Went to a party and everyone was pretty drunk. I offered to draw on some girl's arm and jokingly said you can hit me if I draw a dick. I drew 'two eyes and a nose' and she starts smacking me around, even landing some light punches against my chest. Thankfully I'm pretty sturdy and didn't feel a thing, the worst it got being when she slapped me and my glasses almost fell off. She was laughing the whole time and probably thought it was just a joke.
It doesn't seem like she wanted to legitimately harm me but it was clear she thought there would be no consequences to physically harassing me and it's certainly ruined my view of her as a person and co-worker. No one else saw this take place but I'm wondering how I should approach this going forward, or if I should even mention it at all. I'm closer to the hosts than she is and could potentially get her uninvited to future get togethers but I still have to see her at RPG sessions in the future. Do I just give her a wide berth or do I treat her as if nothings happened?
Don't be passive aggressive about it. If it bothers you that much then tell her face to face with noone around. She was drunk and maybe doesn't even remember it but that isn't an excuse
Jayden Morgan
Seems like a no-win scenario, how would I even word that?
Dominic Jones
Was she drunk as well? She might've just unknowingly go too far. I also don't mind if a girl hits me jokingly (playfully) since they've no power in their punches, but I understand, my glasses are also the thing that ticks me off (expensive as fuck). Honestly I wouldn't try anything about getting them uninvited (it's petty), try to talk to her to see if she'll apologize or say anything about it.
>but it was clear she thought there would be no consequences to physically harassing me well yes, it's a woman
Oliver Powell
She was completely drunk, probably the loudest drunk at the party too. Her hits were definitely not playful though
Joshua Hill
relax softee, you said she can hit you. That's an open invitation especially as a man where people take your word seriously. inb4 "i didn't draw a dick" to eye balls and anything inbetween looks like a dick to most people. She was drunk aka not in full control of her actions. Men are still expected to be strong ( i know, not fair for pussies like us), so she didn't realise wailing on you was too much. basically relax, learn that you don't people permission to do things you don't like, because they will often take it.
Adam Perry
She thought them playful, but when you're drunk you lose that control. You think it's funny. Don't worry about it, if there are no permanent injuries, you'll be ok. Don't be a bitch. As said, you gave her permission, so my advice stays, don't try to uninvite her. It is a no-win scenario. You got beaten by a girl (giving her permission) and you can either act like a little bitch about it or shut up.
Adam Powell
You drew something that looked like a dick on her, after telling her that she could hit you if you drew a dick. What the fuck did you expect?
Liam Adams
You told her she could hit you if you drew a dick what did you expect? Seriously why even say that if you would react like this to being hit?
Luke King
Ok so bringing it up does seem like a bad idea, should I joke about it if it comes up in the future or just try to change the topic?