I feel bad for overreacting... I'm red, she's blue. Would you forgive me if I apologized for this, Jow Forums anons? Or did I step in it too deep by being a jerk?
I feel bad for overreacting... I'm red, she's blue. Would you forgive me if I apologized for this, Jow Forums anons...
Post lacks context. Who is she, what's with the dusting and what is the nature of your relationship?
context ples. she seems like a real bitch though
Yes, you are being a jerk. Don't tell what not to do. Tell her what to do.
Dustin is her boyfriend who she's having a fight with. We're just friends, neither of us have feelings for the other.
>OP says hi
>dude, don't text me, I'm waiting for Chad
>excuse me
>fuck off
>guys, will she forgive me?
lmao, grow a pair, dude. Don't text her again. If she texts you, tell her that you're too busy for texting this week.
It is shit like this that makes me grateful for being in monkmode
She's being a passive aggressive bitch. You don't need to take her shit. She didnt even try to "be nice".
Your reaction was pretty warranted and she sounds underage. I think people like this deserve their solitude.
Of course, you're welcome to disagree, but I usually expunge people like this; they tend to keep others at arm's length, and it results in this, "don't message me" stuff.
Don't consort with teens, kids.
tell her to eat shit. Wouldn't even waste my time with a bitch like her.
Just ignore
I take this back. Thought you were red.
She's the asshole here, but why did you text her?
Meant blue. Just fuck my shit up
I wouldn't forgive you for using light mode
We're friends and have been for a few months. She's diagnosed Bipolar and is very sweet and loving one day and moody the next.
Bipolar means that people are depressed for weeks, than manic for weeks, or longer, sometimes shorter, but not every day or two, she's only sweet when things are going her way and a bitch when they aren't, bipolar ain't an excuse in this case.
She sounds like a fucking bitch and none of my friends would ever talk to me like this otherwise they wouldn't be my friends. But you do you I guess
don't txt her
im bipolar asf and im not a bitch to my friends
Does this girls name start with a K?
You are an iddiot. Next time say nothing or don't admit you don't want to talk to someone. Just say you are busy or expecting a message about a project.
What's it like being colorblind and or dyslexic, user?
>? Or did I step in it too deep by being a jerk?
Huh? You're red right?