Why do girls with "daddy issues" tend to be so kinky and submissive in bed?

Why do girls with "daddy issues" tend to be so kinky and submissive in bed?

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cuz they know it makes guys excited and they are desperate for a male to care about them

I don't know but it's a great thing, so why are you complaining?

I'm not complaining, I'm genuinely curious because I have been with plenty of women with "daddy issues" and noticed this in all of them, and I'm curious if I should be vigilant or aware of something.

Be aware they are doing it with a lot of guys and it is a way to get you hooked on them and then it gets dark.

There are far more guys with mommy issues than girls with daddy issues so why don't you mommys boys talk about that ever?

>cuz they know it makes guys excited
It doesn't though, 95% of men hate that shit and think it's disgusting and only go along with it because retarded women saw it in propaganda porn and think that's what sex is supposed to look like.

>95% of men hate it when a girl is kinky and submissive
You're gay.

>and then it gets dark.

Is that way I want to be dominated by a woman so hard? This can't be right, my relationship to my mom is great.

Still, I want to be stepped on, smothered, whipped, beaten, gagged, humiliated, pegged, ball busted, forced to dress like a woman, caged, squeezed and have my orgasms denied by a blonde, white, blue eyed woman who would remind me of my mom.

>There are far more guys with mommy issues than girls with daddy issues
Only on Jow Forums. Try going outside every once in a while, incel.

Wasted trips.

Women are naturally submissive and they all want a daddy unless they're deep in denial about their own nature.

They don't. This is just a lie that keeps being told so everybody assumes it's true, but it's not.

"Daddy issues" is such a vague term that it can be applied to pretty much anyone. Your dad died? Daddy issues. Your dad left? Daddy issues. Your dad was emotionally distant? Daddy issues. Your dad was TOO overbearing? Daddy issues. Your dad was an absolutely perfect example of a good man and a good father? Once again, daddy issues, now you're just gonna be looking for guys who resemble your dad.

My ex's dad is a hardcore muslim who has shunned and shamed her most her life. She fucked like a demon

Considering i just posted something about being a sub, I feel targeted lmao

You need to be 18 to post here.

Girl with daddy issues here. This is pretty much why.

Sounds like you have some daddy issues,

How desperate?

Go away low test basedboy

A girl I'm suspecting has daddy issues is into me because I'm an older guy she says. Is this going to become a problem in a relationship? given I want a mature relationship and hope she wants the same

Pretty desperate. I don't hoe around cause I'm too introverted and have difficulty feeling sexual attraction to people, but in the rare event that I do connect with a guy I become very attached and desperate for their validation. It's a pretty big problem in my life.

I went through an older man phase, but never actually hooked up with or been in a relationship with one. I've always been described as an "old soul" so I imagine I could make it work. So my opinion might be a tad biased.

I'd advise you to assess her maturity level as best as you can before jumping into anything--not all girls with daddy issues are batshit, but a good chunk of them are. And be as communicating, patient, and gentle as you can, since a lot of us have serious abandonment issues. And since we tend to be insecure/require validation, you might need to give her a lot of words of affirmation. If you're willing to potentially put up with these things and she has enough other redeeming qualities, I'd say go for it. The fact that you're even asking leads me to believe you don't plan to take advantage of her and that's good.

Ever tried posting on /soc/? Or even on dating sites geared towards such things? There are men out there that would fit your criteria.

I haven't, but I'd potentially be open to it someday. I've tried dating sites and it's been mostly a flop so far, I have kind of a "quirky" personality (for lack of a better word) and normie men tend to not know how to connect with me. I found a really great guy a few months back on a dating app but he's since friendzoned me for reasons I can't figure out and I'm still too upset about him to go back into dating lol.

>you don't plan to take advantage of her and that's good
but some guys have and it sent her on a slutty spree. She does this thing, because you mentioned validation, she often asks about what other guys think of her. I think its not a normal thing to ask someone you want to be with and say you love. I feel belittled by it, like I don't give her enough and she resorts to getting attention from other men. I'm afraid she might cheat if we were to be together because she likes male attention so much.

Also by an older guy I mean I'm 4 years older than her, but she had some experience with much older guys from what I was told. I just never dealt with a girl like that and a lot of people say they're bad news, but I've mixed feelings about her, she can be great, but not sure if she has potential to be exclusive or if she'll try something

If your daddy issues mean you're into older men then you could always try seekingarrangement

Sounds to me like she needs professional help and time to get her shit together. Not good dating material.

I see, yes that could definitely be a red flag. I had a past partner express that concern about me before too. I grew up being ignored, rejected, or downright mistreated by most of the men in my life so when one actually showed interest in me it was a very big deal. However, I am very much past that now (I'm 24) and find male attention more burdensome than anything. Just because she had a hoe phase doesn't mean she is irredeemable, but I completely understand the desire to tread carefully.

Have you expressed this concern to her in a gentle and non-accusing way? It might be worth it to affirm that you do like her, but have a couple of reservations that may be a dealbreaker, and want her to know that if she thinks it may present issues down the line that you'd rather not pursue anything. If she takes it well, it's a good sign that she has matured and is willing to be serious with you. If she doesn't then you should probably avoid, unless you are both willing to keep it casual or non-exclusive.

During some of my past low points I've thought about it, but ultimately I'm not cash-strapped enough to find a sugar daddy and I dislike the transparently transactional aspect of it. Moreover, while men 40+ are still much kinder to me than men in their 20s and 30s, I have kinda moved past my significantly-older-man phase and am looking for someone same aged to around 5 years older than me to connect with.

see, thats what I keep hearing but I genuinely feel like she might be a good gf if those issues weren't present, which they don't have to be as some people said they got over them, but I just don't know if she's willing and I don't want her to change for me, seems like its too controlling and maybe she could be happier with someone else.

she claims not to be slutty anymore, but like I said, she still does the attention seeking/validation thing. I'll talk to her soon about it and see where it goes. She seems mature, sometimes she tends to do things or I end up hearing about things she did that make her seem like she isn't tho. I've very mixed feelings about her but I'm understanding, just need to set some boundaries because 'understanding', could be abused and allows for some lines to be cross.

>unless you are both willing to keep it casual or non-exclusive.
I'm not into casual relationships so its either all or nothing. Guess I should just talk to her about it and see her reaction. I'm very afraid of comitting to her tho, like some days it feels like talking to that "daddy issues" side of her personality and that feels like a different person at times. Then she switches back to this loving and caring girl that I've no issues about. Her friends consisting of mostly males also concerns me now that I'm thinking about it. She makes friends with a lot of older guys, I think she meets them on nights out. Its tough, but I understand why she'd be that way so I'm not crossing her off easily. Would it make me an asshole if I didn't want to be with her because I'm skeptical about her issues? it would be less stressful and i think I might be happier with someone who isn't so risky and hard to deal with, but I feel like an asshole just writing that.

How old are you?

>if those issues weren't present
But that's the point, isn't it? They are present. So unless she's willing to go through some needed psychological counseling, you're hanging out on a "maybe" that won't happen.
Sometimes you need to let go.

You seem to be very considerate about her feelings, and like I said, the mere fact that you are worrying about this and asking about it, I feel makes you not an asshole. Everyone has dealbreakers and yours is not an unreasonable or baseless one. I think your best option is to have an honest talk with her about it and then re-assess based on your confidence levels in her responses.

I'm 24!

That's called BPD, also known as "bitch personality disorder" or "bad person disorder", almost all internet women have it.

Alright, thank you, you brought me some hope for girls like her. I'll talk to her then, get everything answered. One thing I fear is that she'll promise change but its only pretend, so I don't leave, but she won't change until she takes time off relationships and focuses on herself and figures those things out, they might take time and I don't want to get burned because I trusted a false promise.

You wouldn't want to date someone younger than you, then?

I'm glad I could help a bit! I wish you all the best.

I think I'd be open to someone one or two years younger at most. Any younger than that and they'd likely still be in college so we'd probably be in very different places in life.

Any chance you'd wanna talk?
I'm 22 and have been working full time out of college for a few months.

look at this duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude trying to score on fuckin Jow Forums of all places

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Ok to be fair the daddy problems thread in the advice section of an anime imageboard might not be the best place to meet women.
But at least I'm trying!

I believe that the user who makes bait thread in Jow Forums using an image he downloaded from Jow Forums without even changing the filename has definitely had lots of sex with loads of different women to make such an observation and claim.

Definitely not an incel looking for (You)s and to epic trigger kek the roasties top kek BTFO

if you want a girl with the daddy issues trait so bad you can get those dime a dozen at any cosplay or anime convention, go find the most fucking attention whorish meme cosplayer that is dressed as that thing that is somewhat popular but not shit and has a lot of porn of it, woo her with the grace and elegance of a cross breed between the standard doujin fat old fuck with dick cheese and giga chad (you dont need to look the part just believe it enough she does too) and your odds can be reasonably stacked in your favor to get your canned psychotic coochie

it won't last long, i can tell you that though. If you want something long term (you think you do but you don't, for now) then just find some girl that's not shit and then just like, talk to her and try to outkink each other. Being an overly horny bastard with women you're with helps a lot since they feel desired and they LOVE that.

Everything else you'll learn with exp. But if you just want your dick sucked and your balls licked in a threesome then just date cosplayers lol

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Just because I like strong women?

Okay, bud. Most guys want an honest, open relationship with a women who will hold her own and kick-ass by herself as well as on our team. Heck, if anything, I'd be the one in the kitchen most times!

Nah, I didnt come into this thread specifically looking for girls with daddy issues, I was just reading it, noticed a seemingly lonely girl and decided to try my luck.
Hell, she replied to me more than any girl on dating sites for the past few months.

Not that user but to be fair to him, I've scored on Jow Forums of all places so it's not impossible... Jow Forums is like r9k and soc's rapebaby after all

It's me! I'm still very much upset over an ex and unwilling/unable to move on quite yet, but I find your proposition very respectful and sweet, and wish you the best of luck!

They want to please a male figure and their father usually instills in them that it doesn’t need to be sexually. (I.e. your actual achievements/personality can make your dad proud).

Without that they just try to please men the easiest/only way they know.