Sexual hangup

My female friends sexual history repulsed me. How do I get past it?

Like apparently 20 years ago, she went through a phase where she fucked all her dads friends to spite him. It really fucking grosses me out because I have a kid and it really disturbs me that friends I have right now would want to bang her in a decade when she's old enough to have sex.

Like, all day, I've felt nasueaus because I'm repulsed, but she treats this like it's no big deal. I am literally banking on me forgetting about this because last time she told me this I went a week or so avoiding her because it bothers me so much and I'm not sure why.

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Solution is to get decent people who wouldn't bang your child as friends. The first step is distancing yourself from people like this woman who think this is morally acceptable behavior.

Oh, and don't raise your daughter to be a whore. This is largely out of your control though.

>it really disturbs me that friends I have right now would want to bang her in a decade when she's old enough to have sex
You've got some fucking yikes friends, brother.

That's part of the reason I was disgusted because this chick made it sound like yeah there's no stopping this. I'm probably going to avoid her until I forget this shit but it just really bothers me. I think what disturbs me most is the whole consensual deviancy. These guys knew her in diapers. How is this not long term pedophilia? I'm sure there's a better term for it but christ.

That's because your friends are garbage, and your kid is precious. If either you devalue your kid (extremely common the older they get) or get friends deserving of such a rare commodity (not as uncommon as you think). For starters unless you are an ageist, your friends maybe closer in age. Secondly if your friends were the most wonderful trust worthy people in the world and you still had a problem then you'll have a problem with everyone who actually gets involved with them. Just don't think about it, and keep your friends away from your family if you are still worried.

Sounds like not making it a big deal is a coping strategy for her since she's clearly messed up.

If you're worried about your daughter then don't become a dad she feels the need to spite in this way and don't have friends that would allow her to sleep with them to spite you.

Because they see reality in front of them. Everyone was a baby once, looking at each others baby pictures is a thing some couples do. The difference here is as a parent you are invested, and you currently recognize the investment of others. This might change when it's no longer your constant responsibility. Combine that with a willing and very convincing partner and suddenly your making someone feel gross.

You might change your mind in the country. Small towns have less elegible bachelors, and it's more common to have a significant age gap. Then again the average number of partners is lower, all this stems from the distance between people.

Just to clarify, I don't think my friends want to fuck my kid. I'm just disturbed by the prospect.