Is there any point at all in living or building a career when climate change is just going to ruin everything? What's the point in planning for the future when there isn't actually going to be a future in 10-20 years?
Is there any point at all in living or building a career when climate change is just going to ruin everything...
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climate change will be reversed. big corpo makes a profit from saving people they endangered in the first place, capitalism continues.
even if it doesn't an angry mob will destroy damaging sites at some point
Nah, no point. But just keep fighting and going!
Eventually the super volcano under Yellowstone will explode and the Sun will become too hot to support life in Earth, the answer is dont think about it, hope for heaven at the end but don't let the terrorist brown people around you turn you into a degenerate cuck like them
So there isn't a point. Is there any reason at all not to just kill myself and spare myself from the horrors of inevitable apocalypse? I don't want to die engulfed in flames, or getting fucking stabbed for a tin of beans in a Mad Max post-apocalypse scenario. I don't fucking want that
There's no point in making this thread every day, so stop.
I'll stop making it if someone can tell me what the reason to live is when apocalypse is pretty much 100% guaranteed at this point.
>there isn't actually going to be a future in 10-20 years
Literally no one said that. No climate scientist at least I'm sure you can find plenty of blogs written by anyone and everyone that don't know dick about climate change.
There was ONE report that said that our window to act was within 50 years and even then it's not like year 51 is going to have us living underground licking lichen off stones for nutrients.
>apocalypse is pretty much 100% guaranteed at this point.
Again, no.
>Literally no one said that. No climate scientist at least I'm sure you can find plenty of blogs written by anyone and everyone that don't know dick about climate change
One guy wrote a paper called "Deep Adaptation" which predicts that society is going to completely and totally collapse within 10 years time due to extreme escalation in climate change.
>There was ONE report that said that our window to act was within 50 years and even then it's not like year 51 is going to have us living underground licking lichen off stones for nutrients.
Actually scientists are now predicting the window to act is 11 years, and some are predicting as short as 1 and a half years.
>One guy wrote a paper called "Deep Adaptation" which predicts that society is going to completely and totally collapse within 10 years time due to extreme escalation in climate change.
I know exactly who you're talking about and that one guy is not a climatologist. He's a SOCIOLOGIST. it was excellent clickbait for websites but actual climatologists called the paper complete garbage.
>Actually scientists are now predicting the window to act is 11 years, and some are predicting as short as 1 and a half years.
Do you not read the news? It's literally everywhere. The report (from the UN I think) currently states we have at most until 2030 and at worst until 2020 to act before climate change becomes unstoppable and will result in human extinction eventually. It's been all over the news recently. Politicians have been sharing the report. It's so depressing.
Libtard or troll
Disregard in any case
>believing the Jewish lies
Lmao good goyim
You guys don't get to move the goal posts. I was told in 2005 by 2020 New York will be underwater.
The point in living is because the alternative is nothing and that will come to us all anyway in the end. While you have a chance to experience something different you might as well make the most of it. Like right now is that brief moment of light before a match is extinguished. If you choose to spend it all doing nothing then .. great, more nothing. If you choose to spent it unhappy or miserable about things outside of your control, then great, good for you, nobody likes hanging around with debbie fucking downer and your net contribution to the world at large is a big fat depressing everybody and squandering your brief moment of existence.
I want to enjoy all of it. I want to do the best I can at the things within my control. I want to experience things and have a great time and just kick ass at it at the things within my control while I have the chance to influence my actions before nothingness takes me too.
I don't know how to describe it, but if I had to burn alive (while I'd not choose to) I'd try and relish the experience because while it would be awful to think about, once it was happening I couldn't do anything about it, there would be no point in regret or being pissed off that it was happening and hey ... I'm only going to experience it the once so might as well face it as best I can and just see what that was like.
post the report that you think is from the UN.
"For all things soon pass away and become a mere tale, and oblivion soon buries them..."
Words to live by.
Life goes on, for some better than others
Just don’t become addicted to waters allure
Climate change due to CO2 is vastly overhyped and has not been shown to cause any major problems, in fact higher CO2 concentrations is making the planet greener and more verdant.
It's amazing you were able to type all that considering how greasy your hands are from all that oil money.
Many plants including most staple calorie crops have an almost linear increase in growth rate with higher CO2 concentrations up to 1200-1500ppm. Greenhouses deliberately add extra CO2 on the inside to exploit this.
That's stupid. Nobody can give you reasons to live, you must find your own.
Now kill yourself at once and stop making this thread.
>While rising carbon dioxide concentrations in the air can be beneficial for plants, it is also the chief culprit of climate change. The gas, which traps heat in Earth’s atmosphere, has been increasing since the industrial age due to the burning of oil, gas, coal and wood for energy and is continuing to reach concentrations not seen in at least 500,000 years. The impacts of climate change include global warming, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and sea ice as well as more severe weather events.
>The beneficial impacts of carbon dioxide on plants may also be limited, said co-author Dr. Philippe Ciais, associate director of the Laboratory of Climate and Environmental Sciences, Gif-suv-Yvette, France. “Studies have shown that plants acclimatize, or adjust, to rising carbon dioxide concentration and the fertilization effect diminishes over time.”
oh whoops
There are no reasons to live if we're all just going to fucking die in 20 years from climate apocalypse. Apocalypse means that EVERYTHING will be gone. Not just me, but the whole of human civilization, any children I may have, will be gone FOREVER. Life is thus completely meaningless as a result of climate change. There is no point building for the future, there is no point living, there is no point reproducing, because in a matter of decades there will be no society left.
>The impacts of climate change include global warming, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and sea ice as well as more severe weather events.
These effects are either dramatically overstated or in the case of severe weather events not actually demonstrated at all.
>“Studies have shown that plants acclimatize, or adjust, to rising carbon dioxide concentration and the fertilization effect diminishes over time.”
Not stopping the greenhouses. I'm also a little curious as to what "fertilization effect" means in this context -- faster growth? surface area or mass estimates? percentage of Earth that is green?
>These effects are either dramatically overstated or in the case of severe weather events not actually demonstrated at all.
According to who?
Sea level rise has been at basically the same rate for as long as there's been records, and many of the most ostensibly vulnerable locations like pacific islands have been actually gaining surface area over time. Temperature data is a little more thorny to deal with. For starters it's pretty much impossible to disentangle growth in urban heat island effect from growth in greenhouse effect. And for weather events, hurricanes floods tornadoes and what have you are at close to their lowest levels. Forest fires have increased in severity due to mostly abandoning effective forest management practices -- for instance actively clearing brush and conducting controlled burns -- that reduce fuel load. The idea that they'll simply increase in a warmer climate is extraordinarily simplistic and not borne out in the data.
That's not what I was asking.
Don't be bumping the thread when you've yet to properly respond to
That wasn't me. I'm OP. I believe in climate change 100%.
oh great so then you can reply to that you've also been avoiding for over two hours now
I didn't see that one, it got lost in all the other posts.
I don't know where the report is. I saw Bernie Sanders post about it a few weeks ago. And I saw a bunch of other friends of mine sharing it on FB etc.
I don't claim to be an expert. I'm stupid as fuck when it comes to anything scientific. It's just that whenever I read things from the experts, they predict an absolutely horrifying apocalyptic future.
>when theres not going to be a future
Thats laughable. There will be problems, there will be extreme weather, lots of people will die, arable land will vanish in some places and reemerge in others, vast amounts of ocean life will die, but there are going to be winners and losers.
I own three pieces of property in Chicago. The taxes suck, the people generally suck, the cost of living is brutal but...fresh water matters, the water table isn't going anywhere, ocean rise basically doesn't matter, and the surrounding area isn't likely to become a desert. Hell, if overwinter temperatures rise a few degrees theres a real chance of establishing serious fish stocks in the lake.
Doesn't matter what way the wind goes, doesn't matter what businesses rise and which fall, fresh water, arable land, and significant infrastructure in a stable business hub is gold.
I'm not smart or cunning enough to make any future in a world of extreme climate change. I don't own any properties, I don't have any useful skills, I can't do farming or live off the land. If climate change really does fuck us then I am probably going to die even if everyone else doesn't, either that or I'm going to live a poor and miserable life in some shanty town surrounded by rising seas because I can't fucking survive in a world where society as we know it has collapsed. There's no point.
>I don't know where the report is.
>I saw my friends on facebook post it
>I saw Bernie Sanders post it
okay well it actually sounds like you know exactly where it is. Go look up your friends/Bernie and copy the link they shared.
Unless you're just autistic and looking for attention and this report is something you made up given how this thread is posted like once a week.
>I don't own any properties
I didn't fifteen years ago, either. Its not that tough.
>I don't have any useful skills.
Develop one thats useful now so you can amass useful resources. Don't think Mad Max, think Hunger Games. Put yourself where the winners are going to put themselves before the shit hits the fan and invest there.
>I can't do farming or live off the land
Very few people can. The family farmer in the US has been a myth since the last climate disaster. Don't invest your time or effort in things a robot, a migrant, or a couple of guys with the right equipment could do.
>If climate change really does fuck us then I am probably going to die even if everyone else doesn't
Not if you're in North America. If you're in the US or Canada you've already won the birth lottery. You already have more than most people on Earth and you're already in one of the places that will be least impacted by whatever happens because it has vast resources and enormous tracts of basically unoccupied land. Become a mechanic, become a plumber, become a coder, become a chef. Hell, go into finance and live like a monk so you can buy up property around Lake Erie.
> I can't fucking survive in a world where society as we know it has collapsed. There's no point.
No, you're depressed and lazy and looking for an excuse. All thats happening here is you're looking for an excuse in the future instead of today. Make a call, user.
To be honest I feel the same way. Ever since the 6th grade when I opened my eyes to the reality of this world, I lost all motivation and desire to do anything.
What if I live in Europe? I’m totally fucked aren’t I?
It's not like climate change is going to cause the collapse of society.
Sure, there will be massive migrations from the coasts and people in poorer countries and/or without good support systems will likely die under the changes in weather and climate, but society will still exist.
People inland will be mostly unaffected, probably just experiencing a general influx of new residents.
I think people just want society to collapse because they're fed up with it and are using climate change as an excuse for their lazy and boring behavior.
Why are zoomers so obsessed with climate change? By the time it will do anything, every human will be long dead.
>implying every single human will die when coastal cities flood and farm yields become zero
Nein. Prepare to be one of the survivors. Prepare to establish your kingdom in the waste.
>farm yields become zero
There's no point in starting a family if you're dooming them to a hellscape, I think climate change is the ultimate blackpill for the masses.
Just live what time you have, there's no chance we can reverse things at this point.
Soil fertility is dropping. Between flooding and desertification as a result of soil erosion due to harmful and excessive artificial fertilizers, agriculture will not be able to feed the 20billion projected people as it will struggle to feed the 8-9billion in the coming decade
thats my spirit aswell. Im curious what a horrible death feels like, also curious how people will call our time in a hundred years. until then I try to do what i can to survive, if that means getting an awesome solar power array and battery in my home and driving a great tesla, then well things could be worse.
I don’t want to live in a hellscape either. I was never ever suicidal before, but I’m genuinely considering killing my self every single day now to escape the horrifying apocalyptic future that awaits us
well, lets look at the science right there:
It is well established, that higher CO2 in crops increases the yield, but that is mostly caused by higher amounts of carbonhydrades like sugar and starch. Something we are eating too much off already. So this change isnt as usefull as you are making it out to be.
>implying the status quo isn't the real hell and the collapse isn't the rebirth
I don’t want to fucking die in a post-apocalypse world you idiot. And that’s what’s basically gonna happen to me. I’m so weak, I’m gonna end up getting kidnapped and tortured to death by some psychopath in the Mad Max world that will be created when all the governments collapse.
So you're saying the weak *should* fear the strong?
>one ofthe biggest agricultural producers and exporters
In europe we are way less threatened from sea level rise, as most stuff happens inland, compared to america, where things are mostly around the coasts.
We have an ever changing weather and northern reagions that can gain from the climate change in regards to production and prosperity.
We have Money and a rather young political system, that is still flexible and adapting.
We have a diversity of countries, which some will adapt better and become the driving force of the economy.
I couldnt think of a better place to live in regards to climate change.
Are you dense? The EPA is literally telling everyone the main cause is engines.
Crops are not the main cause.
Agree. So stop making this thread.