How do I protect my virginity until marriage? It gets very, very lonely. Any self perseverance tips?

How do I protect my virginity until marriage? It gets very, very lonely. Any self perseverance tips?

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Male or female?

Either way, why is this important to you?
You’re throwing away such an amazing part of your life that you never get back all for what? To impress religious people?

Why would you willingly do that? Like give a real sound reason aside from “god said so” or “your parents/guardian figure wants it” you’re just gonna ruin several possible years of bonding and fun you could have with so many different people

You can still talk to people and have a BF/GF and not have sex if you wish. What you do with your own body is ultimately up to you. If you’re really worried about loosing it then practice self control.

Do you already have someone in mind? If not, just keep in mind what principals are most valuable to you in the person you are looking for. You don't want to accidentally care about some thot you regret. Also other non "sex" stuff would still be on the table.

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get married

>How do I protect my virginity until marriage?
don't have sex
it's actually very easy

>with so many people
That's a contradiction. If you're not pursuing a relationship with the intent of eventually marrying that person, you aren't bonding. If you go through "so many people" in a long-running serial monogamy, then you aren't even trying to bond.

>how do I protect my virginity
You must be female. My honest answer is to become me and no one will ever have sex with you. Caveat is that no one will marry you either

>If you're not pursuing a relationship with the intent of eventually marrying that person, you aren't bonding.
it isn't even a relationship if you don't intend to marry at some point, it's just a flick

OP, just make it clear that you're looking for someone to marry not to just fuck. Not fucking someone you don't want to marry is good. But people these days have confused standards. You will have a hard time finding someone that also wants to abstain before marriage outside of a church, and even most churchgoers don't abide that standard. People tend to put off marriage itself for years on end because they're not sure what they want. It will be difficult to hurry them up even if your desire to get married is reciprocal. You may want to relax your "no sex until marriage" standard to "only have sex with someone I seriously want to marry". But I can understand if you don't want to.

>You may want to relax your "no sex until marriage" standard to "only have sex with someone I seriously want to marry". But I can understand if you don't want to.
also based

That just isn’t true. You can marry someone without a bond and you can bond with someone without marrying them.

>You can marry someone without a bond
>you can bond with someone without marrying them
Also true but you should want to marry them. And if the bond is mutual then why not marry them? So long as we're clear, talking romantic bonding and not friendship or other bonds.

Because you can bond with someone who’s not fit for marriage for you lmao. I’ve had great experiences of bonding with people I’d never sleep with, I’ve slept with people I’d never marry or date, and I’ve dated and almost married partners where the bedroom dried up eventually. You’re essentially saying here that the only people you bond with are going to be marriage partners which is nonsense. Bonding and connection are key elements to living with others as a human person.

This whole philosophy pushes marriage as the goal of a relationship for no reason. Marriage might be a goal in the people you date but it’s important that people understand that marriage is most of your lifetime, so it’s not something to try and push to happen because it should be right. You’re going to have a married life after that. So say that the person who waits until marriage isn’t sexually compatible with their partner, what then? Likely (although obviously not for everyone) divorce because sex is a key element to a romantic relationship for most people and obviously the person who waited to have sex really values it as an important thing. Marriages have been broken up for less. And something as simple as sex should not be the reason that you wind up divorced, which is why it’s reccomended to have sex before marriage because then you figure out what you actually enjoy and like, and if you’re not compatible with someone before you marry them then you know and save both of you from the war that is divorce.

Never save yourself before marriage. Life is too short for that.

You have divorce exactly backwards. Virgins are the happiest with their marriages and the least likely by far to divorce. Your entire stupid post is pulled straight out of your ass and I wish I had more time to deconstruct it in detail.

>people actually encouraging whoredom
I mean, I know this is Jow Forums(nel) but come on

If you are religious, you read the scriptures of your religion. They are there to help you stay pure. Most people look at them as rules and regulations and are willing to rebel like children who do not listen to their parents. But those rules are guidelines which make life much easier.

If you are spiritual, then any literature can uplift you. But most important, keep your authenticity. Know your boundaries and never let anyone (that includes yourself) cross them. Protect both your likes and dislikes. Be proud of who you are. Do not let people get into your head. Be humble and always lead an example. Find like minded people, but if there are none, you become the role model. So that the rest can follow.

I wish I had something profound to say, but I don't.
There's something in me that I can't let go of, a standard that I refuse to betray.
I'd sooner die a virgin than give it away to someone that I feel doesn't deserve that part of me.
The loneliness is crushing at times, but I absolutely refuse to give in.
It's something special to me and I want to share it with someone that will appreciate it properly.
I personally don't believe that sex should be something that people have casually with anyone that they find physically attractive enough.
Just put yourself out there and keep looking.

Being the least likely to divorce isn’t always a good thing. Yes it’s important to work things out but being in a bad marriage is worse than getting a divorce. If things are really not working out then you should get divorced.

Your argument is essentially that people who literally do not know any better report being happy with the one thing that they’ve had. “Children who have only seen one movie report it as their favorite movie!”