Men seek outlet for their energy. Many MGTOW, like followers of other ideologies, are stuck in consuming content that affords them the justification for inaction. They exercise anger in vicarious rituals of mass communication.
This diverts energy from productive or even destructive pursuits - but those that achieve a measurable outcome.
Ultimately I'd like to say that MGTOW ought to be a stepping stone to the greater man, to graduate and pursue a goal that has a strategy to it.
MGTOW is excellent individual tactics but rather devoid of strategy as you're left to find your own way in the end. You may as well do so now, not then.
Community can mean many things. The radius of compassion that you exercise should always be regulated to the degree it's fruitful to your interests.
If your brother cares for you - it's probably good to care for him. If your family cares for you - it's probably good to care for it. If your friends care for you - it's probably good to care for them.
And so forth it expands. The largest community may not care for you, so yes - you do not wish to contribute to them.
But smaller communities you can build and participate in. You give up too easily, you are also prone to extremities - that is poor discipline of the mind.
Despite the circumstances of impending doom, you are living in times that are still yet mostly favorable to your existence.
The future is dark for many, but what did you do to secure your bloodline in the coming chaos? Do you even care?
You have been demoralized and denaturalized to such an extent that you doubt the benefits of having more of you in this world.
But you are more aware of yourself than I am, and perhaps your judgement is applicable then.