My tall height makes me feel so fucking insecure (I'm 5'10/178cm)

My tall height makes me feel so fucking insecure (I'm 5'10/178cm).
I got bullied a lot, by other students and adults alike, and even now I still constantly have to deal with nasty and insensitive comments.
Because of this and the fact that most men simply prefer girls who are short(er), I'm still a kissless virgin at the age of 24.
I really don't know what to do anymore, I hate it so much. I know that this sounds ridiculous, but in the past I honestly thought about suicide. There's absolutely nothing positive about being tall as a woman, people are only cruel to you. I had to hear shit like "you will never find a man" when I was just 10 and of course guys think it's funny to call me a man too. "Giraffe" and "giant baby" too. One very shitty teacher even acted as if she was terryfied of me as a "joke" and always walked backwards when I approached her, as if I was a monster instead of a kid.

I rarely ever get hit on and if I do it's mostly old creeps at my retail job. Sometimes by younger guys, but not in a romantic and more in a one night stand way. And for some reason it's usually much smaller men asking me this. I guess I have an aura of shyness, bitterness and insecurity, so they think they can take advantage of that.

Any advice on coming to terms with this?
How do I find a nice bf (who's not old enough to be more father or grandpa and who doesn't only like me because of some giantess fetish)?
People often tell tall girls including me that they need to lower their standards, that they should just date shorter men instead, but it's not like they like me either, they're usually the most passive aggressive towards me.

Attached: 4.jpg (743x1251, 196K)

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Relax.You aren't the first high girl in the world and most eventually found someone. And 178 cm isn't super high. And even you were 190 cm - nothing wrong with you.

The people who make jokes about you are trying to get under your skin. They notice you are insecure about your height or they just use it because it is a common insecurity. They are assholes and their opions should be discarded therfore.

If you want to change your attitude look for positive role models. Look for women who are larger than usual but still got a good partner. It really isn't that uncommon just like with small men who got bigger gfs.

plenty of guys like tall chicks. I'm one of those dudes. Go find someone like me and be his amazonian fetish toy.

Where do you live? This isnt being tall at all, even for a girl

What??? It's great that you're a virgin!! Stay that way until marriage, if you want a happy lifelong marriage. Which you should. I hope.

Generally, women get to choose their mates. So you technically should not be having that many problem. Are you sure you're not having other issues, like being overweight? Not well kempt? Socially awkward?

Have you tried dating apps or websites? That way you can see if you can filter for taller men, since it's less likely they will have any issues with your height.

I’m sorry you had to deal with shitty people in your life user, but it’s gonna be okay. People who aren’t in the average of things always tend to become insecure about themselves but listen to me when I say it doesn’t stop you from being great.
Everyone has a preference and then there’s people who just want the person for who they are on the inside.
If you’re not everyone’s first choice, it’s alright because there’s always going to be people who see you as an amazing individual.

My ex was on the taller side whereas I’m shorter than most. The attraction there though had nothing to do with height, that just happened to be how it was.
Haven’t not kissed anyone before is perfectly normal too, everyone goes through things at their own pace in life, don’t take it as something to be ashamed of,
You’re gonna find great people OP that see you for who you are and they’ll love it, regardless of your height

no sex until marriage, lol. What a beta cuck you are thinking that’s the key to happiness. Only because you can’t get laid dosent mean that nobody else should either.

5'10" isn't terribly tall. My gf was 5'9", the same height as me. The main thing is to find someone who doesn't just like your for your looks in general. Despite what the doomers on this site say, looks don't matter in the end. If whoever you're in a relationship in doesn't like you for who you are, it won't last.

You're a person, a living being with a soul. If someone won't value you for that, and can't see past something as simple as your above-average height, they aren't worth your time.

But the incel memes said so...

That's actually good advice. Coming from a 5'11 guy who for some reason attracts women taller than him. Many guys assume you are not interested in them if you are taller. And your heigth is just one aspect of your looks. You still got a face, body, hair, eyes... It really isn't that important.

I live in Germany, so a very tall country actually, but nevertheless I still stick out. I recently read that the average male here is 177cm, meaning still shorter than me. A big problem is also that a guy being taller than me doesn't necessarily mean that he will like somebody like me. I see very tall guy + short girl couples quite othen.
And it doesn't help that I grew a lot at a very young age, while other tall women might have only grown this tall later in their lifes, so when I was a preteen I really was by far the tallest in my age group, which majorly fucked up my confidence.

This is exacly why I'm vary about short men.

Thanks for the nice words.

That isn't unusually tall.
In fact it's ideal model height and nobody calls models ugly.

Other people are "making fun" of your height because they are jealous and tearing you down is a way for them to cope with their own insecurity, shortcomings and shit genetics.

Check this article about the height of Victorias secret models

Notice anything?

Be confident in yourself, you have what a lot of girls would kill to get close to.
Once you are confident, work on yourself and see other peoples shit comments for what they are, you'll find a decent guy.
Good luck user.

Attached: 5'10.png (649x432, 599K)

beggars can't be choosers. go date a manlet with a fetish or cry all alone.

You need to embrace this. Being a tall woman is hot and alluring. You have long legs, you can dress that up. Super hot. Fuck it, throw in so high heels too. Just try it out, you’ll be amazed.

I am from Germany and your height is that of the average male. From my experience most men tend to be little bit smaller or taller than you. And most tall guys I know are dating taller guys. Dating much smaller girls would be inpractical for them.

And as long as there isn't a major difference most couples I know don't care that much really. It might have been unusually at first but you will get used to it quickly because there is much other things about a person. If the guy is smaller just make sure your are interested.

You are one crazy virgin, you speek in a delusional paradox sense, in one hand you say, oooo nobody hits on me and likes me even short guys, and in the other you complain about short guys, you can fuck of with that attitude.. are you saying short guys cant hit on you because they must have some sort of tall fetish thats exactly why you mostlikey die alone, you get no simpathy from me and you should not expect it.. any simpathy you get is from desprate gay guys trying to get laid here. HA. O and simpathy from wife feeling sad for you, ever heard of a dating sight, get aquainted, and fuck of with people correcting my spelling, im brown give me a break.

assblasted manlet detected

If you had read my op, you'd see that the younger - mostly shorter - guys who hit on me only do this with the goal of sleeping with me (they made this very clear), they don't want to actually date me.

>And most tall guys I know are dating taller guys.
Oh really?

>they don't want to actually date me.
Why would they want you if you're a sexless prude? It's 2019. Either put out or shut up.

I'm 5'11". I can kind of sympathize with you for the opposite reasons. I was short as a kid, 95% of the kids my age were taller than me, before discovering I had growth hormone deficiency. It was difficult for me dating at a young age until my shots made me grow enough to not be severely ignored. You learn real quick who your friends and family are from all the jokes but don't let it hold you back. Easier said than done, I know. At least the inconsiderate ones are showing their true colors sooner rather than later.

I dated quite a few women who were taller than 5'10", and I was. I didn't find it a problem at all, but that could be cause of the aforementioned. As long as their attitude was good (feminine, somewhat positive, funny, smart, passionate about something, etc.) I was okay being with them.

Definitely don't lower your standards user, but your guard doesn't have to be constantly up either.

>Oh really?
It's my personal experience, so take it with a grain of salt. But a major difference in height will come with a lot of challenges in day-to-day-routine.

It's also what I see on the street. I see more people who are roughly similar in heigth than extreme differences. Maybe small guys or giants aren't your place to start but otherwise there are more than enough men out their who don't care.

lol fuck commitment, open them legs bitch amirite?

You wrote "most tall GUYS date tall GUYS"...

Sorry, had some beers.

>this op
You aren't real,no one real would lack this much confidence with what you got,this post is bait.

I’m 179 cm and would gladly enter a committed relationship with a girl your height. In fact one time a gorgeous girl who must’ve been a bit taller than me lowkey came onto me and I never once thought anything negative about her height, if anything I was just immensely flattered and confused that she found me masculine enough to be attracted to despite my relative vertical shortcomings.

The assholes who bullied you were just assholes for their own reasons, rather than your height itself. If you weren't tall, they'd still find something else to bully you about.

Ie. I have big teeth (nowadays I consider myself pretty anyway. I'm somewhere a 7/10 to 8/10) and I was bullied about my big teeth all time.

Now to find a bf.. maybe you could try to get into niches where guys are. Try to find an intersection between your hobbies and guy's hobbies. Do you like games? Then visit your local gaming places (or at least lurk inside local facebook groups/forums). Do you like exercising? Then go to a gym or lurk into local online subforums, etc

Or just cosplay as a Amazon at cons

Enjoy being abused in your nursing home with no one at your side when you're a nasty old man, just because you couldn't stop thinking about "muh dikk" enough to invest in a lifelong partner.

Btw, OP is a girl. Even more important for her to be a virgin. There are plenty of nasty whores running around for your degenerate ass to fuck.

incel cope

Also on the off chance you do exist , your lack of confidance sickenss me ,work on that shit.

The cute short girl thing is cool and all, but I think I'd rather marry a tall woman so our children can be tall. I'm 6'3, so they should get it from my side just fine. Kind of meming, though, I really don't care as long as she's shorter than me (even an inch shorter is fine), which isn't too hard to accomplish.

Something funny and related. I started talking to a 26yo (just turned 27) KV female. I found her charming and intelligent, and she was, other than some RBF and weird style choices, decently attractive. I was interested in her and curious as well. After talking to her for a while, I figured out her issue: she was more focused on the fact that she has never had a boyfriend than on playing on good qualities. Ultimately it was the fact that she doesn't actually seem to want a serious relationship that made me decide against pursuing.

A man doesn't have to be psychic to sense these things, you know. Perhaps changing your perception of men potentially interested in you might help. You seem to be convinced that all men who are interested in you are either Amazon fetishists or dirty old men. If that's what you believe, that's what you'll find. There are plenty of relatively normal dudes who would be open, but you have to have an attitude of oppenness to their existence.

Bruh I’m 28 years old and 5’6 and I could give a shit if my girlfriend was taller or not.

Plenty of tall dudes are only into tall women.
Look around for some.
You'll find them in a crowd easily.

Are you sure guys dismiss you because of your height?
The problem with tall girls (in general) is not that they're tall, it's that they're too skinny. Someone posted about models being the hottest body type but for most men I know, they're not, they look sickly.
I don't want my girl to look like she'll break if I so much as touch her, but most tall girls do.
So if that's your case put on some meat, you'll be more attractive and it's better for your health.

I'm sure you will deny this comment and claim that I'm lying but not all men like the same thing. Personally I think tall women are hot. Like I actually prefer them on the taller side but my gf just happens to be shorter and I still love her for who she is because I know she can't change that. As long as you're not a deformed land whale you'll find a guy who prefers tall women. We do exist.

5'10" isn't even tall, I live in Germany too and I saw tons of girls who are taller than that.

Yeah, I used to have hangups about tall girls too...When I as in fucking middleschool.

Guys your age honestly should not give a shit about things like height. They don't want you because you're insecure and desperate. If you had an average to sliiiiiightly below average face, and if you weren't so fucked in the head, I would honestly have no problem being your 5'8" bf. And I'm not just saying that because I'm so ugly I need to lower my standards or someething. I'm saying that because most mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy guys don't have hangups about things like height. They might consider your height as an obstacle at first, but if the personality or the looks were good, then it's not even a big problem, and easily overlooked.

I know a 5'11" girl dating a 5'6" dude, and it had nothing to do with him having a height fetish. She was kind of damaged, and he had just gotten out of an abusive relationship, and together they helped each other heal. The height was just a coincidence.

You're dumb, and stop being such an insecure big baby. You're 24 years old, but you're acting like a teenager about it. You should've learned to accept who you are by 18 and learned to live with it.

Thats not even that tall. Just date Nordic guys (Denmark, Sweden, etc).

I went on a couple dates with a girl your height before. She was a nice girl and we fooled around a bit after the second date. It didn't work out because she was too sexual for me and I'm not comfortable doing sex cuz I like being an incel. I probably made her feel terrible, though it was better to end things there and keep my inceldom.

Your height is not a problem. Period. If you're having problems, you haven't found the root cause.

Hey user, sorry your life has been so hard so far, but what you've heard about never finding a man isn't true.
I'm taller than you, and my current girlfriend is even taller. There's nothing wrong with it, plenty of people don't mind and many find it attractive in a non-fetish way.
Don't "lower your standards" if your standard is just finding someone who likes you for who you are. There are plenty of people out there who would if they knew you.
Just do what we always tell the other kissless virgins out here. Work out, get your life in order, meet as many people as possible, and have a good life.

Just keep looking for the right guy.

t. 5'7" guy who dated a 5'10" girl

And no, not because of a fetish or anything. We just happened to like each other.

Is fetish a bad word? What's wrong with the convenience of sucking boobs while pounding pussy?
That's a plus. It may be that you seem unobtainable. A lot of guys won't aim that high (pun intended) because they fear rejection or assume you have a bf that could eat them. Flirt a little, in a manner that fits you.

So you have options, but refuse to use them? Go kill yourself, bitch, hope an incel shoots you next time you go outside.

A height difference of 10cm is hardly noticeable when you're both doing the horizontal tango.

Fetishes are a thing you indulge in with people you're already close to.
Relationships that start based on fetishes and not compatibility of personality fail.

Does your weight start with a 2?

I'm the same height as you and I find it strange that in a country like Germany people would judge you for that height?

I'm from a country where the average male is much shorter than the average male in Germany but other than a few times in school when I was a young teenager no one judged me negatively for my height

I have a boyfriend who's a bit shorter than me and a lot of guys like me, regardless of whether they're shorter or taller than me. Idk man this is so strange to me that you'd get judged so much, even if you were 190cm or something it would still be strange

Some of my best friends are a couple and she's 6'.
Her sister is 6'3'' and she also has a boyfriend.
Try to take the initiative instead of waiting for a man to approach yu.

I would date that height easily, not for a fetish, I’m just tall. What is your weight?

It starts with a 6

The man in that picture looks proportionally average and 178 cm is an average male height, so to accurately represent your case the ”tall girl” should be around the same height as him. Boo hoo what an anomalous lanklette you are.

You've already got offers in this thread, why haven't you answered any of them?