were under the impression that the researcher could read the responses to the questions.)

It was found that women significantly underplayed their number of sexual partners when they were threatened with 'exposure' by the researchers (mean number of partners 2.6) versus the anonymous response (mean number of partners 3.4) and that their self-reported partner count was highest under the bogus pipeline condition; where they were wired to the replica polygraph (mean number of partners 4.4.) Thus the women's self reported number of sexual partners was almost halved under the exposure threat condition vs the fake polygraph condition.


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Ergo, it was also found by the researchers that the women had a higher mean partner count then the men under the bogus pipeline condition, contradicting the general trend of women self-reporting significantly less sexual partners then roughly equivalent aged men.

Thus, it was demonstrated by the researchers that women generally deflate their self-reported number of partners (i.e their 'n count') and that this tendency is strongest when they are threatened with social shame or peer exposure for reporting their true number of sexual partners.


And just like that you got BTFO.

I was only looking for help approaching women. Jesus Christ the autism

If you had to make this thread then its already over for you, retard.

What's the axiom of the problem? How does your body and mind react when you meet them? Do you fall in love with them when you catch their eyes looking at yours back, and then you feel speechless? Does your heart pound a lot?
If it's the latter then try courses or beta-blockers, those are heart meds that don't affect your mind, but only makes your heart pound slower. Musicians use them a lot. They can make you depressed, so don't drink to feel better -- it's bad for you to mix heart meds with alcohol. And too much alcohol itself makes you less attractive.

I think the best approach is just to ask some bull shit questions, then take it from there. "What kind of place is this" if you're near a bar. Smile, but not overcreepingly. Wash yourself, dress nice, and wash your teeth.

If she responds positively, pay attention, and let her do the talking.

Literally Hitler's position isn't that women are innocent, that's also not what the data suggests. Had you been paying attention, what it says is that there's a strong correlation between how many sexual partners one has had and one's happiness/success in life; as well as establishes a trend that women are becoming progressively more promiscuous then they otherwise were a few years ago.

>Women are the largest consumers of porn where women are violently raped and abused
I have to question the study's methodology since there's no way that they know the sex of every anonymous searcher, therefore this had to have been done from people who have pornhub account, so I'm not surprised that they'd search for rape porn seeing as they're already kinky enough to make an account in the first place.

>62% of women have fantasies about rape and other forced sex acts
355 women isn't a big enough data sample to make a sweeping conclusion, and "rape fantasies of some kind" is very misleading as far as questions go; I doubt that these women have violent fantasies about being mercilessly raped and gang-banged on an alleyway like you're trying to imply.

It's no surprise to me however, 50 Shades is a thing and it sold despite being awful writing.

>More than half of prison staff sexual misconduct involves female guards/staff
That's only a difference of 6% between the male offenders, not big enough to be relevant in making a sweeping conclusion. The 84% is also not surprising and might explain why more male prison guards don't abuse women, since it's less likely to be consensual and they'd be more likely to get caught.

>Women's self reported sex partner count dramatically increases when hooked up to a polygraph
From the paper's conclusion: "Results suggest that some sex differences in self-reported sexual behavior reflect responses influenced by normative expectations for men and women."
This test was trying to prove gender stereotypes and succeeded (...)

However, 201 participants, of those 105 being female isn't a big enough sample to be entirely relevant; and like the study says, it's trying to prove something that we already generally know to be true: that gender stereotypes influence self-reporting.

This was hardly a btfo and I don't actually care about the statistics that I sent you. I think that it's really sad that your world view is based off of a few select studies with small data samples that seem to confirm it.


>Studies come up with consistent results
>"lol this is wrong because x and x"
Holy shit I never seen this cope before LOL. So by your logic, all scientific studies are invalid because they don't use the entire world population. Also, I don't give a shit what (((Hitler))) thought.

>70% of women would openly avoid a man solely because of his looks
The skincare brand Remescar conducted a survey of 2,000 British men and women on their preferences for a romantic or sexual partner.

When women were asked what they desired in a romantic partner, their top rated value was "a nice smile", and third from top was "body type". 70% of female respondents admitted that they would ignore or avoid an individual of the opposite sex solely because of the way they looked, versus 31% of men.


>Love at first sight can be predicted by physical attractiveness
Researchers attempted to evaluate what contributes to the love-at-first-sight phenomenon using an online study, a laboratory study, and three dating events. They found that the primary predictor was physical attractiveness.

Strangers were more likely to report experiencing love-at-first-sight with physically attractive others. In fact, one rating point higher in attractiveness on the scale that the researchers used corresponded with a nine times greater likelihood that others would report that "electric" love-at-first-sight feeling.


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>It is Looks > Personality > Money for both genders, but women lie more about it
Researchers from Northwestern University attempted to answer the question: Do People Know What They Desire in a Romantic Partner?

The approached their research by first having candidates fill out questionnaires on what they felt was most important in a relationship. They then ran a 2 hour speed dating event where individuals had to choose afterwards who they wanted to see again. They were given the opportunity to start messaging any matches. They subsequently filled out a post dating questionnaire evaluating their opinions of their various matches.

Researchers then used follow up studies to assess who actually initiated a relationship and the correlations for physical attractiveness, wealth, and personality in predicting those relationships.

They found that men and women both underestimated the importance of physical attractiveness, but women far more so. Ratings were:

Men's Pre-Conceptions: Personality (8.1) > Looks (8.04) > Money (6.91)
Women's Pre-Conceptions: Personality (8.1) > Money (7.73) > Looks (7.18)
Both Genders' Actual Factors: Looks > Personality > Money
Thus while women rated physical attractiveness for a man as their lowest priority, it turned out to be their strongest priority and even more important than it was for men. Studies like this suggest why it may not be useful to ask women what is most important to them, as in scientific studies, they have not been able to give reliable or factual answers on this subject. As in most cases, nature is best learnt through objective observation i.e revealed preferences vs stated



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>70% of women would openly avoid a man solely because of his looks
>2,000 British men and women
Now we're talking. 1000 women is a more relevant sample statistically speaking.
What you ignored about that "study" (since that's just an article about it) is this: Carien Veldhuis, Marketing Manager at Remescar, said: «“It’s shocking to hear that so many women, and likewise so many men, will ignore someone of the opposite sex based upon the way they look; you never know, that could be your Mr or Mrs Right right there, and you’ve snubbed them because they don’t quite marry up to the image of your dream partner that you’ve built up in your head.

“Ultimately looks aren’t everything – at the end of the day you want to be able to have an intelligent conversation with your partner when it’s just the two of you.”»

Maybe you should heed her advice a bit lad.

>Love at first sight can be predicted by physical attractiveness
I'm not what so ever surprised by this statement.
Also: «3. Men report love at first sight more than women

The researchers aren't sure why this happens, but it begs more investigation. Might women be less inclined to this experience because they are more selective in whom they might date, as other research has shown? Men might, for example, report this experience with multiple potential partners. But whether this translates into relationships is another question.»

>It is Looks > Personality > Money for both genders, but women lie more about it
You shared a similar study just now about women lying; again, isn't it just gender stereotypes being confirmed? What's the point of sharing this besides proving that you're an incel who spams any study you can find?

Not only did I not say that looks don't matter, but in case you haven't keept up with how relationships work: People can't stand people who have shit personalities.
Sure, you'll be 'discriminated' for your, but just like these studies have told you time and time again, they're not everything.

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>Human species has been evolving through sexual selection for thousands of years
>lol looks arent everything pal jus be urself
Cope more.

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>Male gang members have dramatically more female sexual partners

Another study by Palmer and Tilley (1995) for The Journal of Sex Research examining the possible evolutionary motives (i.e access to willing females sexual partners), that prompt young men to join street gangs, revealed that gang members had significantly more consensual sexual partners then a comparable group of non-gang members. It was found that the leaders of these gangs by far had the highest number of sexual partners, with no male non-gang member from the sample coming even close to their high sexual partner count.

Note all of this is despite some evidence that unattractive individuals are disproportionately drawn to a life of crime (NBER, 2006), and vice versa for attractive individuals.

This information is provided solely for evidentiary purposes as regards to the mate selection procedure of female H.Sapiens - it is certainly not encouraged for incels to "thugmaxx" (i.e commit violent crimes) in an attempt to ameliorate their sexual situation.

Gang members reported a significantly greater average number of sex partners during the last 30 days than the non-gang members reported for the same period (M of 1.67 to 1.22, respectively); one-tailed t-test, t = 2.16, df = 118, p < .025.
Two gang leaders reported 11 and 10 partners, respectively, [within the last 90 days] [_]
Many gang members in our study had as many, or more, sex partners in one month than the average male in Laumann et al.'s study had in one year.
In contrast, no non-gang member in the study reported more than five partners within the last 90 days.
We also predict that leaders of gangs, like leaders in many human societies, not only have sexual access to greater numbers of females, but also more exclusive sexual access to these females.


People broadly agree on who is good looking or not, and it affects every aspect of life
In this review article, researchers establish with 11 meta-analyses that contrary to what the bluepill might claim:

Raters agree about who is and is not attractive, both within and across cultures.
There seem to be universal standards by which facial attractiveness is judged.
Attractiveness is as important for males as for females in judging people we know.
Attractiveness is as important, if not more so, for children than for adults.
Attractive children and adults are judged more positively than unattractive children and adults, even by those who know them.
Attractive children and adults are treated more positively than unattractive children and adults, even by those who know them.
Attractive children and adults exhibit more positive behaviors and traits than unattractive children and adults.
Attractive people may exhibit more positive behaviors because attractive and unattractive people are treated differently, so they learn to behave differently.
According to this data, the positive or negative impacts of one's attractiveness can be universally appreciated and resonate through an entire lifetime.


Weighted effect sizes for positive behaviors and life outcomes, comparing 'unattractive' to 'attractive' children and adults:

Behavioral Differences n d+
Children (33 studies) 7,324 .40
Adjustment (15 studies) 3,876 .32
Intelligence & performance (10 studies) 3,043 .39
Popularity (15 studies) 1,002 .77
Adults (79 studies) 13,920 .40
Dating experience (9 studies) 1,631 .55
Sexual experience (6 studies) 1,678 .31
Extraversion (9 studies) 527 .26
Intelligence (18 studies) 3,853 .07
Occupational success (4 studies) 3,188 .76
Mental health (19 studies) 3,331 .16
Physical health(5 studies) 705 .38
Popularity (15 studies) 2,983 .65
Self-esteem (16 studies) 1,747 .24
Social skills (18 studies) 1,432 .20
Traditional attitudes (4 studies) 494 .27


Common maxims about beauty suggest that attractiveness is not important in life.
In contrast, both fitness-related evolutionary theory and socialization theory suggest that attractiveness influences development and interaction.
For cross-ethnic agreement the average reliability was r=.88, cross cultural agreement was even higher, r=.94 ... these results indicate that beauty is not simply in the eye of the beholder.
In 11 meta-analyses, the authors evaluate these contradictory claims, demonstrating that (a) raters agree about who is and is not attractive, both within and across cultures; (b) attractive children and adults are judged more positively than unattractive children and adults, even by those who know them; (c) attractive children and adults are treated more positively than unattractive children and adults, even by those who know them; and (d) attractive children and adults exhibit more positive behaviors and traits than unattractive children and adults.
These findings are powerful evidence that, contrary to popular belief, attractiveness effects extend beyond the mere "opinions" about others and permeate actual actions towards others, even though people may not be aware of it.
Results are used to evaluate social and fitness-related evolutionary theories and the veracity of maxims about beauty.

Psychological Bulletin 2000, Vol. 126, No. 3, 390-423 DOI: 10.1037//0033-2909.126.3.390

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Not only did I not say that looks don't matter
pic related

>Male gang members have dramatically more female sexual partners
Thank god that someone researched this, otherwise I wouldn't be able to make this claim!

>People broadly agree on who is good looking or not, and it affects every aspect of life
In this review article, researchers establish with 11 meta-analyses that contrary to what the bluepill might claim:
>the blue pill
Ah, I seem you're copying this from reddit..... Yikes.....
Also, I doubt that you even know what these results mean and you're just copying things from posts on r/MGTOW.

Do you feel better by posting a bunch of loosely related studies that ultimately don't defeat my point since I never claimed that looks don't matter?

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You are getting BTFO'd so hard it's sad.

>Physical attractiveness in adolescence predicts better socioeconomic status in adulthood
Benzeval, Green & Macintyre (2013) conducted a study of the effect of physical attractiveness in adolescents of both sexes (mean age 15.7 years old) on adult life outcomes.

The researchers used data from the youth cohort of the Twenty-07 Study (N=1,515) of people born in the the early 1970s.

The physical attractiveness of the studies participants was evaluated by three separate interviewers on a scale of 1 (very unattractive) to 7 (very attractive), with the mean of the various interviewer's ratings being used for the analyses. The participants level of self-esteem was also recorded using Rosenberg's self-esteem inventory.

Later follow up interviews were conducted at a mean age of 36, and the researchers recorded the participants level of educational attainment, social class (dichotomized into manual and non manual professions,) and employment status. The employment status and the current or most recent occupation of their romantic partners were also recorded.

The participants IQ score was measured using the Alice Heim 4 test of general intelligence (AH4), which measured verbal and numerical reasoning within a time limit of 10 minutes, however there was no measure of IQ when the participants were 15. The researchers noted that the AH4 measure of IQ would have been influenced by subsequent environmental factors, but it was still considered adequate for the purposes of the study (measuring the effects of physical attractiveness independent of potential confounds such as education, SES, and IQ.)

It was found that attractive adolescents occupied higher status jobs as adults, and were more likely to be married. (cont.)

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Don't grow up on the internet next time, you cringey retard

However, attractiveness and self-esteem were not found to be correlated. The strongest effect found was on individuals from a more disadvantaged social background, with physical attractiveness having a significant effect on their chances of attaining a 'white-collar' job at age 36, and this effect was strongest among female participants, with attractive women being very unlikely to be working low-status jobs.


The more attractive a child was rated at age 15, the higher their socioeconomic position at age 36.
In the world of paid work, employers interviewing candidates for a position or discussing wages may look more favourably on attractive candidates, either because they perceive them to have more positive attributes or because they believe customers may do so.
However, we did not find an association at age 15 between self esteem and attractiveness, which suggests that these characteristics may not be a key mechanism or that our measure of self esteem in adolescence was inadequate and/or that a self esteem advantage has not developed at age 15.


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Basically all you're doing is coping by claiming that is it women who are being braimwashed when it is in their nature to be degenerate. You have not posted any condtradicting studies, and all your posts are pretty much summed up as "This study is invalid because I don't like it". It is so cute when retards like you come up with all kinds of different mental gymnastics such as this

Holy shit hahahahah and who buys into that culture in the first place? Your posts are pure comedy gold.
>Ah, I seem you're copying this from reddit..... Yikes.....
Also, I doubt that you even know what these results mean and you're just copying things from posts on r/MGTOW.
And yet you haven't posted any studies that disprove the studies I posted. Also, if you weren't part of the newfag cancer yoi would know that redpill/bluepill dichotomy started on Jow Forums. Cope more.

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>Women are attracted to the Dark Triad - narcissism, manipulativeness, & psychopathy

The dark triad is defined as: Narcissism, Manipulativeness, & Psychopathy. The "Dirty Dozen" is a scoring tool for quickly quantifying the Dark Triad:

I tend to manipulate others to get my way.
I tend to lack remorse.
I tend to want others to admire me.
I tend to be unconcerned with the morality of my actions.
I have used deceit or lied to get my way.
I tend to be callous or insensitive.
I have used flattery to get my way.
I tend to seek prestige or status.
I tend to be cynical.
I tend to exploit others toward my own end.
I tend to expect special favors from others.
I want others to pay attention to me.
Women were presented with male characters of varying degrees of Dark Triad personality. Physicality was held constant. Men with Dark Triad traits were dramatically more attractive to women compared to control characters who lacked these traits (with 99.9% statistical certainty). Furthermore, the attractiveness of these Dark Traits was not explained by other characteristics like extroversion.

Thus it seems apparent that while personality does matter to women, it does not matter in the ways they claim. Contrary to popular claims that women want a "nice, caring guy," in actual fact, they are most sexually attracted and aroused by narcissistic, manipulative, and psychopathic men.

This likely has a basis in evolutionary biology, as Dark Triad traits may have helped provide a competitive edge to men in difficult times, for example, by allowing a man to kill others for resources. Another possible explanation is that violent, callous or narcissistic behavior is an Honest Signal of exceptionally good erotic capital (i.e good looks) high social status or financial capital, as such a person who possesses these traits can 'get away' with behaving in such a manner.


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Dude, you're posting barely relevant studies that don't address the point I made and saying that I've been btfo'ed when I've consistently put into question your motives, reasoning and validity of the studies you've chosen to represent your """views""".
You look like a fucking retard trying to argue with a straw-man that's making fun of you.
I don't see the need to corroborate my claims with a study/ies but I could easily do so since there's a plethora of research made in any two given ways that contradicts or supports whatever argument one is trying to make.

Either way, you look like a fucking retard.

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To explore the attractiveness of the DT personality to the other sex, 128 women rated created (male) characters designed to capture high DT facets of personality or a control personality.
Physicality was held constant.
Women rated the high DT character as significantly more attractive.
Psychopathic traits (lack of morality; interpersonal hostility) are beneficial to a short-term strategy and are correlated with unrestricted pattern of sexual behaviour.
The results of our study demonstrate that the Dark Triad male personality is attractive to women and this effect is not mediated by these men's greater perceived Extraversion or Neuroticism.

Cartera GL, Campbell AC, Muncer S. The Dark Triad personality: Attractiveness to women. Personality and Individual Differences. Volume 56, January 2014, Pages 57-61.

>Dude, you're posting barely relevant studies that don't address the point I made
Actually they do, but since you're going through cognitive dissonance, you can't cope with the truth, so you post a le laughing anime face to hide the fact that you're whimpering at this point.
> I've consistently put into question your motives, reasoning and validity of the studies you've chosen to represent your """views""".
>Hurr durrr they didnt use enuf ppl DURR QED MUDDAFUDDA
>Studies show consistent results of women behavior
Yeah, very enlightening.
>You look like a fucking retard trying to argue with a straw-man that's making fun of you.
Look at the pot calling the kettle black.
>I don't see the need to corroborate my claims with a study
LMFAO fuck science then right? Holy this amount you're making up HAHAHAHAHA
>I could easily do so since there's a plethora of research made in any two given ways that contradicts or supports whatever argument one is trying to make.
>Either way, you look like a fucking retard.
Calling me a retard will make you win the argument. Try again.

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will not**