Can a person be happy with loneliness or am I just fooling myself?

Can a person be happy with loneliness or am I just fooling myself?

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You are fooling yourself. We are creatures of social habits. True isolation fucks with us.

You're definitely just fooling yourself. Human brains have a social instinct that compels them to seek each other out and rewards them when they find a place in a group they feel they meaningfully contribute to, and punishes them when they don't. All moments of peaceful, happy isolation you read about are, first of all, fleeting, and second and most importantly, found within the context of an otherwise busy and social life.

Well, shit.

Anyone who claims to be happy with loneliness is unironically coping

I'm so fucking used to it I can be happy on my lonesome now.

People are pieces of shit and too taxing to physically be around.

Yeah you sure do seem like a happy person.

Of course I'm not smiling and laughing like a retard. I'm not high off the same social drugs as they are.

Yeah, but is that genuine or are you just fooling yourself?

Genuine. I've been around people enough times and met enough to know when they're in it for that social high. They're absolute pieces of shit out there that only bother other people because they can't stand being alone. Social people are the same but they feign pleasantness and are hollow on the inside.