do looks matter to girls?
Do looks matter to girls?
Other urls found in this thread:
Looks are everything. Women are nature's eugenics program.
yes, for many years, we have been told about the Knight and the Princess. Princesses wanna look good feel good, be an entitled wretch and wait for their handsome prince charming. so yeah, of course they want the better looking guys
everybody cares about looks to some extent but looks shouldn't be and are not on the top of everyone's list, personality, charm, who you are and what actions you make is the the most important thing to a lot of women. a good looking man without these traits is a waste of time because beauty does not last and you need something who you can be happy with for a long time
>70% of women would openly avoid a man solely because of his looks
The skincare brand Remescar conducted a survey of 2,000 British men and women on their preferences for a romantic or sexual partner.
When women were asked what they desired in a romantic partner, their top rated value was "a nice smile", and third from top was "body type". 70% of female respondents admitted that they would ignore or avoid an individual of the opposite sex solely because of the way they looked, versus 31% of men.
>Love at first sight can be predicted by physical attractiveness
Researchers attempted to evaluate what contributes to the love-at-first-sight phenomenon using an online study, a laboratory study, and three dating events. They found that the primary predictor was physical attractiveness.
Strangers were more likely to report experiencing love-at-first-sight with physically attractive others. In fact, one rating point higher in attractiveness on the scale that the researchers used corresponded with a nine times greater likelihood that others would report that "electric" love-at-first-sight feeling.
>It is Looks > Personality > Money for both genders, but women lie more about it
Researchers from Northwestern University attempted to answer the question: Do People Know What They Desire in a Romantic Partner?
The approached their research by first having candidates fill out questionnaires on what they felt was most important in a relationship. They then ran a 2 hour speed dating event where individuals had to choose afterwards who they wanted to see again. They were given the opportunity to start messaging any matches. They subsequently filled out a post dating questionnaire evaluating their opinions of their various matches.
Researchers then used follow up studies to assess who actually initiated a relationship and the correlations for physical attractiveness, wealth, and personality in predicting those relationships.
They found that men and women both underestimated the importance of physical attractiveness, but women far more so. Ratings were:
Men's Pre-Conceptions: Personality (8.1) > Looks (8.04) > Money (6.91)
Women's Pre-Conceptions: Personality (8.1) > Money (7.73) > Looks (7.18)
Both Genders' Actual Factors: Looks > Personality > Money
Thus while women rated physical attractiveness for a man as their lowest priority, it turned out to be their strongest priority and even more important than it was for men. Studies like this suggest why it may not be useful to ask women what is most important to them, as in scientific studies, they have not been able to give reliable or factual answers on this subject. As in most cases, nature is best learnt through objective observation i.e revealed preferences vs stated
People broadly agree on who is good looking or not, and it affects every aspect of life
In this review article, researchers establish with 11 meta-analyses that contrary to what the bluepill might claim:
Raters agree about who is and is not attractive, both within and across cultures.
There seem to be universal standards by which facial attractiveness is judged.
Attractiveness is as important for males as for females in judging people we know.
Attractiveness is as important, if not more so, for children than for adults.
Attractive children and adults are judged more positively than unattractive children and adults, even by those who know them.
Attractive children and adults are treated more positively than unattractive children and adults, even by those who know them.
Attractive children and adults exhibit more positive behaviors and traits than unattractive children and adults.
Attractive people may exhibit more positive behaviors because attractive and unattractive people are treated differently, so they learn to behave differently.
According to this data, the positive or negative impacts of one's attractiveness can be universally appreciated and resonate through an entire lifetime.
Weighted effect sizes for positive behaviors and life outcomes, comparing 'unattractive' to 'attractive' children and adults:
Behavioral Differences n d+
Children (33 studies) 7,324 .40
Adjustment (15 studies) 3,876 .32
Intelligence & performance (10 studies) 3,043 .39
Popularity (15 studies) 1,002 .77
Adults (79 studies) 13,920 .40
Dating experience (9 studies) 1,631 .55
Sexual experience (6 studies) 1,678 .31
Extraversion (9 studies) 527 .26
Intelligence (18 studies) 3,853 .07
Occupational success (4 studies) 3,188 .76
Mental health (19 studies) 3,331 .16
Physical health(5 studies) 705 .38
Popularity (15 studies) 2,983 .65
Self-esteem (16 studies) 1,747 .24
Social skills (18 studies) 1,432 .20
Traditional attitudes (4 studies) 494 .27
Common maxims about beauty suggest that attractiveness is not important in life.
In contrast, both fitness-related evolutionary theory and socialization theory suggest that attractiveness influences development and interaction.
For cross-ethnic agreement the average reliability was r=.88, cross cultural agreement was even higher, r=.94 ... these results indicate that beauty is not simply in the eye of the beholder.
In 11 meta-analyses, the authors evaluate these contradictory claims, demonstrating that (a) raters agree about who is and is not attractive, both within and across cultures; (b) attractive children and adults are judged more positively than unattractive children and adults, even by those who know them; (c) attractive children and adults are treated more positively than unattractive children and adults, even by those who know them; and (d) attractive children and adults exhibit more positive behaviors and traits than unattractive children and adults.
These findings are powerful evidence that, contrary to popular belief, attractiveness effects extend beyond the mere "opinions" about others and permeate actual actions towards others, even though people may not be aware of it.
Results are used to evaluate social and fitness-related evolutionary theories and the veracity of maxims about beauty.
Psychological Bulletin 2000, Vol. 126, No. 3, 390-423 DOI: 10.1037//0033-2909.126.3.390
>Physical attractiveness in adolescence predicts better socioeconomic status in adulthood
Benzeval, Green & Macintyre (2013) conducted a study of the effect of physical attractiveness in adolescents of both sexes (mean age 15.7 years old) on adult life outcomes.
The researchers used data from the youth cohort of the Twenty-07 Study (N=1,515) of people born in the the early 1970s.
The physical attractiveness of the studies participants was evaluated by three separate interviewers on a scale of 1 (very unattractive) to 7 (very attractive), with the mean of the various interviewer's ratings being used for the analyses. The participants level of self-esteem was also recorded using Rosenberg's self-esteem inventory.
Later follow up interviews were conducted at a mean age of 36, and the researchers recorded the participants level of educational attainment, social class (dichotomized into manual and non manual professions,) and employment status. The employment status and the current or most recent occupation of their romantic partners were also recorded.
The participants IQ score was measured using the Alice Heim 4 test of general intelligence (AH4), which measured verbal and numerical reasoning within a time limit of 10 minutes, however there was no measure of IQ when the participants were 15. The researchers noted that the AH4 measure of IQ would have been influenced by subsequent environmental factors, but it was still considered adequate for the purposes of the study (measuring the effects of physical attractiveness independent of potential confounds such as education, SES, and IQ.)
It was found that attractive adolescents occupied higher status jobs as adults, and were more likely to be married. (cont.)
However, attractiveness and self-esteem were not found to be correlated. The strongest effect found was on individuals from a more disadvantaged social background, with physical attractiveness having a significant effect on their chances of attaining a 'white-collar' job at age 36, and this effect was strongest among female participants, with attractive women being very unlikely to be working low-status jobs.
The more attractive a child was rated at age 15, the higher their socioeconomic position at age 36.
In the world of paid work, employers interviewing candidates for a position or discussing wages may look more favourably on attractive candidates, either because they perceive them to have more positive attributes or because they believe customers may do so.
However, we did not find an association at age 15 between self esteem and attractiveness, which suggests that these characteristics may not be a key mechanism or that our measure of self esteem in adolescence was inadequate and/or that a self esteem advantage has not developed at age 15.
That was a very interesting read and I'm glad you posted it. My only complain here is: why would you include both an article that is solely based on what people said in a survey, and right after that a study that shows how you can't trust what people say in surveys? It's contradictory, you can't believe both conclussions at the same time.
pic related
Looks matter for everyone.
Because he's a retarded copy pasta poster who lacks critical thinking.
wtf is this bullshit graph with no source
It's the rest of this OkCupid study that retards like to post a lot.
Yes it does.
If i look around me, my social circle and beyond, the guys who get the most girls are pretty much always above average looking. It's no coincidence. Sure, 'game' works and it helps. But unless you are an actual PUA, your looks determine your dating success to a huge degree. This is especially the case with young women who aren't desperate to settle down yet. When they go out on a saturday night with their girlfriends, they're looking for a cute guy who can give them a good dicking.
>The entire thread is the vomit of someone regurgitating something from an incel forums
Please mate, consider hanging yourself
>solely based on what people said in a survey, and right after that a study that shows how you can't trust what people say in surveys?
It's very simple.
>Women lie about what they're attracted to and their partner counts
>Study after study shows women like physical traits more than personality
>Study after study shows women are likely to be sexually experienced than men
>Then it is safe to assume women that women who claim to have less sexual partners are most likely lying as well as women who prefer personality over looks are most lying as well
Also, don't listen to this retard who thinks women are being sluts due to propaganda even though its in their nature. He was proven wrong and BTFO'd in another thread.
What you said is 100% unrelated to what I asked, user.
>If it agrees with my world view, it's clearly genuine, even if I only base my belief on the headlines
Shoot up a mall already
>What you said is 100% unrelated to what I asked
It's related. Read it again.
Posting facts and evidence makes one the opposite of an incel. An incel never posts facts evidence, only incel drivel blogs and pseudoscience.
>I'm just going to keep calling him incel and not post studies that contradict his studies
Go be a mouthbreather somewhere else
If I understand this correctly, you are saying
>I will pick only the parts of the study that agree with my beliefs and disregard all the parts of the same study that prove me wrong
>Why did you include two links that contradict each other and thus can't be true at the same time?
>Because women lie about how many men they've slept with
Sorry, user, I'm really not seeing the connection here.
>Studies posted are incel blogs and psuedoscience
This is some top tier bait
>He's triggered since someone didn't get into a shit flinging contest
Pic related, it's you when you get rejected and need to vent on Reddit
No one is stopping you from posting different studies that disprove what I what I said. Please post them.
I think everyone in this thread knows that you gain nothing from arguing with emotionally volatile idiots
Well post a study from that supports any of the incel beliefs.
Nobody even knows what point you are trying to make. You are only posting copypasta, without even understanding what you post.
>Sorry, user, I'm really not seeing the connection here.
>"Thus while women rated physical attractiveness for a man as their lowest priority, it turned out to be their strongest priority"
>Other studies posted on this thread prove that women care about physical attractiveness than personality
Cmon now.
>No studies posted
Not an argument.
>arguing with emotionally volatile idiots
That's true. Thanks for seeing it in my perspective
Just did retard >If I don't understand it then you don't understand either
Sorry, not everyone is a brainlet like you.
>My argument is that I've posted my pasta, where is your argument??
My argument is that you're shouting at a wall, convincing yourself that posting studies (from a source that is popular with both female and male incels), is somehow being considered seriously, when realistically, you're trying your hardest to convince yourself you're intelligent.
I digress, you should kill yourself. I cannot encourage you enough to kill yourself. You've convinced yourself that doing the virtual equivalent of shitting on the floor, proclaiming that since you're the only one who has shat on the floor, is an argument.
>Posts a low IQ autistic rant
>Still hasn't posted said studies
Still waiting. Calling me an evil inkwell does not disprove my point. Try again.
The fact you've doubled down on the information overload fallacy and then convinced yourself that because no one has responded to pasta is just worrying. I don't know what victory you'd call this but make sure to put me in the screenshot I guess
Just tell everyone what point you are trying to make. You are literally doing nothing but spamming copypastas.
What's that study supposed to prove? It shows that attractiveness, success, intelligence are correlated. Everyone knows this.
>information overload fallacy
I like this term. It describes incel "debating" tactics. Spamming endless copypastas and links and saying prove these wrong.
I don't think you're understanding the question. I'm not asking what do women prioritize, nor why did you post it on a thread about physical attractiveness.
What I'm saying is:
If you believe in a study that says that you can't trust people on what they say about their priorities because what people say and what they do is not the same, what value has a survey based entirely on what people say? Either the study or the conclusion of said survey must be wrong, why would you post something that you know is false?
I don't think any of that and you're a fucking retard if you think that your shit data surveys and barely relevant statistics prove anything.
People are literally btfo'ing you for being a retard, take the hint and lurk moar.
I love all these psychological studies he sights when the entire field has a replicability problem
Unless you're shit on face type of ugly or greek god beautiful, they'll mostly look at what you do with with what you've got. As in, how tidy you are, your haircut, whether you smell, if your clothes fit you, etc.
Attitude is king. Also, learning some pua stuff may help. You could look into Todd v or something
PS don't listen to the incels on this board. I've been consistently seeing these types of posts that literally help with nothing and just try to bring you down.
Why the fuck am I even visiting this toxic shithole anymore...
>information overload fallacy
>A term made by brainlets to justify why they can't disprove an argument
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you can't make this shit up. By the way, the appropiate term is the Gish Gallop, retard. The Gish Gallop is a fallacy when someone floods their opponent with weak arguments. None of my arguments are weak, since you have not disproven them. Cope.
The name of the title of the studies should be very clear that my point is that looks are important to women, and in life in general. Are you too low IQ to read the title of the studies? Are you a nigger by any chance?
>It was found that attractive adolescents occupied higher status jobs as adults, and were more likely to be married.
>The strongest effect found was on individuals from a more disadvantaged social background, with physical attractiveness having a significant effect on their chances of attaining a 'white-collar' job at age 36
>The more attractive a child was rated at age 15, the higher their socioeconomic position at age 36.
It proves that looks are everything when looking for a better socioeconomic status, yet this study is somehow "incel propaganda" in your point of view. Also, it did not mention the most intelligent kid got the highest paying job so you're pretty much a retard.
The entire study isn't about proving that people lie in surveys. It simply says that women were tested twice and they found that women lied about their preferences. It's not that hard to grasp. You're arguing with mental gymnastics at this point.
>What? You didn't want to read my 40 studies??
>Can't you give me the pages you're quoting in particular?
>I'm just requesting you read your material and refine your argument since all you're doing is spewing useless information
How the fuck is someone meant to argue against 15 or so individual studies while compiling a through argument? For future reference, here's what you're doing:
Unfortunately I cannot find the data dump/information overload fallacy but you seem to be familiar with it
>People are literally btfo'ing you for being a retard, take the hint and lurk moar.
People who are sperging out and going through a cognitive dissonance is not "BTFOing" someone else you brainlet. Not once has a study been posted and niether have you, so my point still stands. So sad that even days later you can't post a study. Subhuman AND low IQ.
No, that's using multiple positions to make it impossible to have them all covered. It's what Ben Sharpio is good at.
Information overload is putting out a tremendous amount of shit, like arguing that unless you can recite and disagree with every chapter of a book, you haven't defeated my argument. You essentially erect a wall of data, then refuse to refine it. Since you haven't refined it, then deflected the fact you've purposely not refined your argument, you've convinced yourself that your argument is watertight. Again, you're not as smart as you think you are.
Also, claiming that I'm using some sort of fallacy does not disprove what I said. How much more retarded can you get?
And yet Ben Shapiro is always right in his arguments. Ben Shapiro is a very smart man. I am honored that I share the same tactics as him. Thanks for the compliment.
And yet you're still a virgin.
>Can't you give me the pages you're quoting in particular?
Translation: I have the reading level of a 1st grader to be able to read scientific studies can you plzzzz spoon feed me?
>Ben Shapiro is a very smart man
>"If people's homes completely flood over they can just sell them"
>The entire study isn't about proving that people lie in surveys.
It's not what it is about, but it's one of the conclusions. It's literally written there in your post that asking them about their preferences gives unreliable results, thus a survey about their preferences is unreliable. How is it mental gymnastics to use the literal conclusion of a study to evaluate other sources of data? It's literally one of the reasons why studies exist.
Here's what I have to add.
You're a bad shitposter, just stop.
That's not what your mom says
women only go after the top 1 man in the world now.
everyone else is condemned to a life in celibacy
i am (probably) not top 1 and am not having sex right now
>I would rather die in a flood than move out of my house
ROFL. Natural selection at its finest.
>Here's a study that says women are lied about preferring personality over looks
>Here are also various studies proving women prefer looks
>"But why post the first study if its contradictory"
>Because women lie about preferring personality over looks
>"But why post the first study if its contradictory"
This is how you sound. And you're arguing with mental gymnastics. Your point has been addressed, but somehow you think repeating yourself like a broken tape recorder is helping your case.
Didn't read your garbage post. Also, have sex. Incel.
>this proves that women prefer personality over chad
what a fucking retard
It was about hypothetically if the sea levels rose 5 ft
They were arguing about your argument's form not it's substance
This doesn't prove "looks are everything" retard. The study literally shows things such as intelligence are very important. You claimed that intelligence and education do not matter. Yet the study you yourself proved you wrong.
That means that your "proof" isn't as strong as you think and it's not enough to make any generalizing claims about a large subset of the entire population.
You're extremely unoriginal, how old are you?
You need to at least be 18 years or older to browse this korean basket weaving workshop.
>>Your point has been addressed
It hasn't, though. I keep making the same question because you keep giving the same answer that is not what I asked.
The survey is not contradictory, is unreliable and unvalidated by a study you yourself posted. That's what is contradictory, the act of posting data and instantaneously posting something that invalidates the credibility of said data, not the survey itself. Read properly next time.
Arguing the way the argument is presented does not disprove it's substance. You tried.
>hurr durr this doesnt prove looks are everything
>The more attractive a child was rated at age 15, the higher their socioeconomic position at age 36.
>abloo bloo bloo low IQ sperg out: the post
Into the trash.
>you keep giving the same answer that is not what I asked
So you want me to tell you what you want to hear because anything else is wrong? Retard.
>is unreliable and unvalidated by a study you yourself posted.
It's unreliable because they found out what women actually want? How the fuck does this logic even make sense?
>That's what is contradictory, the act of posting data and instantaneously posting something that invalidates the credibility of said data
That's cute, but doesn't apply to this study.
>Read properly next time.
Speak for yourself, retard.
Hmmm still no studies about women preferring personality over looks... I wonder if they'll ever get posted. Feels good to be winning.
You are so obviously underaged. You only want to argue for the sake of "winning". Which you are not doing by the way, you are being btfo by everyone, but you are just too dumb to realize this.
No but an error in form us still critical. If you care about truth you would present your argument in a way free of error as to effectively communicate your idea.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Posting more studies
Researchers attempted to study how women rate men and react to imagined sex with men while in an aroused and unaroused state. To do so, they showed 91 women either an erotic video or a hiking video before rating the attractiveness of photographs of men's faces. The faces varied in attractiveness. The women then rated their disgust towards anticipated behaviors with men depicted on photographs.
They found that the most dramatic influence on women's disgust was how attractive the man they showed them was. All differences in disgust were significant when comparing the attractive man to the unattractive man, even when the anticipated behavior was just talking to the man. Sexually arousing women with pornography beforehand did not reduce their disgust at unattractive men.
Even the professional male model used to represent an 'attractive' man still aroused considerable disgust in women when they imagined sex with him. Researchers note that women experience a higher degree of sexual disgust towards men at baseline compared to how men feel about woman. Thus a man must truly be very attractive to a woman to override her innate sense of disgust. Since men have less sexual disgust at baseline, men may on the other hand be more flexible to consider women of more broadly varying attractiveness.
Perhaps most harshly, the image used to represent an 'unattractive' man appears to just be a fairly average white man. One can only imagine how much higher women's disgust would have been had they used a truly ugly man for the analysis.
Disgust is an avoidance reaction that serves the function of discouraging costly mating decisions.
In an online experiment, women rated their disgust towards anticipated behaviors with men depicted on photographs.
They found that the most dramatic influence on women's disgust was how attractive the man they showed them was. All differences in disgust were significant when comparing the attractive man to the unattractive man, even when the anticipated behavior was just talking to the man. Sexually arousing women with pornography beforehand did not reduce their disgust at unattractive men.
Even the professional male model used to represent an 'attractive' man still aroused considerable disgust in women when they imagined sex with him. Researchers note that women experience a higher degree of sexual disgust towards men at baseline compared to how men feel about woman. Thus a man must truly be very attractive to a woman to override her innate sense of disgust. Since men have less sexual disgust at baseline, men may on the other hand be more flexible to consider women of more broadly varying attractiveness.
Perhaps most harshly, the image used to represent an 'unattractive' man appears to just be a fairly average white man. One can only imagine how much higher women's disgust would have been had they used a truly ugly man for the analysis.
Disgust is an avoidance reaction that serves the function of discouraging costly mating decisions.
In an online experiment, women rated their disgust towards anticipated behaviors with men depicted on photographs.
Participants did so in a sexually aroused state and in a control state.
The faces varied in attractiveness and the presence of disease cues (blemishes).
We found that disease cues and attractiveness, but not sexual arousal, influenced disgust.
The results suggest that women feel disgust at sexual contact with unattractive men.
Attractiveness seems to reduce disgust and therefore also avoidance tendencies-probably because it signals good health and small risk of pathogen transmission.
Women on average have a higher disgust sensitivity and propensity than men. This also implies that they require relatively more sexual arousal to outweigh disgust and elicit a sexually functioning feedback loop. In other words, sexual arousal is less likely to outweigh disgust in women.
Zsok F, Fleischman DS, Borg C, Morrison E. 2017. Disgust Trumps Lust: Women's Disgust and Attraction Towards Men Is Unaffected by Sexual Arousal. Evolutionary Psychological Science. 3(4): 353-363
What a shitty study. They used a "male model" as an attractive guy. Male models are not the type that attract girls, they attract gay men.
You still haven't answered the question of, what is the point you are trying to make, you have only copypasta'd different studies without even knowing their contents. That, plus you should know that you are not allowed to be here since you obviously cannot be older than 16.
Looks are most important to women in speed dating
Luo & Zhang (2009) conducted a speed-dating experiment which consisted of (n=108) participants divided into two equal opposite sex groups. Before the speed-dating event, the participants completed a battery of psychometric tests and surveys designed to measure the big-five personality traits, attachment style, self-esteem, affectivity, interests and political and personal values. Six speed dating events were conducted, each 60 minutes in length.
Each date was 5 minutes long, with participants completing a questionnaire recording their evaluation of the date and their partners. The participants were informed that they were allowed to inquire about their date's contact information for further interaction outside the experiment, at their own risk.
After the dates were completed the participants were asked to complete a one-page post event questionnaire about their feelings and perceptions for each partner (i.e their desire for further contact, comfort and attraction towards their dates) and a one-page questionnaire of self-ratings. The participants' physical attractiveness was evaluated by a team of eight researchers (interrater agreement=.86)
Ultimately, it was found that the only significant predictors of women's attraction to their dates, were their dates physical attractiveness, and their interest in sporting activities. Whereas men's attraction, while also extremely related to the physical attractiveness of their partner (r=.88), was also significantly related to a number of personality traits, their partners age (with men preferring women up to the limit of 26 yrs old used in the study) and their partners political beliefs (men preferring conservative women).
There was also some evidence for the reciprocity principle (i.e that people like others more when their liking is reciprocated) but only after the participants had been informed of their partner's favorable responses towards them. There was no evidence that similarity in terms of convergent political beliefs, values, and personality traits measured mattered when it came to predicting attraction, at least in terms of the short-term dating paradigm used in this study.
The strongest predictor of attraction was partner's physical attractiveness, and this was well replicated across sex.
Our results indicate that people like their partners better if they know their partners also like them. However, there was no evidence for the idea that similarity boosts attraction.
It therefore seems a very solid finding that men and women are equally strongly drawn to physically attractive partners.
This finding, however, appears to be inconsistent with the widely accepted finding in evolutionary research indicating a fundamental sex difference in their preferences for long-term partners ... evolutionary research does suggest that these sex differences in mating preferences tend to diminish or even disappear when short-term mating contexts are primed.
In our particular case, it seems that women's attraction feeling is dominated by partners' physical attractiveness, just as their male counterparts, even though it is possible that when prompted to think about preferences for a potential mate, women would give priority considerations to characteristics like earning potential.
Luo S, Zhang G. 2009. What leads to romantic attraction: similarity, reciprocity, security, or beauty? Evidence from a speed-dating study. J Pers. 77(4): 933-64.
>Male models are not the type that attract girls, they attract gay men.
Keep coping, retard. See pic related. Pic related is a male model.
>you have only copypasta'd different studies without even knowing their contents.
And yet you can't disprove them, so I'm obviously right.
Looks are most important to women in video dating
Olderbak et al. conducted a video dating study consisting of sample of n=102 participants (56% women, mean age 18.85 years) all university undergraduates. The participants completed several self-report questionnaires, including the mate value inventory (measure of traits that are desired in a romantic partner), questionnaires designed to measure life history strategy, The Big Five personality traits, and a measurement of physical attractiveness.
Targets were instructed to either complete a questionnaire about themselves or respond with a 10 minute video clip to questions directed at themselves. Then, a second group of (N=335) participants completed the aforementioned battery on questionnaires, and were instructed to watch the 10 minute videos of the targets. If there existed a prior acquaintance with any of the targets, their data was excluded from the study. The participants were instructed to complete a questionnaire, detailing their perceptions of the targets personality traits, and their desire for a romantic relationship with the targets.
It was found, that the halo effects for females evaluating male targets were much more pronounced then vice versa. The males in the study didn't reach a consensus in regards to the female targets Big Five personality traits, and their life history strategy, but they did reach a consensus in regards the female targets physical attractiveness. The female subjects on the other hand, were able to come to an agreement regarding life history strategy and physical attractiveness of the male subjects.
Ultimately, it was found that physical attractiveness was the only significant predictor of romantic interest in both sexes.
Our results suggest that the responders' perception of the targets' physical attractiveness, specifically that he or she was higher than the responder on physical attractiveness, was, amongst the traits studied here, the only significant predictor of romantic interest.
We found that when women rated the traits of men, they more often came to an agreement than when men rated women. However, there were considerable halo effects on the trait perception by women.
Overall, women came to an agreement on the male targets' mate value, mate value-reduced, physical attractiveness, slow life history strategy and extraversion, and men came to an agreement on the female targets' physical attractiveness, conscientiousness and extraversion.
Olderbak SG, Malter F, Wolf PSA, Jones DN, Figueredo AJ. 2017. Predicting Romantic Interest at Zero Acquaintance: Evidence of Sex Differences in Trait Perception but Not in Predictors of Interest. European Journal of Personality. 31(1): 42-62.
I'm not really seeing convincing arguments from the other side. It seems like the incels may be right
You are 16 and not allowed to be here. You cannot disprove this.
How stupid are you? That's a fake. And even if it were true that guy is butt ugly. He appeals to homos like you, not girls.
>other side
Which is what? You have been asked tens of times to say what point you are trying to make. You still haven't. Are you just a spambot?
I'm not OP, I found this thread and started reading
>Imagine dropping a book on a table and declaring it's your own argument, when it literally says someone else is the author.
Mate, there is no fucking logic behind it. Everyone is telling you to stop posting paragraphs and walls of text and to actually get your point out. You could have said that women think appearance is vital in their youth or irrelevant. You main onus is on that appearance is the main significant feature.
Okay, fine, why do ugly people exist? If your theory is true, then ugly people shouldn't exist since their appearance would have been inherited from their ancestors. Since I know you'll argue
>Its money
then your bias towards appearance isn't entirely true, which means you're contradicting yourself on all of your walls of text (And a graph made in fucking PowerPoint).
If it's a case that appearance is altered by environmental factors, then how is that considered? It's a case of being a SMV, right? Then refer to original point raised above (Why do ugly people exist).
Women are less likely to use a condom with a more attractive male partner
A study by Eleftheriou et al. (2019) consisting of an online questionnaire answered by "480 English-speaking women who have sex with men" who rated the facial attractiveness of 20 men and detailed their willingness to have intercourse with the men without a condom. They found:
The more attractive a man was judged to be, the more likely it was that participants were willing to have sex with him (r = 0.987 p value
Participants were more willing to have sex with more attractive men, but were less inclined to use condoms when they do so.
Women showed significantly higher condom use intentions with: men who they rated as less attractive.
Moreover, in the current study, we found that participants reported lower condom use intentions towards men with whom they were willing to have sex. This result was surprising when we considered that these same women also judged that a greater number of women like themselves would also be willing to have condomless sex with these men.
This finding may be more easily explained, when we consider the work of Fishbein et al. and Williams et al., who found that risk information about a partner is sometimes ignored when the partner is attractive.
Eleftheriou, A, Bullock S, Graham CA, Skakoon-Sparling S, Ingham R. 2019. Does attractiveness influence condom use intentions in women who have sex with men? PLoS ONE. 14(5): e0217152
What point are you trying to make? You have already proven to everyone you are 16 and homosexual but other than that...
You're not exactly making a strong counterargument
props for a new statistic, but still a meme excel statistic
Male facial sexual dimorphism determines female interest for friendship vs. short/long-term dating
By morphing a man's photo from its most masculine form to its most androgynous, researchers were able to directly gauge how the masculinity affected women's sensations of "friendliness", being "enemy-like", and being "sexy".
Sexiness and enemy-like perceptions both increased as masculinity increased, which is in keeping with other research finding women find aggressive, dark triad, or violent traits most sexually arousing. However, at a certain point of extreme masculinity, there was a decrease in the sexiness and only a rise in the enemy-like perception.
On the other end of the spectrum, the less masculine a male face was, the more likely it was to be perceived as a "friend" and less sexy or enemy-like.
Thus one's propensity for being judged by women as a short term partner, long term partner, or "friendzone" partner may depend highly on one's facial masculinity. Both for short-term and long-term mating, women preferred men who were far more masculine than the average man.
This data may suggest that if a man finds himself continually in the "friendzone" with women, it may not be due to anything behavioral, and instead the best explanation might be found in the nearest mirror.
You've sat here, triggered, being put on blast by everyone here for not having a genuine argument aside from something which sounds like it was regurgitated from a buzzfeed list. The declaration that no one wants to read your shit is somehow worthy of appraise because they acknowledged it was genuine faeces in argument form.
No one has sat down, read through the studies (not even you, I recognise how those abstracts start since I actually attended university) while you are seething at the mouth for (you)'s.
We get it, there are people who will have no success on dating apps, we get it, guys have less luck dating prior to the age of 30, we get it, you're angry at girls for being rejected. You didn't need an entire thread to tell you to kill yourself to teach us this
Using a movie that morphs a very masculine male face (frame 1 of 700) into an androgynous face, the facial pictures and vertical lines indicate the mean location of participants' dominant male (DOM), short-term mate (STM), long-term mate (LTM), average male (AVM) and androgynous face (AND) selections, with respect to experimentally assigned personality traits.
F1 ('Friend' factor) is composed of positive attributes such as sensitive, helpful and trustworthy.
F3 ('Enemy' factor) consists of undesirable attributes like selfish, controlling and threatening.
The 'Lover' factor (F2) includes sexually exciting, supportive and healthy.
The STM selection appears to be the best 'good-genes' choice (Lover factor), while avoiding the negative traits associated with high degrees of masculinity (Enemy factor).
The LTM selection appears to trade off some 'good genes' attributes in favor of those required for a good friend and good father (included in F1).
Johnston VS. 2006. Mate choice decisions: the role of facial beauty. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 10(1): 8-13.
You have not posted a single shred of evidence that you are not 16 and homosexual. Looks like you are being btfo. Everyone else is winning.
Again I'm not OP, you keep assuming that