Should it bother me that my gf was kinda a slut before we dated?
My body count is high too. But it still bothers me that she's fucked so many guys. I feel like it shouldn't because she is loyal and loves me a lot. No incels allowed.
Should it bother me that my gf was kinda a slut before we dated?
My body count is high too. But it still bothers me that she's fucked so many guys. I feel like it shouldn't because she is loyal and loves me a lot. No incels allowed.
It should bother you but you are a fool and ignored it and now you caught feelings and stuck in HELL. Try and justify it all you want but a fact is a fact and you're fucked.
Define slut.
Humans like sex. You fucked a lot and so did she. Kinda a double standard to hold it against her, no? I don't see a problem here.
It’s already too late if you’re taking her seriously. Just don’t think about it and wait for her to cheat on you so you can move on. Enjoy it while it last, thots are lowkey fuck in relationships but are trash long term.
What’s your age and her age?
I said no pissed off virgin advice and there's already 2. Fuck off
Men and women process sex differently, and women are more deeply impacted and imprinted by sex. Having multiple partners destroys a woman’s ability to pair bond once she’s slept with over 5 guys, so it’s a higher chance of her cheating. Alphamales generally cheat anyway because they can, beta makes don’t cheat but women don’t usually find betas attractive.
Exactly. Which is why I don't know why it bugs me.
Fucked a lot of dudes. Never cheated. She's super loyal. She just likes to fuck I guess.
And what makes you the subject matter expert? I don't reckon you've ever touched a woman. NO MORE INCEL ADVICE
>she is loyal
It shouldn't.
It's a red flag for sure, but not a guarantee that your relationship will fail.
Yes it should
Don’t you see, you’re perfect for each other.
It bugs you because you spend too much time on Jow Forums, where incel teenagers' mindless drivel is treated as a respectable authority.
In the real world, it doesn't matter.
I’ve fucked plenty a women and I’ve fucked women whose slept around a lot while in relationships. Once a thot always a thot. Why would you want a woman that’s had a ton of dicks in her anyway? Just pump and dump. Never wife up a hoe.
But do whatever not sure what kind of advice you’re looking for. You just want people to tell you it’s fine and you should stop being insecure, but in a few months you’ll be back crying about how this girl cheated on you so whatever man. I’m a incel you got lol.
I get where you're coming from. Everyone wants to be their true love's first or whatever, but that rarely happens.
You can always look at it this way-- you both had to put a lot of work in to find the person you both care about and are compatible with intimately.
That said, the reason I avoid high body count girls is because I'm an autist with a low body count and it makes me insecure as fuck. Not sure if that's related to your issue.
Yeah that's why I have a don't ask don't tell policy. Otherwise you end up thinking "WHY GRUGINA WANT SO MANY DICKS!? SHE NOT PURE" with your male monkey brain.
>Facebook tier incel meme pic
>Bro I've fucked so many girls
lol. If a girl's gonna cheat, she's gonna cheat. Virgins cheat, sluts cheat.
As long as our guy OP can give good dick, he has nothing to worry about on that front.
But that’s a valid question to ask yourself. Again why would you want a used up whore?
Short term sure it’s fine whatever, but long term I wouldn’t want to have over 20 guys being able to say they fucked my wife.
Ok so basically I'm getting what I predicted "hurr durr all women the same" and then others saying I worry too much and Im being a cunt. My take away is that I'm a cunt and shouldn't be bothered. Yeehaw.
You’ll just have to learn the hard way. See ya in a few months dickhead.
The more realistic problem is that they tend to have issues forming meaningful connections with their partners.
The incel meme is that it's caused by having too many partners, but it's more likely to me that having too many partners is more of a symptom.
Thats not true but we have no control over your commitment to stay with her no matter what is said.
Speaking from experience. While everyone is not the same everyone experiences insecurities and fear, be they real or imagined, an no one on the planet can change what has past nor predict with 100% certainty something will happen or not. In fact you have just as much a likelihood of cheating as she, though the reasons different.
This is all on OP to decide if he can handle this or not. The best time for a thumbs up or down was before the relationship began so if it still bothers OP now it will still bother OP three years from now.
Bottom line, if you are bothered you are dating a slut by your own criteria then don't date a slut.
It depends entirely on your mindset.
My girlfriend told me her count is somewhere between 28 and 35. That hit me pretty hard. All but 5 (including me) were one night stands. She was literally supermodel tier back in the day, and had dicks thrown at her left and right, so you can't really blame her. She only cheated once her entire life. When she first got to college, a guy tried to tie her down in a relationship that she didn't really want and ended up making out with another guy at a party early in to them dating. She subsequently broke up with him because she wanted "the college experience" (cock carousel).
It sucks because I'm pretty insecure myself, and she's only my 8th partner so it's rough she's had so much more experience than me. She's also slept with a handful of my old friends back in high school (1 relationship, 3 one night stands). I fall into cycles of overthinking constantly, and create stories in my head about the things she's done. The reality is, they're just stories I'm making up in my head, and they're ALWAYS worse than reality. Sure, she slept around, but in my mind that meant more to her, and affected her more than it actually did. I started thinking about her having threesomes (she didn't), banging black dudes (she didn't), doing anal (she didn't), getting diseases (she didn't). None of the scenarios in my mind ended up being true, and the only true thing that happened was that she was young and being a slut. It sucks, but I had to come to terms that the past is the past, and overthinking is just going to make it worse.
>b-but dick=master key!
Sex is super easy for anyone these days. Ever heard of money? currency can get any ugly fuck laid. I bet it bothers her that you went around and paid for sex so many times.
Nope, just not a hypocrite.
Truth is, she's the most loving, loyal and caring girlfriend anyone could ever have. We're together nearly 24/7 so neither of even have time to cheat if we could. We're both officially the other's longest relationship (going on 10 months now), and are the only people either of us have said "I love you" to. She also insists that I'm the best lover she's ever had (which I'm still not sure I believe, but I'm sure I'm definitely not the worst), and that makes me feel pretty good considering how many dude's I've been compared to. It's easily the best relationship either of us have ever had, and though I still think about her past from time to time, I've mostly gotten over it, and am focusing on the fact that out of all those guys she could've had, I'm the one she chose to be with forever.
Everyone is allowed to have standards. If that's something that is a dealbreaker for you, you're more than welcome to leave her if it's causing you emotional stress. Just make sure that you don't stay with her and make her feel guilty for it, because that's even worse, and she doesn't deserve that. If you're going to stay, get over it. Don't bring it up during fights, and don't hang it over her head because it'll just make her resent you.
Also, if you're worried about those studies of high partner counts correlating with fidelity, marital happiness, alcohol abuse etc, don't worry too much. I was fucked up thinking about that for a while but realized that correlation doesn't always indicate causation. The fact is, high partner counts being the cause of infidelity is just as likely to be the other way around (people who cheat are more likely to have high partner counts, or people who are unsatisfied in relationships are more likely to have high partner counts). Virgins cheat, sluts cheat, virgins have happy marriages, sluts have happy marriages. It doesn't really matter, and it depends on who she is right now.
Good luck.
Damn my girl's count is only 10 but she's 19. And nah it ain't a deal breaker. Thanks for this mate
This user is horribly misinformed, don't listen
Np dude. My girlfriend is 27, and she lost her virginity when she was 15. So if i take the total as 36, 12 years of being sexually active means 3 a year, or a new guy every 4 months. Puts it into a little more perspective. As hot as she was, and as many opportunities she's had, that isn't really that bad when you think about it. If i was her my number would be in the thousands.
Just try not to think about "sluts" as a whole group, and think about the individual. If you trust the individual she is now, you just have to decide what it is you care about more:
>Her, as the person she is right now, with you.
>Your desire to be with a girl who's less experienced.
Take your time to think about which of these is truly more important to you. Weigh your options with a clear mind, be honest with your feelings and don't make up extra details in your head that may or may not be true.
Once you have a definitive answer to that question, you proceed from there and don't look back.
No it shouldn't.
It bothers you because of all the stupid reasons.
Yes, high count doesn't indicate infidelity.
However, humans tend to cheat because of nature.
Sex drive doesn't slow down for a while, so being afraid because of it is pointless.
Open up to her, let her know "you know what's so fucking stupid? I am worried about how many people you have been with, which shouldn't, however I have been so used to worry about those things in my life because of how we have been educated; even if its for our own health, for some reason they make you feel like you are worth less if you have been with many people.
Why? I think you are the world/mostimportant/whatever in my life, and still, I have this afterthought kinda spoiling it for me. Do you have these thoughts too?"
Anyway, it is ridiculous. it's like being unable to make a house a home because it used to be someone else's home/crackhouse or whatever before.
Is it because of what someone else thinks? Or are you worried about what she might think?
Are you worried that eventually you will meet one of the guys who she fucked?
Are you worried she might think of someone else's sex? Or you might not be bringing something she got somewhere else?
Most of the issues I had in relationships had to do with worrying too much about what people think. It fucks it all up.
Source: incel blogs.
Only for the right reasons. If she has a history of cheating and short-term-relationships I would be on my watch.
If not, ask yourself why do you care? Fear of her leaving for a better option? Feeling sexually inferior to possible exes? Lacking feel of novelety?
All these things are probably just in your heard. Might even better than a huge difference in sexual partners as this tends to lead to jealousy at times.
Wow, that's a lot. My last girlfriend had 2 before me, she was my first. Even that was a problem for me. I guess if you're insecure, it doesn't matter if it's 2 or 30 before you, you still start to worry. Anyway, we broke up few years ago, now I'm just sleeping around as much as I can, since I don't feel so confident that the same thing wouldn't bother me in a new relationship. Like really, it's half the reason why I eve chase girls, to make sure I would have a higher body count than any of my future girlfriends. Just so I would never have to have an argument again with my partner, since I'm jealous over her bigger count.
>teehee ur an incel have sex loser :)
There are actual studies for this stuff. Look up pair bonding in relation to partner count, and look into the differences between male and female mating strategies. Men and women are not the same.