I value women for their empathy, social skills, and tenderness, but I also see a lot of what seems to be stupidity, such as astrology, crystal healing, crushes on serial killers etc
Struggling with misogyny
It sounds like you have a shit taste in women.
>I see the good and the bad in people
That's nice user, what did you need advice with, though?
>lists positive and negative facts about women
that is not misoginy user
You can't generalize all women based on some things a group of women do. Not all women do that stuff just like not all men buy overpriced bathwater and crush on anime characters or buy body pillows.
This. I'm kind of a misogynist too, and I feel bad about it. I remember watching this project a female director friend made and the framing was just shit, my immediate thought was 'of course it sucked, a fucking woman directed it' i feel bad that i think that way, but you know all men are pigs too, right? It's hard to deny nature in the new age, but also generalizing is equally stupid. Some women are dumb bimbo's and some aren't, some will really surprise you just like I'm sure you want to surprise them. Basically don't be like me.
So the things you don’t like aren’t gender specific, that’s the good news. The bad news is that you’re stupid.
I'm struggling with my prejudice against annoying idiots like you.
I take it you’re into astrology and crystal healing, and have a crush on a serial killer?
OP, you're a fag