Falling into the MGTOW trap

Is MGTOW the only way to escape the pain and anger? I think I'm starting to hate women and the evil they cause. After reading The Predatory Female I finally understood the sociopathic nature of women once and for all.

Tell me, is MGTOW the only last resort in today's age?

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Married guy here. I haven't read a lot of literature about MGTOW, but I certainly appreciate the sentiment, especially avoiding having children.

In my opinion, a person's first job in life after starting work is to get free of the rat race through frugal living and aggressive investing. You really shouldn't focus on much else until that's done. Afterward, you can do what you want, obviously.

But, I'd certainly advise to avoid marriage. It's a huge risk with very low reward. Plus, it's pretty much a vestigial institution if you're not having kids (which, as previously discussed, you really shouldn't). I certainly regret it.

Can't even imagine the amount of hate you must harbour for men then

Fear of heartbreak isn’t a healthy way to live, if you think material wealth can match up to the benefits of love then there’s no fixing that mindset. Selfish men always regret their choices later in life, having kids and getting married isn’t for everyone but to say nobody should do it..that’s just ignorant.

Whatever you do, never take advice about marriage / kids from someone who's never been through it.

Exactly, it’s like taking a battle plan in a war from a 12 year old who plays call of duty. It’s beyond stupidity.

Because there are some shitty people you give up on a whole gender? Why are you even posting on Jow Forums? The chans are full of horrible people and yet this doesn't hold you back from posting here.

Escaping into materialism to avoid heartbreak sounds like a fun way to fuck yourself up. I still want to marry and have kids, and somewhere down the line, I believe I'll find someone that makes everything worthwhile. Women have their ups and downs, sure. But from my personal experience, they aren't as cruel as some men want to believe.

for me it's not just women but 99% of population
they do what they are told to do and can't see world by their own eyes
I'm gonna live mgtow life till 40 or earlier and then move on some island and just enjoy simple nonconsumption life with nature and a wife

I was doubtful about MGTOW until I watched videos by Turd flinging Monkey, Thinking Ape and Sandman, then everything started to make sense

Today's society keeps exploiting men so there is no reason to support it

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>you can't talk about cancer unless you have survived cancer

Pretty much, anyone who calls things cancer because it’s now a meme joke to them are retarded. If you don’t know the intricacy of the subject you claim to understand, you’re not helping anyone by playing guess work. This isn’t film and film critics we’re talking about, it’s life.

What does MGTOW have to do with antisemitism?

MGTOW is a great coping strategy. Not to downplay it.

A good tactical approach for individual survival, but it is ultimately maladaptive and thus poor for the community.

If you are incapable of, or undesirable of breeding or dislike women - do so. But what do you actually do?

A good indication of your natural proclivities is whether or not you must reinforce your beliefs. If you have to keep consuming MGTOW content to maintain a form of peace - then you're likely medicating larger issues of your existence.

>But what do you actually do?
What do you mean by this?

>A good indication of your natural proclivities is whether or not you must reinforce your beliefs
That's very well said.

>A good tactical approach for individual survival, but it is ultimately maladaptive and thus poor for the community.
The community that doesn't give a fuck anymore?

Fuck it. Let the human race die already. People are having less sex than other so fuck it. Life stopped being worth living the moment we got the internet.

Once you realize how many women hate men solely for having poor self-esteem and insecurities, you'll realize that you don't need to be ashamed of your hate against women

You just need to express it in a way that's socially acceptable outside of your group of fellow MGTOW

No need to swear off women

You just need to accept that all the Disney shit society has programmed with is a lie. Women will monkey branch to better options with no remorse. Don't expect loyalty, just focus on yourself and enjoy the pussy that pops up along the way.

Men seek outlet for their energy. Many MGTOW, like followers of other ideologies, are stuck in consuming content that affords them the justification for inaction. They exercise anger in vicarious rituals of mass communication.

This diverts energy from productive or even destructive pursuits - but those that achieve a measurable outcome.

Ultimately I'd like to say that MGTOW ought to be a stepping stone to the greater man, to graduate and pursue a goal that has a strategy to it.

MGTOW is excellent individual tactics but rather devoid of strategy as you're left to find your own way in the end. You may as well do so now, not then.

Community can mean many things. The radius of compassion that you exercise should always be regulated to the degree it's fruitful to your interests.

If your brother cares for you - it's probably good to care for him. If your family cares for you - it's probably good to care for it. If your friends care for you - it's probably good to care for them.

And so forth it expands. The largest community may not care for you, so yes - you do not wish to contribute to them.

But smaller communities you can build and participate in. You give up too easily, you are also prone to extremities - that is poor discipline of the mind.

Despite the circumstances of impending doom, you are living in times that are still yet mostly favorable to your existence.

The future is dark for many, but what did you do to secure your bloodline in the coming chaos? Do you even care?

You have been demoralized and denaturalized to such an extent that you doubt the benefits of having more of you in this world.

But you are more aware of yourself than I am, and perhaps your judgement is applicable then.

Oh fuck off, I'm done with all this bullshit. I feel the urge to have children but I know what awaits them and how much it'd break me to see them realize what a twisted world I brought them into. Morals are nothing but bullshit lies told through the ages to make people feel good about their lives and decisions.

This whole mgtow is a big pile of shit. Yes there is a lot of dysfunction in gender relations but it’s largely a pendulum reaction.

Women desire men and men desire women, it’s still the same.

lol, no

You're belligerent, friend. You asked for advice - you received it, yet you protest.

It's as silly as hating women for behaving like women.

I don't have the urge for children myself, I simply like the idea of siring a successful dynasty. I also dislike maladaptive ideas and prefer not to spread them.

Make your own morality and live by it, if you're successful - you may attract others to follow.

What have you done to make this world less of a twisted place? You are venting and looking for yes-men to justify your continued inaction.

>You're belligerent, friend. You asked for advice - you received it, yet you protest.
I didn't, you just gave your shitty excuse for advice.
>It's as silly as hating women for behaving like women.
Fuck women then.
>I don't have the urge for children myself, I simply like the idea of siring a successful dynasty. I also dislike maladaptive ideas and prefer not to spread them.
You sound like a fucking alien.
>Make your own morality and live by it, if you're successful - you may attract others to follow.
Morality is flawed and arbitrary, fuck that.
>What have you done to make this world less of a twisted place? You are venting and looking for yes-men to justify your continued inaction.
Made myself happy and I'm not. I have no obligation or reason to make this stupid shit heap easier for people who will never be grateful.

>can't talk about "X" ≠ can't give advice about "X"

People who haven't survived cancer can talk about cancer all they want. But if they try to give solid advice about how to survive it, they can shut the fuck up.

>I know what awaits them

Imagine being this myopic and thinking your current perspective on the world is somehow an objective truth. There are plenty of this people in this world living amazing and fulfilling lives.

Some people are grateful for good deeds performed, some of them could be your progeny were you to perform well.

Morality, religion and ideology, practically speaking, is for you to take the behaviors you consider to be beneficial and to declare them the will of God, or to be the moral standard.

There are portions of the human experience that are appreciative and attracted to the divine and the mystical - you ought not to ignore the potential to utilize them properly within yourself, if capable.

Yeah, some. 20% of the human population maybe. Probably 10%. All maybe had shit everyone else never did and started off in positions beyond everyone else.

I know I can't ever provide any children I might have with that advantage. I was fucked far before I was born.

>This diverts energy from productive or even destructive pursuits - but those that achieve a measurable outcome.

I don't think MGTOW discourages life pursuits at all. They just discourage too much involvement with women.

You might have it wrong there. The whole "going your own way" means actually doing your own thing, operative word is "doing".

I don't criticize the ideas of MGTOW - most of them are valid, you are correct in that there is no misalignment.

I criticize the not-so-gentleman in question as a representative follower who has failed in practicing the ideas so attractive.

These people form social collectives and provide a support network of cope in industrial capacity.

This leads to some men who, without early exposure to such collectives, would have done well in life, but are instead funneled into negative reinforcement cycles that lead to no production.

Maladaptive people are not content to exist in misery - they participate in transmission of their poor ideas unto others so as to elevate their status amongst the failed.

I never stood a chance with women, so I can't claim to have "gone my own way." I'm your traditional incel (just regular celibate if you consider prostitution a viable option) and I struggle greatly with my sexual frustration. I have developed a porn addiction and other degenerate habits that disgust me yet I can't overcome with my will power (because I don't really have any).
That being said, I can't imagine spending hours, days, weeks, years of my life trying to become attractive to women. Yeah, I want sex. I'd like to experience the thing that brought me into this world but not that bad. I'm unattractive. I give up. Well, I never started trying in the first place but I have given up the idea of ever starting to try.

Sounds like you've already decided that women are evil, I dont know if you can unsail that ship.

>implying having kids isn't selfish

Have sex, incel