Any guys who have been single their entire lives who are over 30 here? I'm headed down this road, and wanted some advice. Mainly, how/when do you know that it's too late for you and it's time to give up? I turn 27 in a month and have never had a real relationship. I've kissed a few women, but I have never had sex, and every single time I interact with one, she acts lukewarm/somewhat interested before pulling away. I'm starting to take this as a sign that women can always do better than me, I'm not good enough, and it's time to call it quits.
inb4 online dating. I get literally zero matches on Tinder.
34 here. I can only speak to my circumstances, but I basically reached a point where I realized I didn't actually care enough to put in the effort. So I didn't.
Christian Torres
me. I never even had a girl talk to me before.
Julian Gray
Yep, me. Don't plan on giving up, in fact I'm starting to put actual effort into it for the first time. Hard in a small town though, not gonna lie
Kevin Diaz
Coming from an orphan with a neuroticism and dependency disorder from psychological terrorism by cowards, who has had sex and relationships with extremely manipulative and ugly fat women, take it as a blessing that you have been able to maintain your privacy and dignity
Brody Barnes
>I've kissed a few women fucking normie Idk what advice you would need. Just do whatever. Accumulate sheckles.
Landon Torres
You have already surpassed Jow Forums If you kissed a girl. Honestly just hand over your incel license and get over it.
Kayden Brooks
It isn't completely your fault OP. I'm 10 years older than you and I watched how society changed and women especially became deranged. The way dating and relationships are now is not normal OP. You came of age and romantic pursuit years when it is basically almost peak clown world. Don't be too hard on yourself. However, you aren't too old to go find someone to be in a relationship with. At your age, your best bet is probably a religious woman a couple years younger than you. Any older and they will be hitting the baby fever soon, if not now. Then again, if you hit it off with a woman you really love, just go for it. You've kissed girls so it shows that you can at least attract them initially and you aren't completely without experience. Get involved in a local church group and feed the homeless or something. A devout Christian girl will appreciate your purity but she has to be legit with her faith, not just a total fundie whack job.
Adrian Ross
I probably would'nt be on Jow Forums if i knew
Anthony Williams
Jack Parker
Recently got into a long term relationship after a long time of single life
Honestly just start going to things you like regularly where women would be as well (e.g. swing dancing, art class, professional underground juggling, whatever). The key to getting into a relationship is forming a bond through repeated contact. It may take weeks, months, or even years, but worst case you make a few friends along the way who very likely can introduce you to someone down the line Good luck buddy
Noah Parker
Also, chasing after girls that are only lukewarm on you is rarely worth the time and effort
Logan Baker
I don't know any women that are more than lukewarm.
Thanks but I'm going to stay single from now on. I want to be happy. Relationships don't make me happy.
Thomas Ross
22 but I'll be there soon.
Michael Bell
37 here and been single most of my life. Your 30s are literally the best years to be single. You can enjoy life on your own terms. If I want sex then I can get it easily. Instead of whining and giving up you need to do the opposite and start living the life. You're too old to be an incel, stop believing their memes.
Gavin Nguyen
Why such awful advice?
Sebastian Edwards
>too old to be an incel
Thomas Morales
34 Single by choice most of my life I regularly get flirted with or asked for relationships so your question doesn't really work or is lauded
>she acts lukewarm/somewhat interested before pulling away You'll have to be more clear. If you're asking her if they want to meet up again and they're simply saying no or never returning your messages then you're doing something wrong. If you're simply getting mild reactions when asking if they want to take things further then you're likely just being really indecisive
I can give my generic incel advice but I'm not sure that's what you're asking for, or that anyone would listen regardless
Joshua Rogers
An incel is a passing phase, most grow out of it in their 20s.
Blake Howard
How does my question not work?
>asking if they want to meet up again and they never respond This is always the case. Always. I've been on many first dates but never once a second date.
How can you grow out of being unable to have sex? I don't understand. I'm actually worried not having sex by now is a sure sign I'm majorly messed up and repulsive in a very potent way.
Caleb Lopez
>How does my question not work? You ask how do you know it's time to give up which implies I was trying in the first place, or that I'd ever want to give up. Neither are necessarily true.
>This is always the case. Always. I've been on many first dates but never once a second date. Then I'd wager you're some combination of A) Socially inept B) Massively uninteresting, or less likely C) Overcompensating or scary
>unable to have sex? Incels aren't unable to have sex, by definition
Ryder Brooks
>by definition How is "involuntary celibate" NOT unable to have sex? Ig nobody wants to fuck you then you either have to rape someone (I would never) or pay for it. Everyone knows that paying for sex means nobody enthusiastically consented which makes you feel like shit.
>implies I've been trying I mean for you maybe....but the fact is that in order for a sexless loser to get sex he has to try. He has to put in the work and change himself.
I've been told I'm awkward and people almost never want to spend time with me. I don't know where to go or what to do to change this.
>overcompensating What would this entail exactly?
Sebastian Roberts
>unable to have sex That sounds serious. Why haven't you seen a doctor?
Kayden Roberts
Find a passion
Xavier Wood
>How is "involuntary celibate" NOT unable to have sex? Involuntary. By definition they're able and voluntarily choose not to >I mean for you maybe....but the fact is that in order for a sexless loser to get sex he has to try. He has to put in the work and change himself. As do I, I'm not some supermodel who gets girls begging for sex. >I've been told I'm awkward and people almost never want to spend time with me. I don't know where to go or what to do to change this. The obvious conclusion here is social skills and social improvements. Learning to manage people in conversations, to give out information about yourself without sounding douchey or pushy, directing a conversation back onto topic, or onto a new topic, finding out about a person, debating without losing respect, moving a conversation towards an action or outcome, etc etc. All of these are basics that help make friends and form relationships (or sex if that's your goal)
Anthony Bell
>Involuntary. By definition they're able and voluntarily choose not to Jesus Christ. How big of a brainlet are you??