I'm a 22 year old female who's only been in two relationships but they were both long term, I got dumped by both guys. I just feel like I'm always the one that loves the other person more than they love me, I'm always ready to sacrifice things in order to make the relationship to work, I always take care of the other person and I always include them in my plans. I love people unconditionally, but I never get the same love back.
I fucking hate this because my heart ends up broken every single time. Why do I care so much about my significant other and how do I stop this because it fucking hurts dude
I'm a 22 year old female who's only been in two relationships but they were both long term, I got dumped by both guys...
Think about this for a solid minute or two and then share your answer:
You obviously recognize yourself as a good person--you're loving, willing to sacrifice, caring and considerate. I'm sure that you also thought of your past boyfriends as good people and you treated them the way you did as a result. So if good people should be treated well, and you're a good person, why don't you treat yourself equally as well as you treat your boyfriends? Why do you show more love than you're shown? Why do you give more than you get? Mind you, I'm not asking why they don't treat you as well. I'm asking why you don't treat yourself as well.
join the club.
as a man i gave everything to my ex of 4 years and she dumped me out of the blue to go chase "new experiences".
I hate to say this but i think we have to listen to the redpill guys. The reason they mistreat us is all to do with abundance and human psychology.
When we tell our partners how much we love them, buy things for them, text them all the time...what we are really saying is that they are more important than ourselves and we can't live without them.
After my break up i was forced to change the way i act in future realtionships. I now hold back on my emotions. I don't say i love you all the time, i dont buy them gifts all the time and sometimes i act like an asshole who does not care. I know for people like us who have so much love to give, it feels weird to hold back but that it what you have to do. we make ourselves to easy and inflate their egos. By being colder it makes them want you more.
humans suck.
i have 2... EVERY... found your problems. you have very little experience, not much to compare to. you aren't too loving, you just haven't met someone who has shown you what you are looking for. just keep dating, maybe date for shorter periods if you want to see who else is out there.
no. you aren't listening to your ex. she was tired of you. have you ever been in a relationship where you do the same thing night after night, week after week, month after month. it becomes tedious, like fucking record the same jokes, same shows, same songs. a life without change becomes a prison. the way to keep this from happening is to surprise your partner. instead of eating at home take her to a casino. instead of going to work go skydiving together. Their is so much in this big big world, experience it with your next partner. hell try to get your old one back, there's no telling what ca
n happen.
Don't be a doormat, or people will take advantage of it. That's why the majority of us play hard to get; if a guy won't chase, his heart isn't in it and it'd be a waste of time to bother with him.
I don't think I treat myself bad or anything, my ex told me this too but I just value love and a relationship a lot. He's from a country where showing affection is not that common I guess so I always thought it was just his personality. But I get what you're saying and I'm definitely working on my relationship with myself
Dude I'm sorry you went through that but I don't think hiding who you are is good for you. Did it work for you though? Do you feel less vulnerable?
How much do you weigh, OP? And how attractive do you think you are? I hate to say it but nothing else will ever be as important. I'm guessing your guys had better options.
The French have a saying that translates "In every romance there is one who kisses and one who allows themselves to be kissed"
So you have twice been the one who loved more. Do you REALLY want to harden your heart to become a user of others? No. The joys and wonder of love always carry with them the danger of pain, but they're worth the risk
Not the same poster but you reply is what i am going through. I want new experiences but it costs money. Most of mine is tied up to living expenses. She doesn't have to pay a dime yet she refuses to save up for new experiences. Spending her money on herself. Wat do?
It's quite simple. It's the result of your hypergamous instinct.
Whether you realize it or not, the guys you dated were probably of higher SMV than you are and thus able to push you around without losing you. The reason women often get mistreated and pumped&dumped by guys is because they aim for guys who are realistically speaking out of their league. All the while ignoring guys who are equal or lower on the SMV scale who would kill someone to love you unconditionally.
Don't overthink this concept. It could be as easy as you being a 6/10 woman (average) and you're dating a 7/10 guy (slightly above-average). Being taken advantage of is almost always the result of dating out of your league which by default puts the other person in a power position over you.
>be sweet perfect white girl
>also be a whore and ruin yourself with two failure men who dumped you for shits and giggles
>also fuck some spic or muzzie who can't show affection because his retarded genetics don't allow for the possibility of love but in your white girl mind it doesn't matter because you can fix him, only that didn't work and he used you for sex and then dumped you
I'm 22 as well and Id rather be alone than with you. Youve let yourself be abused so many times that it's not even a joke anymore, you must want to suffer. You seriously like that they abuse you and then dump you, you just keep talking their mistakes straight. You should be honest to yourself and us and just say that you want to be abused. Instead of all these big claims about wanting to be loved and having so much love to give. Guess those spics or niggers or muzzies you dated all saw the huge red flags you brought along.
What do you get out of acting like this? I'm honestly curious. Please, don't go on a long tirade about women, I'm asking about you.
Honestly? You keep blabbering about being some good woman. But you managed to miscalculate and have relationships with TWO men who literally used you for sex (defend them all you want but if a man dates a whore and then dumps her he only ever wanted sex and nothing else, else he'd put a ring on it). You keep defending them like they weren't just out for your pussy.
Then you keep blabbering how you're a good girl and deserve muh good bf. Bitch fucking please then why whore yourself out to low quality men who dump you??????????????
is this not fucking obvious?
if you allow yourself to be tricked so hard and so easily you're not a good person, you're gullible naive and weak and you are not trustworthy to be a good girlfriend
in two weeks you'd 'accidentally cheat' or some bullshit and then defend it forever thinking you're actually right.
Women who claim to be good are almost always major sluts who think they can just shout whatever and get praise for it.
See this person's remarks. You don't love yourself, you gave yourself naively over to two men who abused you like trash for sex and you literally cannot see it.
You don't love yourself enough so you start to 'love others unconditionally' which basically means you become their slut for approval.
You should think about your mistakes and start going all the way back to when you were a girl who wouldn't fuck any other guy just because he says he loves you.
Women like you make me sick. Because you actually are good people, but you keep just begging for the dick of bad people and then ask other good people what you're doing wrong and I cannot understand whether that's a honest question or not because to most good people it's easily recognizable what you're doing wrong.
Seriously, do you not see what you're doing wrong? Or do you enjoy doing things wrong and then asking us 'how to fix'?
>You keep blabbering about being some good woman.
I'm not OP, though, so your whole post was meaningless to me. Let's try again: what do YOU get out of acting like this?
You're just ugly, on top of being a shitty person overall. The good news is that you can still improve.
And learn how to suck dick better
Then the post was a second part to my first post. I don't care about you. I am just annoyed by OP's obvious bait.
Wow, that made me feel something. In all honesty though I never reveal who I am for the same fears OP has. Im a dude who dreams of having a normal relationship one day.
Well, as much as this hurt to read I guess it's what I needed to hear, so thanks.
I don't hate you. I honestly hope you pick yourself up and become a better person for yourself and your future. As negative as I can come across, I'd still date a 'ruined girl who let herself be abused by two men' if she appeared honest and true.
You atleast see you've made mistakes somewhere, most women will never figure them out and will keep fucking men thinking it's going to help them find the One. And then they're 40 with nothing but having ridden about 50 dicks
I get it, I guess I just needed someone to say it to me like that.
I mean it's hard, I wouldn't sleep with someone if I don't feel anything for them. I think I just need to be alone for some time to figure myself out and try to change
Jesus Christ user no, fuck no, this guy is a complete nutjob
Just because it's painful doesn't mean it's true, and in this case it very much isn't.
You shouldn't, rather you should find someone who puts in the same effort in you
You’re a bit younger than I am. What were these previous partners like? Did they have something going for them? On the path to a “successful” (defined nebulously of course) life?
OP, you know if you had all the power and the man felt how you felt you would resent him and feel unattracted to him right?
>TWO men
lol that's nothing
Sometimes you need to let things happen organically.
If you pressure a guy with all your love, he can get scared really easily.
Don't liste to him user, you are doing great, sometimes shit happens but that doesnt mean it's all your fault.
No just get a virgin. Problem solved.
He's right about you don't argue dumb girl.
There's no reason if a woman is good she should lose a guy even if he goes out and fucks other girls... She's obviously a shit gf or doesn't sexually satisfy the men she's with. There's videos for that op. Try watching porn KK.
Find a man who wont exploit your loyalty.
translation: try dating a non chad
>you are doing great
Clearly not. While the advice given may not be Shakespearean prose, the intended message is obviously correct.
>She's obviously a shit gf or doesn't sexually satisfy the men she's with
No.. just stop. you know that's not the problem.
>the way to keep this from happening is to surprise your partner. instead of eating at home take her to a casino. instead of going to work go skydiving together.
Why can't she do it?
>After my break up i was forced to change the way i act in future realtionships. I now hold back on my emotions. I don't say i love you all the time, i dont buy them gifts all the time and sometimes i act like an asshole who does not care. I know for people like us who have so much love to give, it feels weird to hold back but that it what you have to do.
How does it feel to be such a pathetic sniveling little creep to have to change yourself entirely to please a woman who doesn't give a shit about you anyway?
>That's why the majority of us play hard to get; if a guy won't chase, his heart isn't in it
And if his heart is in it, you make sure to fuck him up and fuck off to someone who doesn't care about you at all. Great advice dumb cunt.
Nothing of value is obtained without effort user. Although all they do is overcompensate for their lack of reading people. Hard to get is just burying head in the sand.
As soon as a woman smells that you genuinely like her and want her to be a permanent part of your life, you're dead to her dude.