Is Jow Forums actually being raided by libs or is the amount of wine mom-tier liberal shitposting just some new shade of ironyposting I missed?
Is Jow Forums actually being raided by libs or is the amount of wine mom-tier liberal shitposting just some new shade...
Jow Forums was raided by rightards first. Pic related have been flocking to this site ever since 2016. So even if "libs" are raiding, it's nothing new, the site has already gone to the dogs.
Most boards are still edgy right-wing leaning people. A few boards, like this one, /lit/, and /his/ all have sizable left-leaning populations
lmao ironic since this place was full of trannies, furries, druggies and other degeneracy
now it's full of religious prudes wanting virgins
>since 2016
Right-wing raid on Jow Forums started much earlier than that, and the reason they've succeeded is because despite being total morons they were funny enough to fit in and persuade the rest.
The lib raid on the other hand sounds like it's coming from another universe. It's not like /leftypol/ raids who, at the end of the day, still get the humor and overall culture, it's as if assiduous Andy Borowitz readers started raiding Jow Forums for some reason.
Are you sure? What boards have you seen this on? Cause I don't really have any idea what you're talking about
>Right-wing raid on Jow Forums started much earlier than that
Yeah, it has its roots from earlier in the 2010s. But the 2016 election was a point of no return, from then the site has been flooded with people who literally have zero grasp of Jow Forums culture and just think "the media told me this is where le edgy trump supporters are, so i guess i belong there"
Oh man you're definitely new. Jow Forums had Nazi and Trump generals before the Donald was even a thing.
I never browsed Jow Forums so I don't give a shit what happened on that board. In fact I don't think I've ever even clicked on the link to Jow Forums in 8 years on this site
>now it's full of religious prudes wanting virgins
Are you a woman? You do realize that Jow Forums isn't just one person, right?
Sure seem like it most of the time. How to get girl. How to fix life. How to suicide.
Jow Forums has always been populated by a greater variety of people than you imagine in your little bubble. Go back to your containment board
Modern Jow Forums is for edgy normies, who blend in with libs pretty well.
Rest assured most modern posters haven't given thought to much but themselves...
I miss the days when I came to Jow Forums and it was fun posting and jokes and weird shit. I’m so fucking sick of politics and I can’t get away from it.
When I came here, it changed...and fuck you "wine mom-tier liberal. Leave.
Jow Forums is raided by many forces that wanna brainwash all weak minded idiots that post here.
If something like a boxxy video came up today, people would call her a cringy roastie whore and go a rant about Jews keeping the incels down and how she sucks top 20% black Chad cock and writes a tumblr blog about Cultural Marxism.
This. I miss the old Jow Forums.
you should though
we're the most influential board :^)
>But the 2016 election was a point of no return, from then the site has been flooded with people who literally have zero grasp of Jow Forums culture and just think "the media told me this is where le edgy trump supporters are, so i guess i belong there"
Trump is rarely supported on Jow Forums. so I'd say that a lot of them have fucked off or learned that he is a fraud.
I don't really know what you are talking about. You are just deluding your memories with nostalgia of the time. Most boards except the most popular ones are almost completely untouched, the people would rather go to the respective subreddit.
Jow Forums probably has the lowest average IQ on Jow Forums, it is filled to the brim with morons
>taking it literally
sigh... what i meant is that it's full of this conservative soccer mom mentality that is overly uptight about sex, drugs, etc
that shit was not fly at all on 2007 Jow Forums
Really? Because some of the fondest memes for me are Quentin posts, which are decidedly of the up-tightest caliber, beyond any wine mom postery. They're absolute meme kino, with top-tier delivery and a pretty sound message about all of it despite being shitposting of the yesteryear.
One of the fond things about Jow Forums for me is that it really has never had 'one' demographic. That's a recent development thanks to r/incels getting nuked and their general attitude being banished from the internet save for here and Discord, and the 'uptightness' you're seeing is just the burning desire for people to be correct above all.
Reddit that way friend.
>everything I don't like is Reddit
The 'sekrit club' mentality used to be entirely ironic and now you guys are all taking it seriously and watching it is a mixture of amusing and sad
We need word filters back. It's the only way
>Most boards [...] are almost completely untouched
I can't even browse /an/ without anons sperging about niggers, jews, and trannies. The whole site is infested.
>go to /gif/
>thread about big asses being fucked
>nice, time to jerk off
>black dick shows up
>200 posts about nothing but race traitors and Jews
Hard to say. There are oldfags who grew out of being edgy, liberals who seem more left then they are, memeposters and of course actual tumbler immigrants. The site feela more repetitive and unoriginal, but part of that is probably because we stayed here for way too long If you're past 25 it's time to move on.
Jow Forums is a place for teenagers who want to be rebellious.
The last presidential election brought over a lot of people in general that slowly started trickling out of Jow Forums
No palatal consonants, what a fine smooth post.