Can't stop thinking about how the current popularity of "trust all women" can fuck me over

Can't stop thinking about how the current popularity of "trust all women" can fuck me over.
>get into first relationship ever few months back
>have sex, get bjs, hjs, everything great

What happens when I break up and she goes all psycho mode with lying and playing the victim. How does one defend against this

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>What happens when I break up
What do you think anyone would claim if they were broken up with for no reason?
You are either missing information or ill in the head.

No I mean what happens when we break up, like when she hates my guts like everyone after a break up.
I don't want her to lie about me raping her and what not

Because this is going to happen in 99% of all breakups...

>I don't want her to lie about me raping her and what not
okay why would she do that, stop reading r9k shit and taking it as absolute truth

>she hates my guts like everyone after a break up.
not all relationships end like that. Certainly not the the point where she's gonna fabricate rape claims out of spite.

Well I may have gone for a bad apple bros. She does seem kinda psychic.
Even besides that I'm just really really paranoid about everything and this is just the latest episode

Good news: This isn't Deus Ex. No Illuminati out to get you
Bad news: If she is a psycho there might be a reason to be warry.

If you want out you can go either the straight way by just ending it or letting it fade out more slowly.

>She does seem kinda psychic.
sweet have her do magic tricks then.

I mean really you're the one sitting there thinking that she's going to make fake rape claims against you after spending your formative years on Jow Forums. You're the one who's two nickels short of a dime if anything.

Tell other people the truth so they corroborate your story, that's literally it
And otherwise don't date clingy people. I know it's nice to not have to put in the effort to get attention and validation but it ain't worth it like you think it be

Calling me crazy accomplishes nothing, I am crazy, lonely and depressed. I've been on this site since i was 13 and now I'm 18. Yes I am too paranoid and I do turn around and get scared when random people on the bus watch me but still, I feel like this is a concern.
What if she is just a spiteful revengeful person?

Yeah I agree, I thought it's nice to have a girlfriend without any social life and friends, I wanted that so bad. Now that I have it it's really not so great. She wants to know at what location I am at every time, she wants to chat 24/7, she has nothing in life to do besides talking to me.
We are both 18 seniors just from different schools, she has not made a single friend in school, she just pushes everyone away and is cold towards others. Literally wakes up, goes to school, comes home, sleeps. That was literally her entire life before me.

Also she was the one that approached me because she had a big crush since she saw me in a bus and I helped her with some bags she dropped. Don't think she followed me but the next time we saw each other she added me on social media without me even knowing her name.

You're 18 so I'll give you the slip but this is what the ubiquitous 'we' call "sticking your dick in crazy." The more reason you give them to validate their attachment to you, the worse it gets for you.

The proper move here is to tell her she's stifling you and you don't think what one wants from a relationship is what the other wants. Don't balk argument, just say this isn't what you want from a relationship and you don't want to lead her on hoping that things will just magically change, nor do you agree with her 180-ing her character for you.

You'll have to take on the cuff that it'll suck.

>I've been on this site since i was 13 and now I'm 18.
There we got the cause. Get off the internet, it isn't healthy for you. You sound like Tweek from South Park.

But I don't feel like breaking up right now, like not yet, it's still nice, I lost my virginity a few days back and it was great
She's still great and supportive
I like spending time with her for now and also I don't want to do that to her completely out of the blue, who knows what she might do to me or to herself ( she used to cut )

I'm not calling you crazy, I've said repeatedly that r9k and this site is what warped you in a negative way.

You finally got a girlfriend and all you can think about is a R9K meme. Good god I imagine it's the same for like thousands of kids out there, like guys are having their first kiss & it should be seet and romantic and memorable in a good way, and all they can think about is OH MY GOD HOW MUCH CHAD SEMEN PASSED BETWEEN THESE LIPS REEEEEE DEATH TO NORMIES

>She wants to know at what location I am at every time
That's how it is in any teenage relationship. They're insecure. While you're paranoid about her and this fake rape meme, she's paranoid about you cheating on her with a hotter more popular girl.

>I lost my virginity a few days back

jesus christ and you're already making plans to dump her. No wonder you're paranoid about her having some sort of revenge on you.

>I don't feel like breaking up
So let me get this straight... you foresee it going poorly but you'd rather wait for things to get worse before you do so?

Trying to help you is beginning to feel like a mistake, which I imagine is much the same sensation of unease and vague frustration your mother feels when she sees you dating a stage 9 clinger for sex.

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Well I don't lash and sperg out about my paranoias, she can get pretty mad.
Not plans, just like to think in advance, don't like to be clueless and not prepared for when the time comes.
>dating for sex
Honestly she's way more perverted than me, if she didn't make advances and outright give me a handjob once in her room when she was showing me something I would've still been a complete virgin.

>just like to think in advance, don't like to be clueless and not prepared for when the time comes.
r9k paranoia my dude.

Because society hard-conditions ladies in so many directions at once, constantly, from the moment they set foot in public, and one of those directions-- especially for desperate ladies-- is 'sex pleases men.'

You... guy, I think maybe if you're planning to break it off, just do it immediately instead of letting the wound fester before you salt it indiscriminately.

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So what do you prescribe? How do I get rid of the paranoia

If you think everyone will die in 50 years and there's no point in living would you kill yourself right now?