Bloke's got a pretty good point

Bloke's got a pretty good point.

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Well he is an Esquire

He completely missed the point he was trying to argue. "Touching" there just means in a way of regular interaction. It is a part of nonverbal communication, and a very powerful one. Think of hugging, patting on one's back, shaking hands, ... Men are afraid that can be used against them by some woman who just wants to fuck shit up. It's not that hard to understand.

Use their weapon against them

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Is it possible to falsely accuse women of rape? I could use some drama in my life

Top fucking kek! Stupid bitch whining that she can't get laid because of the off chance she decides to take away consent.

>the letter-writer described an instance where her husband blew up at her because she tapped him “very lightly” on the shoulder while he had headphones on. Insisting that his wife should have texted him to get his attention before initiating contact, the man said he “felt physically assaulted.”
absolute legend

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unironically yes. got accused of it actually by my schizophrenic ex bf. judge laughed and tossed the case out as expected

do you REALLY think a woman can legally send someone to jail because somebody touched her in a friendly way? women still can't get real dangerous abusers to stay in jail. the point is getting men scared of committing rape. if you're scared to touch women for friendly purposes it's not because of the battle against rape.

I want to succeed, though. I want to see some random roastie behind bars. Probably can't because courts are stacked in favor of females

>do you REALLY think a woman can legally send someone to jail because somebody touched her in a friendly way?
I she's loud enough about it, she can. That being said, I hope Vic Mignogna wins so there is a precedent to accusations outside of the court of law where evidence have to be presented
>women still can't get real dangerous abusers to stay in jail.
I'd rather have guilty people roaming around that a single innocent person thrown in jail desu. Besides, if he's really a dangerous abuser, getting evidence of his wrongdoings and submitting them to a court of law shouldn't be that hard
>the point is getting men scared of committing rape.
What even is rape in $CURRENT_YEAR tho?
>if you're scared to touch women for friendly purposes it's not because of the battle against rape.
Two words: Non Serviam

public static final boolean CONSENT = TRUE;

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Only an incel would want what's in your pic. Fuck off and get a real, experienced woman

>Bloke's got a pretty good point.
Touching a woman is not rape it is touching.
Sex abuse cases my ass. Two friends embracing as a way to say hello has become a brutal rape charge.

The humanity on this planet is a emetic.

>I'd rather have guilty people roaming around that a single innocent person thrown in jail desu.

until you become the victim
then you will suddenly change your mind

Guilty until proven innocent is a very good legal code for a country to have

it's extremely shitty

>Not puttin yourself in a mindset where you avoid being the victim in he first place
That's why CCW is a thing


Every legal system in the world uses innocent until proven guilty and guilty until proven innocent causes unforseen damage that is utterly wasted when the guilty is proven innocent.

you can't be this retarded

Hoping you get raped and your rapist walks free

I don't even fucking talk to women because of shit like this. See a pretty girl at the super market? I might look at her for a second but I'm not saying anything, she isn't there for me- not my business.
>But user what if she likes you?
Whoops. Too bad. I'll happily die bitter and alone for the sake of being petty.

I'll rape you for free, kill you, rape your corpse, and feed you to dogs.

rape actually doesn't happen as often as people think it does

This dude is stupid. Way to present your argument in the most easily misinterpreted way possible.

>men now have to think a million times before doing anything
>women complain about how men don't show enough initiative

gee, i wonder why

fucking dried out cunts