Fell for the causal sex meme, do I deserve love

So like I’m 24 years old and I’ve kinda slept with well over 100 guys from Middle School through out college. Most were fuck buddies or one night stands, I’ve only had around 15 boyfriends, most were assholes and cheaters, My last boyfriend was really nice and probably would have married me but I fucked up the relationship by fucking one of my exes (who cheated on me with several women) in his house and he kicked me out on the spot high and dry.

Anyway since then I have stayed away from relationships and only slept with 3 guys so far this year. I’m starting to feel like I don’t deserve love, I’m tired of fucking random guys and the guys I end up falling in love with tend to be cheating assholes. What do you think I should do?

>no incels or virgin replies serious answers only i am already in a bad mood

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Be lucky you fucking cumskin. Us black women don't get the opportunity you get. Equal opportunity in the land of the free my fuckin' ass. Not only can I not find ANYONE to have sex with me, bitches like you fuck all the good black men so they don't want us. Go fuck yourself, bitch.

Well you already know the answer. First off you will never find happiness in sex, too much sex or too little.

The problem is with your self and your low self esteem. You don’t value yourself which is why you have turned what should be an intimate act into something cheap and careless.

But as you know, just not having sex is not the issue. Your mind is.

>My last boyfriend was really nice and probably would have married me but I fucked up the relationship by fucking one of my exes (who cheated on me with several women) in his house and he kicked me out on the spot high and dry.
> I’m starting to feel like I don’t deserve love

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it's not a question of deserve, it's the matter that you won't ever find it. you will be relegated to a smaller and smaller pool of available fuckibois as you age. no one with the capacity for love who isn't some desperate balding low-test beta male will be able to overlook the fact you whored yourself out like that, nor should they. all this tells people is that you have very little value of intimacy since you're so easily willing to give out sex like confetti.

>My last boyfriend was really nice and probably would have married me but I fucked up the relationship by fucking one of my exes (who cheated on me with several women) in his house and he kicked me out on the spot high and dry.
Yes, OP, you sound like a stable and reliable partner to build a life long relationship with. I am sure you will find your prince charming and live happily ever after.

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Everyone has a past and makes mistakes. If the guy I date can’t look past that then I don’t need to be with him anyway, my last boyfriend accepted it but sadly my ex tempted me knowing how I am and made me fuck up an otherwise great situation I had for myself. To be fair the only reason he found out was because he had one of those RING doorbell video things and he confronted me on letting some stranger into his house. I had no choice but to tell him.

I’m sorry sister but maybe try making yourself more attractive? I don’t really do anything special, and I made myself really open to experiences in the past, all the black girls I’ve met just seem bitchy and closed off. To be fair I’ve only fucked around 10 or 15 black guys and it was never anything serious at all, so I’m not stealing anything from you.

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You're a baiting incel

your last ex was an idiot for giving you this chance. as demonstrated by your betrayal. smart guys won't overlook your past, because it's what made you the worthless used up whore you are. you will never find someone worthwhile at this point, you'll just be passed around with fewer and fewer fuckbois until you hit the wall and no one pays any attention to you.

>I’m 24 years old
>and I’ve kinda slept with well over 100 guys
Okay this is bait

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Bait thread, but I’ll bite. You have two options: 1) Renounce dating and go celibate. You clearly are too damaged to form a lasting partner bond with another person, at least sexually, but we know you won’t do that. 2) Kill yourself. Hopefully you’ll be reincarnated into into a vessel with more humility and self-control.

Shikisoku Zeku

You couldn't tell that from the choice in OP image?

>made me fuck up

You made yourself fuck up, if you want love you can start by accepting 100% of the blame for your mistakes.

>To be fair the only reason he found out was because he had one of those RING doorbell video things and he confronted me on letting some stranger into his house. I had no choice but to tell him.

So if he didn't you wouldn't have told him? If so you're right, you don't deserve love.

>everyone has a past and makes mistakes

You can’t say you made 100 of the same mistakes and expect it to just be “ok”..

If you had 1 or 2 one night stands and stopped, then you could say it was a mistake and you fixed yourself. But not 100.

I'm a dude but I would probably try to repair the past relationship as best as I can or find another nice guy and not fuck it up. Also fix myself by going to therapy and see why I do the things I do.

honestly it just your own fault. you had a good guy but you messed it up. now the only guys you love now cheat on you. why should you get another nice guy chance only for you to hurt him again? unfortunately i dont think you deserve the love.

>find another nice guy
Nice guys would not date someone like her

it's incel bait

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absolutely this. Everyone makes mistakes but you're supposed to learn from them, not keep making the same mistake over and over and expect pity.

>replying to another reply that said it's incel bait to tell them it's incel bait

He said it's incel bait to everyone in the thread.

You’d be surprised

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I would start by asking yourself why you've been doing this.

still retarded

You cute?

T. White guy looking for skinny black chicks

>Incel bait-bait
Nice try incel

This has to be fake.
Not even a woman can be this genuinely stupid.

Does it matter?

>t. Incels

Nice bait losers, have sex

If you're going to completely break your partner's trust in you just for cheap sex, yes it does matter. It's the worst thing you can do in a relationship outside of physical assault.

Yeah old beta Billy is just around the corner. Statistically there is no way you DON'T have genital herpes,and your loyalty sure makes you deserving of true love. Seriously just consider suicide at this point.

Nice bait retard

>My last boyfriend was really nice and probably would have married me but I fucked up the relationship by fucking one of my exes (who cheated on me with several women) in his house and he kicked me out on the spot high and dry.
You fucked it up, Walter, you fucked it up!

Seriously, if you want emotional attachment, you need to work on your self-esteem and your self-esteem includes way more than your physical appearance. Just remember that if a guy likes you, he likes you even when you look like a sack of potatoes.

>only slept with 3 guys so far this year.
lol. That's like an alcoholic saying "I've only had six drinks" tonight.

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@mtow_archer on the pic

Doxed yourself

>no incels or virgin replies serious answers only i am already in a bad mood

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