I've been on this site for some years, and in this board since it's inception

I've been on this site for some years, and in this board since it's inception.
However lately, say in the past 6 months to 1 year, there has been increasing levels of negativism. Not without reason, mind you, but it makes me wonder. Why?
Why there's so much grief and anguish? Look at the threads today. Makes even the most golly gee wizz optimistic guy into a depressive husk.

What happened?

Attached: 1566337266237.jpg (960x949, 133K)

Incels happend.

On a more serious note: Society is polarizing in many ways. So we see more and stronger negativity in these parts of the interwebz these days.

Uh, incase you haven't peeked from under your rock... we're in a global depression.

>However lately, say in the past 6 months to 1 year

my man I've on Jow Forums for over a decade and I'd still consider myself a newfag and even I can tell you that the site turned to shit in the early-mid 2010s.

The whole poopoo peepee tendies pepe the frog thing started off as an ironic joke. We were making fun of autistic retards. The joke kept on going but then newfags didn't see any irony in it because they were the kind of people we made fun of, then they were tricked into right-wing beliefs via shit like gamer gate and that Donald Trump would make anime real or whatever.

Basically, when the site was "lulz" it was fine, when it turned to "kek" it became nothing but crybaby incels that got brainwashed into politics.

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>The whole poopoo peepee tendies pepe the frog thing started off as an ironic joke. We were making fun of autistic retards. The joke kept on going but then newfags didn't see any irony in it because they were the kind of people we made fun of

Case in point, this pic. Only 5 years old and the reaction of course was to laugh at the fat idiot who was angry at women.

If someone posted the same pic in 2019 the reponses would be like

>based and red pilled
>Fuckin Chad stealing all the girls reeeeeee!
>OP you seem cool do you have discord
>females only like badboys, OP speaks truth and is based and red pilled and praise kek

okay well definitely post the picture you idiot, that would help.

Attached: Fedora.png (1000x1000, 1.67M)

>Black men near white women in the reaction would trigger massive Jow Forums-tard cuck-posting
Jow Forums 2019

>muh incel boogieman

You fucking normies are what ruined Jow Forums

get OUT

I was perfectly content posting about anime and videogames until you triple niggers bring MUH GIRLFRIEND TEEHEE DOES SHE RIKE ME??? DOE U WANT 2 RATE MUH DICK!!!?? ORANGE MAN BAD!! to Jow Forums


It's sad as fuck what they did to this site.

I still browse and enjoy Jow Forums, but every once in a while I stop and sigh when I think that many of the people I'm conversing with are literally pic related.

Attached: le donald.png (944x4013, 596K)

lmao I didn't even notice that, yeah for sure a bunch of people would be like REEEEEEing about how stock photo pictures are a conspiracy by (((them))) to promote white genocide or whatever

this website is my worst addiction. it's so fucking shit now and here I am everyday still

t. seething incel

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I fear the male species of this is even worse. They make up a significant part of Jow Forums and spread from their onto other boards.

Sometimes I wonder if I should get an actual boomer hobby like fishing. Too much unfunny retards nowadays.

Always a good hint if you have Jow Forums-infestation on a board. At least the local incels haven't picked this up yet.

old users grew up and realized how shitty real life is and the newfags are too autismal to live their best years

>literally posting reddit


>look i called him incel again teeheeee

very original, I'll never recover

You're so fucking new I bet you don't even know why you're suppose to hate reddit. You showed up one day and saw that people were mad at reddit and you also wanted to be Jow Forums-cool.

Negative people. What else, my guy?

Are you actually resorting to calling me a newfag? Is this /b/?

You're a pathetic redditor trying to fit in, leave

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>Is this /b/?
Isn't it? Why else would be you screeching about reddit and normies and dumb shit?

Because you faggots keep spouting the incel buzzword

Which means you're a leftist retard from reddit

So you can throw "reddit" around at every post but it's definitely not okay when someone calls you an incel?

I wasn't the one that called you an incel, but you do sound like one.

Incel is a meaningless buzzword

Leave Redditor

Nothing changed, OP. It was always like this. I guess people had to improvise with a larger vocabulary in the past (chad, stacy, incel weren't used). The overall message of your average post was exactly the same, though.

>However lately, say in the past 6 months to 1 year, there has been increasing levels of negativism
You're a blind nigger if you think this place has ever been something else besides a circlejerk for social outcasts, edgelords, and delinquents. Been here since 08 and nothing about the general cynicism of this place has changed a bit.

You mean to tell me the place that used to be used in connection with trafficking massive amounts of cheese pizza and has convinced numerous people to commit suicide feels more negative "now"??? Fucking kek. Jow Forums really is the most newfag heavy board isn't it?

>Been here since 08
>Fucking kek

sounds like you made a type and wrote 08 instead of 18

calling people you don't agree with "redditor" is also an empty buzzword. Same with "normie" and whatever else, those aren't even insults.

Fuck off idiot , topkek was a good meme. It's been like 8 years already , get over it.

>It's an empty buzzword
No, it means you're an outside who doesn't understand the original appeal of this place

Sorry to hear infinitychan isn’t even around anymore for you to post your manifesto

Redditors are too low IQ to understand

>if i spam kek ill fit in


Because Jow Forums is full with normalfags, underage discord trannies and depressed retards, none of which deserve anything good.